Floris Elementary School

Floris Elementary School


Official page of Floris Elementary School of Fairfax County Public Schools. Let's connect!

Operating as usual

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 08/22/2024

Today’s readers… tomorrow’s leaders!

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 08/16/2024

Another successful Open House is in the books! We can’t wait to see everyone back on Monday for !

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 08/08/2024

What a great morning welcoming some of our fabulous new Floris staff members! Special thanks to for the fabulous breakfast and warm welcome!


Mark your calendars! Our back to school timeline is ready, and we can’t wait to kick off the 2024-2025 school year!


Teachers make the best learners! Great day with some of our fantastic Floris teachers working together to build up our professional learning community with our Region 5 colleagues.

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 05/30/2024

Third grade students work to build and program Lego creations practicing coding skills. They did a great job practicing problem solving and creative thinking!

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 04/26/2024

Good vibes only on this K-2 field day! So many smiles as our youngest eagles worked collaboratively this morning!

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 04/17/2024

Just a couple of shots of the purple wave that’s flowing through the hallways of Floris today!

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 02/12/2024

It’s cool to bee kind! So many busy kindness bees buzzing around Floris today to kick off Kindness week. Swipe to take a look at the rest of our spirit week!


Honoring the wisdom of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today. Character and intelligence, in equal measure… that is the goal!

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 01/09/2024

Bringing our own ☀️ here on this dreary indoor recess day!!!


Our 4th, 5th, and 6th graders participated in Walk in My Shoes (WIMS) activities this week to build empathy for people with all levels of abilities. They had a blast and really learned to put themselves in others’ shoes and build patience for those around them.

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 11/30/2023

Kindergarteners out for a squirrel hunt today, to coincide with their Science curriculum. So many squirrels spotted!

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 11/30/2023

5th graders hard at work (and proud of their hard work!) writing their memoirs today!

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 11/27/2023

Happy Monday after Thanksgiving! Here’s a behind the scenes sneak peek of our news crew this morning, complete with special guest meteorologists from 2nd grade!

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 11/10/2023

Double celebrations today! We had our 2nd grade concert in honor of Veterans Day tomorrow and some of our fabulous staff members decorated our staff lounge and provided delicious treats for Diwali. Happy Veterans Day and Happy Diwali!


Don’t forget to wear red, white, and blue in honor of our veterans tomorrow, November 10th!!!


Save the date! Our Spirit Ball is coming up, and we have a week to build up the spirit leading up to it!

P.S. we know we had a recent spirit week, but the Spirit Ball is early this year and we are all in!

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 10/31/2023

Kindergarten engineers designed and built apple trees following the engineering design process. They worked hard to plan and improve their designs!


Our fabulous librarian, Miss Dowling, is jumping for joy to tell you that our Book Fair Family Night is TONIGHT, from 5:00-8:00. Parking will be available and you can enter through door 4 (by the blacktop) to get quick access to the library. We can’t wait to see you there!!!

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 10/06/2023

We had an amazing afternoon field day for grades 3-6! Thank you so much to our parent volunteers, PE teachers, and specialists for helping to make it such a fun event for our students!

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 10/06/2023

Reading is more fun with a buddy! Check out these 1st and 5th grade collaborating as reading buddies today!

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 10/03/2023

Fun moment of the day: these 5th graders set up shop at recess, converting the Bernie bus on the playground to a taco- serving food truck!

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 09/26/2023

It might be rainy outside, but it’s been sunny inside today!

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 09/19/2023

A peek at today: second grade readers working collaboratively and kindergarten mathematicians practicing number sense skills!

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 09/13/2023

So many bucket fillers at Floris! Filling others’ buckets through kindness is the best way to fill your own bucket, because being nice makes you feel nice!

Photos from Floris Elementary School's post 09/11/2023

The halls were filled with Floris patriots today, in remembrance of those we lost and in recognition of paying it forward by serving our community. Check out this red, white, and blue!

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Videos (show all)

Sometimes we all need a pat on the back!  Nice job with your routines, first graders!
Our 4th, 5th, and 6th graders participated in Walk in My Shoes (WIMS) activities this week to build empathy for people w...
Our fabulous librarian, Miss Dowling, is jumping for joy to tell you that our Book Fair Family Night is TONIGHT, from 5:...



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