The gift of love, the gift of peace, the gift of happiness & joy. May all these be yours at Christmas & throughout the New Year. Have a JKB kind of 2024!
The JKB Experiential Education Foundation is a student leadership program rooted in the tenants of s Boasting 20 years’ worth of alumni of The J.
Although 2015 is the inaugural year of the JKB Experiential Education Foundation, the organization is rooted in The J. Kyle Braid Leadership Foundation, a program that has already positively influenced thousands of young adults, providing each student with a week of training that prepared them for a lifetime of leadership. After witnessing firsthand the effects of the everyday pressures that many
Operating as usual
The gift of love, the gift of peace, the gift of happiness & joy. May all these be yours at Christmas & throughout the New Year. Have a JKB kind of 2024!
JKB alumni, friends of the foundation, past volunteers. If you are interested in becoming part of our JKB-Kenya team (June 16-25) to distribute solar lights to villages with no electricity, our zoom meeting is today at 3PM (CST). Please join us to find out more information!
Colleen Malany is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Informational Meeting_Kenya
Time: Jan 8, 2023 03:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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Happy 2023 from JKB! It's time to start making a difference again.
"It's up to us, to be the change,
And even though we all can still do more,
There's so much to be thankful for,
Even with our differences,
JKB's a place we're all connected,
Each of us can find each others light."
We're going to Kenya! Looking for JKB alumni, friends of JKB, volunteers from JKB...anyone JKB, to field our trip to Kenya with Watts of Love. For more information, we are having a zoom meeting this Sunday, 1/8/2023 at 3PM CST
Invite Link:
If you have any questions before this meeting, reach out to me at [email protected].
Interested in a JKB reunion? JKB Alumni will be traveling to Kenya with Watts of Love in June 2023! If you are interested in this opportunity, donate today for a chance to win an all-expense paid trip. Every donation increases your chances to win the raffle. Five tickets will be entered for every donation of any amount. Deadline for entries is November 30, so ACT NOW! https://funraise.org/give/Watts-of-Love/dad9c5b4-e51d-4cbd-8706-5d924d8eeeaf
If you would like to learn more about the JKB Alumni Trip, please email Colleen Malany ([email protected]).
Interested in a JKB reunion? JKB Alumni will be traveling to Kenya with Watts of Love in June 2023! If you are interested in this opportunity, donate today for a chance to win an all-expense paid trip. Every donation increases your chances to win the raffle. Five tickets will be entered for every donation no matter what the amount. ACT NOW! The deadline for this chance is November 30! https://funraise.org/give/Watts-of-Love/dad9c5b4-e51d-4cbd-8706-5d924d8eeeaf
If you would like to learn more about the JKB Alumni Trip, please email Colleen Malany ([email protected]).
We have entered into the last week of September. It's a time to remember and not forget that September was Su***de Awareness Month. A huge progressive step was the anouncement of 988, a su***de hotline available to all. Even those who are least likely to chose this horrific & tragic path in their lives, somehow make the choice. Let's continue to be aware and do what we can to stop this tragedy that seems to overwhelmingly occur at an increased rate each year.
It seems to be a good time to repost about the podcast Mike Bushman & I participated in through the University of Illinois Leadership Center. It is a 22 minute listen that is well worthwhile.
Also, a reminder to read Pain to Purpose-Teaching Teens to Lead, Foster, Engage the JKB Way (by Mike Bushman). It's available on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Pain-Purpose-Teaching-Foster-Engage/dp/B093RX61CJ/ref=sr_1_1?crid
Pain to Purpose: Teaching Teens to Lead, Foster and Engage the JKB Way After losing her only child to su***de, Colleen Malany knew the best path forward was turning pain to purpose. By helping thousands of teens help themselves, others and their communities, she fulfilled that purpose. Weeks after sixteen-year-old son Kyle died, Colleen and now ex-husband Ken Braid ...
Another circle around the sun, Kyle! It's inconceivable to me that you would be 45 today. You are so very loved. You are so very missed. You are so very celebrated.
Ramarro Lamar (JKB 2014)
Married Ally Sargus September 4, 2022.
"Your wedding day will come & go, but may your love forever grow. Wishing you a lifetime of love & happiness" Much love to you! You're my favorite Cornhusker Marine!
Congratulations Colleen Lyons (Namesake) (JKB 2011) and Alec Datoli...married on September 16, 2022! Colleen & Eric Datoli...
