Families, read the latest Happening at Hutchison newsletter. https://hutchisones.fcps.edu/features/92024-happening-hutchison
The vision of Hutchison Elementary School is to foster a community that empowers all students.
Operating as usual
Families, read the latest Happening at Hutchison newsletter. https://hutchisones.fcps.edu/features/92024-happening-hutchison
Community Connection (tonight) Thursday, September 19th! Join us 7:00-7:30pm to learn more about how we keep our students safe at school. Check your phones at 6:45pm for the link.
Happy ! From September 15 to October 15 we recognize and celebrate the histories, cultures, and contributions of the members of our community whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.
Third Grade, Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade, and Sixth Grade Back to School Night tonight! 5:30pm
Preschool, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade Back to School Night tonight! 5:30pm
Students will be released 3-hrs early on September 23 and October 28. We need to know if your child will be staying (and need supervision) or if your child will leave at 12:35pm. We need a form completed for every child at Hutchison. If you have 3 children at Hutchison, you need to complete the form 3 times. If you haven't yet - please click this link to complete the form: https://forms.gle/s5tB9SuCndrStFsV8 It is available in many languages.
Thank you!
Thursday, September 4th we have an in-person Community Connection at 9am and a virtual option at 7pm. Join us to learn more about how to support your child in math.
The Early Release Mondays planned throughout the school year for elementary schools are essential to allow educators time for planning and professional development. Students will be dismissed 3 hours early seven times throughout the school year and are encouraged to return home via their normal route.
To help plan for our school’s childcare needs during the early release Mondays, please complete this form: https://forms.gle/w7bKyqRWtramehnaA for each of your children who are enrolled at Hutchison. The form covers the first two early release Mondays, scheduled for September 23, 2024 and October 28, 2024. If you have multiple children, you will need to submit multiple forms. Staff will confirm the after school supervision plan for each student.
Are you ready for ? ✅ See you tomorrow!
Hutchison Families, please watch the latest Message from the Principal video for updates about the beginning of the school year.
Families we hope you will join us at the beginning of year events at Hutchison. Call the office 703-925-8300 Monday-Friday 8am-4pm with any questions!
Hutchison Families: Unfortunately, we will need to cancel our School Beats and Cool Treats event this afternoon (8/9/24) due to weather. :(
We look forward to seeing you at our Welcome Back Bash on Friday, August 16 10am-12pm.
Stay safe and dry!
Hutchison Families, we want to hear from you! Please take a moment to complete this survey to help guide our school and our PTA in growing greatness at Hutchison. It is available in English, Spanish, and Arabic. Thank you!
Beginning of the Year Family Survey بداية العام مسح الأسرة Encuesta familiar de inicio de año
Families, we hope you are having a happy and healthy summer! Please check out the latest Happening at Hutchison newsletter.
7/26/24 Happening at Hutchison | Hutchison Elementary School 7/26/24 Happening at Hutchison By July 26, 2024 Share Page Look for the translate button at the top-right of the screen. Busque el botón de traducción en la parte superior derecha de la pantalla. Tìm nút dịch ở phía trên bên phải màn hình. ابحث عن زر الترجمة في أعل...
Save the date! 📅 Join us on August 8th at Annandale HS for the Multilingual Learners Summit! Hear from our keynote speaker, Dr. Jose Luis Zelaya, a first-generation college graduate and inspirational speaker. Get the support you need to succeed on your educational journey with valuable resources for college and career readiness, interpretation services, and child care available. Register Now: https://bit.ly/3ShbaRY
Hutchison families -We are so proud of the hard work of all of our eagles and staff. Please view the end of year message from Principal Aiello!
Reminder: Dismissal is at 1:35pm today.
We invite families to Hutchison tonight for ice cream at 5:15pm and the movie Tangled at 6:00pm!
Check out the critical and creative thinkers in Ms. Lee’s 3rd grade class! They designed robots to protect our planet by cleaning up litter!
Families, please check out the latest Happening at Hutchison: https://hutchisones.fcps.edu/features/53024-happening-hutchison
We are so proud of our eagles! We look forward to watching their continued success. 🦅🐝
We love our lunch heroes! ❤️
Hutch Community! Today (Thursday, May 9) is our dessert bar for our wonderful teachers and staff. Drop off a sweet treat to the front office today to say thank you for all they do for our eagles. Thank you!
Wishing a happy Easter to those who our community who celebrated Orthodox Easter yesterday!
A joyful Easter to our Orthodox Christian community! Many Orthodox Christians in the U.S. celebrate Easter according to the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, which differs from the Western date we are most familiar with. Easter is a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, whom Christians believe to be the Son of God.
Hutch Families! Looking for a way to thank our teachers? We are asking families to send in notes of thanks on Wednesday and send in some sweet desserts on Thursday. Our staff is the BEST and we want them to KNOW it!
Our eagles have been working hard all year long and this month they get the chance to show off their learning! We do our best on the test - and don't stress!
Did you know that Virginia is home to several hundred species of endangered animals? 7 of the 12 endangered North American species of bats live in our state! Bats can eat their body weight in mosquitos every night and are great pollinators.
Best wishes yesterday to those in the Theravada Buddhist community!
New Year’s good wishes to our Theravada Buddhist community! Theravada means “the teachings of the elders.” New year celebrations include a water festival in which participants bathe Buddha images and pay respect to their elders.
Today's theme is “Climate Change Day”
Combating climate change is a big challenge, but FCPS students have big solutions! Did you know that FCPS students led the charge to investigate installing solar panels at schools? What are some other ways we could improve sustainability?
Today is “Zero Waste Day!”
Zero Waste is an effort to reduce waste to nothing, or as close to nothing as possible, by minimizing consumption and maximizing recycling and composting. What are some zero waste swaps you could make in your life?
Thank you to for visiting with our 2nd grade eagles today! We are so excited to dive into your new book!
Monday | 8am - 1pm |
Tuesday | 8am - 1pm |
Wednesday | 8am - 1pm |
Thursday | 8am - 1pm |
Friday | 8am - 1pm |
Official account of Oak Hill Elementary School | Fairfax County Public Schools | Oak Hill, Virginia 🐺
Official page of Floris Elementary School of Fairfax County Public Schools. Let's connect!
Fairfax County Public Schools - Fairfax, Virginia, the nation's 12th largest school system.
http://www.admerk.mobi provides non emergency medical and airport transportation services to individuals residing in Fairfax County, Virginia, Washington DC, Prince George's and Montgomery Counties, Maryland including to and from Reagan National, Washing
A Fairfax County Public School. Crossfield is a home for the active mind. The school has a strong i
Official page of St. Joseph Catholic School, Herndon, VA Building Wisdom and Faith
Official account of Lutie Lewis Coates Elementary School | Fairfax County Public Schools |