We are SO THANKFUL for the great turnout and engagement at last night’s PTA General Meeting! Huge thanks to everyone who came, presented, and shared ideas—we can’t wait to see you all (and hopefully many more parents, too!) at our next meeting in January.
There are SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES to help out with this year's Book Fair in the Maybeury Library! Starting tomorrow with setup and running all the way through next week, we still have lots of volunteer slots open. Will you help make the 2024 Book Fair a success? Sign up today!
Maybeury 2024 Book Fair
Parent volunteers get a 20% discount on all in person book fair purchases. Thanks for doing your part to support this kid (and parent) favorite!
Do you have a fifth grader interested in cotillion next year? If so, it's time to start preparing! If your student would like to participate next year, send their name, gender, address, parents' names, parents' cell numbers, and parents' email addresses to the following contacts by November 13th:
Sarah Swortzel (Girls parent) | [email protected] or 804-405-3006
Helen Gilmore (Boys parent) | [email protected] or 301-706-2054.
Once you submit your child's information, you'll receive details about parent information meetings in January.
Learn more about Junior Assembly Cotillion here:
Junior Assembly Cotillion
"Dancing ability is the last factor considered. Good dancing at the Junior Assembly is a means to an end... the acquisition of social poise and self-confidence."
Reminder to all Mallards! Entries for the 2024-2025 National PTA Reflections contest are due on Friday, November 8. This school year’s theme is “Accepting Imperfections."
Learn more on our website: https://maybeurypta.membershiptoolkit.com/reflections
THE BOOK FAIR IS COMING! Get ready for the Literati Book Fair, happening in the Maybeury Library November 11-14.
We need your help to make the Book Fair a success. You can sell books, help with setup or takedown, or (many parents' favorite!) help younger students make their wish lists. Sign up today! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0548A5AE29A4FD0-52759853-maybeury #/
Yearbook ordering is OPEN!
The PTA will provide a yearbook for all fifth graders, but families of students in all other grades will need to pre-order. To order, head over to www.yearbookordercenter.com and use our order number: 25355. The deadline to order is April 11, 2025, so don’t miss out!
No tricks....all treats! We hope to see you ONE WEEK FROM TODAY at our General PTA Meeting in the MES Library. Meeting starts at 7PM--please RSVP here if you can make it! https://evite.me/VZ2gR3WtgG
It's a busy week at Maybeury! Mallard Mall is TOMORROW!
Volunteering at Mallard Mall is a quick and easy way to plug in at school! If you're interested in helping out tomrorow, sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A4EACAA2DA0F85-51993638-mallard #/
Three cheers for the MayBOOry committee and volunteers! We had the best day at our annual fall festival yesterday thanks to the hard work of so many dedicated parents and family members.
Did you visit that haunted house? Get some new spirit wear? Play a few games? Jump in the inflatables? Win some goodies in the cake walk? We did it all and more, and loved every second.
Thank you to all who came out! Follow us on Instagram for even more pics of the event. 👻
We’ll see you at school TODAY from 2-5 for MayBOOry! The Haunted House is super spooky, the games are all set up, and we can’t wait.
Maybeury Elementary School
2-5 PM
Haunted house | Games | Pumpkin contest | Cake walk | Food trucks | Inflatables
Our teachers have DONE IT AGAIN! Pumpkins are ready for voting (how awesome are they?!) and we’re counting down until the cake walk!
This year, tickets for the pumpkin contest and the cake walk are FREE OF CHARGE for all attendees! We welcome your support of the Mallard Fund—and thank you for your generosity already this month!—so we can provide this free event for our students and their families. 🦆❤️
Who’s excited for MayBOOry?! See you at school this Saturday (10/26) from 2-5. The weather looks perfect for our favorite fall event!
Interested in trying a new workout class? The folks at Body Fit Training in Carytown are offering a FREE STRENGTH SESSION for Maybeury parents. We'd love to see you on October 29th at 8:35AM--register using this link! https://form.jotform.com/242775274253057
YOGA THIS WEDNESDAY! We're looking for parent volunteers to participate in the yoga lesson with the kids. If you're interested in joining your child's class, please sign up below!
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040848A9A82AA4FD0-52446327-maybeury?useFullSite=true #/
What a great turnout for the Richmond football game today! Thank you all for your support!
Calling all Mallards!! Have your Mallard explore their feelings, ideas, and thoughts through creative expression for the 2024-2025 National PTA Reflections contest! This school year's theme will be “Accepting Imperfections.” Entries are due on November 8. Learn more here: https://maybeurypta.membershiptoolkit.com/reflections
Huge thanks to Gary and the team at Appliances4Less, Richmond for their generous donation of a refrigerator for Maybeury’s Teacher’s Lounge!
We are so thankful for the support of community partners like Gary!