"Your wedding day will come & go, but may your love forever grow. Wishing you a lifetime of love & happiness" Much love to you both
Vote for Nicky Lopez (JKB 2011)! You can vote every day! Here is part of what was written in Nicky's bio.
"The seeds for using his skills and talents in service to others were set at home for Nicky, first by his parents and family, then by those around him in his hometown of Naperville, Ill. including those at his alma mater Naperville Central High School. It was there that he was nominated for the J. Kyle Braid Leadership Foundation program designed to empower high school students to improve lives and foster social harmony. Nicky viewed the opportunity and experience as life-changing for him. The program focuses on the pillars of strength, humility, service and compassion. All those attributes can be seen in the work Nicky has chosen to commit himself to both in his original hometown and now here in Kansas City." "There may not be a player in the game today whose on-field skills are more in alignment with the traits he also exhibits off the field: defense, sacrifice, team."
He is JKB all the way. He had shoes made that said JKB and JWEG in honor of Justin Wegner (JKB 2013). So very proud of this guy....so deserving of this nomination....let's get him this award...VOTE
Congratulations Lieutenants Sarah & Jamie Palmer (JKB 2013) on your July 1st wedding❣🎉. May you always find yourselves as much in love, as kind to one another, & as grateful to one another as you were on your wedding day. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness.💞
Thank you both for your service.....
Congratulations Ernie Yanez (JKB 2010) and Mary Layne Graham on your engagement. What could be better than to cement your love on the beach in Diani, Kenya! Well done️❣️🍾🥂
To our JKB family and friends in Highland Park, IL.....our hearts go out to you with the hope that your hearts will mend and your horrific recollections will soon heal. Our hearts are weeping for your community.💔
So many lives are going to change!
PHX-JFK-NBO (Nairobi)-Kisumu (31 travel hours). Kusumu-Mfangano Island3 hours in a van, 2 hours in a water bus, & 15 minute motor bike ride. Our Watts of Love team includes Ernie Yanez (JKB 2010) along with his girlfriend, Mary Graham. Great to be with Maria Hey again & to meet James Jones & Connor Economou. Our in country partner, James is awesome. Let the light distribution begin! We're setting up for an all JKB trip. Give light & people will find their own way. Brilliant!
After 2 long years, we're finally going to Kenya to distribute lights and conduct an impact study on the 300 lights that did make it into the country before it shut down in 2020. Very excited to make this trip. Any JKB alum, family, or friends interested in going LMK. I can give you more information. Here is a narrative about the powerful & profound impact those 300 lights have made:
Friday, June 24, 2022
Sunday, July 3, 2022
For women who live on Mfangano Island life can be exceptionally tough and at times seem ultimately hopeless. Located in the eastern most tip of Kenya on Lake Victoria, the main industry for 90% of the residents is fishing. This type of work is physically demanding and considered by most locals to be “men’s work”. These island women are dependent on their husbands to provide for them and their children.
Unfortunately, these men often abandon their families because of financial burdens, or, worst-case scenario they die from HIV. This region has one of the highest percentages of HIV cases in the world. Thousands of these women are confronted daily with the sobering reality that in order to feed their families they must trade their bodies for food. In an act of desperation, they will trade “sex for fish” with the local fishermen.
When we visited the island, a mother of five confessed, “I know what I’m doing is wrong, but it is the only way I can feed my children.” She has been a part of this cyclical exchange for almost ten years. Her story is a familiar one; her husband died of HIV and with no other means to provide for her family, she resorted to selling herself to put food on the table. She may sleep with as many as three different men a day to provide three meals for her children. As she spoke, her eyes started to fill with tears and she confessed that she didn’t know how much longer she could continue doing this.
On a neighboring island, Mary Achieng received a solar light from Watts of Love enabling her to fish at night, and purchase her own boat with her newfound savings. In addition, this allowed her to employ other women so they too could provide for their families. The solar light is also used to attract more fish to her nets at night. “I feel like part of me that had been taken away has been returned because of the solar lights,” she stated. “Now I know the joys of being empowered as a woman and the economic freedom that comes with it.” The solar light also lights up her fish stall at night so she can stay open longer and earn 10 times more than she used to. “With the solar lights, I can decide to stay late in the market to sell my fish and I can also decide to be at home so that my children can study using the solar light.”
