Dynamic Health Consulting

Dynamic Health Consulting


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The Highland Beams
The Highland Beams

This approach is not about acquiring more self-discipline or willpower. 1. Bio-Individuality and loving support
2. Health Assessments

It's about personally discovering what nourishes you, what feeds you and ultimately what makes your life extraordinary. Focusing on adding new ideas one at a time. Crowding out the old slowly.


The man that influenced my life! He taught me love, responsibility, structure, never give up, i can do anything i put my mind too, dont think about, just do it. Be loyal, your word is gold. Work ethic, do it right the first time. To have compassion for those that struggle, to give a helping hand. That all humans are worthy. To stand up for what you believe, to stand up for all people. All for one and one for all. He was a Democrat and people not Corporations matter. He was a hard gifted working man. To take pride in everything you do. I miss him so much! ♥️

10X Health Precision Genetic Test 05/04/2024

My latest Health venture. So excited to recieve my results. Check this out.

10X Health Precision Genetic Test Discover the power of true precision wellness with the 10X Health Precision Genetic Test. There are more than 700 trillion different possible outcomes for the genes that are tested in this analysis. Our pioneering research and proprietary algorithms unlock the secrets within this data to provide you...

Photos from Dynamic Health Consulting's post 04/01/2024

Such a fun Easter! Love is in the air! My GGBabies!

WATCH: Independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. picks Nicole Shanahan as his 2024 running mate 03/26/2024

Love this guy…. He cares, he is honest, its time to come to the center, heal our country!!!!

He is so about fixing our food, big pharmaceutical, toxic waste. Our sicko issue in america. Monsanto. Corporate greed.

WATCH: Independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. picks Nicole Shanahan as his 2024 running mate Shanahan leads Bia-Echo Foundation, an organization she founded to direct money toward issues including women’s reproductive science, criminal justice reform and environmental causes.


The Formula…

You are not your thoughts. You are the observer of those thoughts.
You can stop your thoughts by the word STOP…
1. S = Stop
2. T= Take three deep breaths
3. O= Observe your feelings and sensations. Now, smile down into your heart and every cell and fiber.
4. P= Proceed now with kindness and compassion.
Spirituality is spirit living as a human, in this human body.
To understand the observer, try this exercise. Close your eyes. Imagine a horse. See it in your minds eye. Imagine a cow…imagine a cat. So who saw these images? It was the Observer. Your true self.
You can also shift your thoughts to the breath. You can’t have your thoughts on two different things simultaneously. You are not your thoughts. You con control those thoughts by the observer recognizing your thoughts and thats when you STOP…

Namaste, Jacqueline… your friend and Yoga teacher…:♥️


Remember, this is manifestation week! You create your life by the thoughts you think. The beliefs you hold , negative or positive. You can’t afford the luxery of one negative thought! Be the love, feel the love thats around you and within you. Its always there. Our limited beliefs choke off this vital life force energy. We are far more than we have been taught. Love and light♥️


My Bella..🙂 Grammas Love Lives, always!

The COMPLETE GUIDE To Intermittent Fasting For Beginners - Do It CORRECTLY | Dr. Mindy Pelz 01/22/2024

Amazing results with Fasting..🙂

1. A study of women with breast cancer treatment, and Fasting 13 hours a day. There was a 64 percent of less re occurrence , without even changing their diet .
2. At 17 hours of intermittent fasting you get cells repairing themselves. Its called autophagy..
3. fasting for 24 hours you get complete gut reset, repairing. And repair the inner lining of the gut.
4. Fasting 36 hours you get your body burning stubborn specifically around the belly. Using that for energy.
5. Fasting for 48 hours, all of a sudden you’re getting dopamine why are you getting that because your brain has gotta get motivated and find food.
6. 72 hours immune system turns on and resets.
7. Disease is far less likely. Inflammation is the culprit for disease. Inflammation reduces drastically from fasting.
8. Start slow, change your oils to olive and coconut oil. MCT oil helps with hunger. 13 hours a day is doable. Start with pushing your breakfast back. Slowly push back till noon. Then create a window of eating food for 8 hours only a day.

The COMPLETE GUIDE To Intermittent Fasting For Beginners - Do It CORRECTLY | Dr. Mindy Pelz Sign up for the Beginner's Guide to a Fasting Lifestyle course: http://bit.ly/3OFiIgyOPEN ME 👇 FOR RESOURCES MENTIONED►Organic Coffee: https://camanoislandc...


Mt. Rainer today! Love it!


By understanding that only what is real cannot be threatened and what's unreal doesn't exist, as per 'A Course in Miracles', we find true peace.

Castor Oil Packs with Queen of The Thrones 12/28/2023

A great Thing to add !

Castor Oil Packs with Queen of The Thrones How to use castor oil packs and why they work. Wanted to know about castor oil pack? Now is your chance. Learn from Dr. Marisol Teijeiron Owner and creator o...


Hello 🔵 It’s official. Signed at 04:17. It was even on TV.
Mine really turned blue. Don't forget that today starts the new Facebook rule (aka... new name, META) where they can use your photos. Don't forget the deadline is today!!! I do not authorize Facebook or any entity associated with Facebook to use my photos, information, messages or posts, past or future.
With this statement, I notify Facebook that it is strictly prohibited to disclose, copy, distribute or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents. Violation of privacy may be punishable by law.
NOTE: Facebook is now a public entity. All members should post a note like this.
If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version. Failure to post a statement at least once will tacitly authorize the use of your photos, as well as information contained in profile and status updates.
DO NOT SHARE. Copy and paste.
Here's how to do it:
Hold your finger anywhere in this message and “copy” will appear. Click “copy”. Then go to your page, create a new post and place your finger anywhere in the empty field. “Paste” will appear and click Paste.
This will bypass the system….
He who does nothing consents.


Outside, ready for Santa!



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