To all the JKB alumni who are now or soon to be Moms......your son's & daughters hit the lottery with you. A very Happy Mother's Day. You complete me and fill my heart!
So proud of this podcast about the JKB Program & our book "Pain to Purpose:Teaching Teens to Lead, Foster, and Engage the JKB Way". Emily Albert-Stauning leads a heartfelt & impressive interview. The University of Illinois Leadership Center is an incredibly precious & beneficial conduit to productive & influential lifestyles for students & alumni alike.
Michael Bushman, thank you so much for capturing the heart & soul of Kyle & JKB. It was more than an honor to do this podcast with you. Kudos to Gayle Spencer, Marcus Kelley, & everyone who makes the ILC fire on all cylinders. Thanks to Jeff Yacup, who introduced me to IMPRINT. It's continues to be an amazing experience.
It's a valuable listen!
Made to Lead on Apple Podcasts Education · 2022
Let's ring in 2022 with Optimism, Hope, Peace, and Love....the Gladness, the Spirit, and the Heart of the Season! &Friends.
When this crazy pandemic works its way out, JKB will get back to work....check out the new website. It will be live within the next 2 weeks. JKBFoundation.org
"Gratitude can transform common days into THANKSGIVING, turn routine jobs into JOY, and change ordinary opportunities into BLESSINGS" (W.A. Ward)
Giving thanks with a grateful heart for my JKB family, family, and friends.
In 1988, Kyle brought home a Thanksgiving Grace from school. I have read it every year since. This year will be no different.
Dear Lord....
giver of all gifts, we pray especially today in Thanksgiving for
love and mercy you give us. Open our hearts to the fervor of that love. Give us the grace to accept with humility, the mercy that you offer. As we prepare to eat this meal, we pray for those less fortunate, especially the children, who will be hungry today. Help us resolve to become more involved in ways that show them we care about them. Endow us with the personal courage to bring to them the love and mercy to which they are entitled....As your children and our sisters and brothers. Bless this food, and those who prepared it.
He also brought home the picture of a turkey made from tracing his hand. Each feather alternated orange & blue coloring. His teacher (Sister Diane) told him it was great that he was a Gator fan. We were living in FL at the time. He looked at her and said "Oh no, Sister, this is an Illini turkey. It was a proud mother's moment!
A very, very Happy Thanksgiving to All.
Kyle, 44 years ago you blessed my life. Who knew it would only be for 16 years. You were born on Yom Kippur, the holiest of days in the Jewish faith. It is a chance for people to change their fate through prayer, repentance, and charity. I would say that is definitely true for you have led me through all of those. I know I am who I am today because you chose me to be your Mom. Because of you, my life has changed for good. And, even though I miss you every day, I have so many wonderful young adults and people to fill my life-because of you. You are still lighting up my life....now we are going to light up others lives with the gift of light! You are the strength that leads me.
Appropriate to September being Su***de Awareness Month and Kyle's birthday being 9/22....the interview with Channel 9 Denver aired yesterday morning. I hope that it makes a difference in someone's life who is struggling with the ideation of su***de. Teens leading Teens can be a tremendous tool in helping to prevent this act that takes too many young adult's lives. Here is the link to the interview.
It Takes A Village: A mother's mission to help prevent teen su***de Colleen Malany lost her son to su***de in 1994. Soon after she started JKB, a group aimed at helping prevent teen su***de.More local videos here: https://bit...
The book has dropped! Now available on Amazon. Please order thru Smile.Amazon, choose JKB EEF as your charity and JKB will also receive a small donation with every sale! https://smile.amazon.com/s?k=pain+to+purpose+mike+bushman&ref=nb_sb_noss_1
Thank you to Mike Bushman (author), to Kyle's friends who added their stories about Kyle, to my friends & family, to the entire JKB family who has given so much support and so much happiness to me....Mama B/C. My heart is so full!
Share - Share - Share!
To my wonderful JKB Family
Much love in 2021!
You can make a difference while you shop Amazon Prime Day deals on October 13 & 14. Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/47-1421558 or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app and AmazonSmile donates to Jkb Experiential Education Foundation. To everyone who supports JKB ... a heartfelt ♥ thank you!
Support JKB Experiential Education Foundation by shopping at AmazonSmile. When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate to JKB Experiential Education Foundation. Support us every time you shop.
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