Reclaim Idaho

Reclaim Idaho


Reclaim Idaho is a grassroots movement committed to making our government work for all Idahoans and

Reclaim Idaho is a grassroots movement committed to making our government work for all Idahoans and not just those with the most money and political influence. We wage campaigns that focus not on political candidates or political parties but on issues that bring Idahoans together—issues like affordable healthcare, protected public lands, and strong public schools.

Operating as usual


Idaho legislators are now pushing **3 separate bills** attacking Idaho's citizen initiative process, all with the goal of silencing voters. Reclaim Idaho's Luke Mayville went on Idaho News 6 to defend Idaho's proud tradition of citizen-led initiatives.

Photos from Reclaim Idaho's post 01/30/2025

“We’ll pull the rug out from under them later.”

That’s what school-voucher advocate Ryan Spoon said a few weeks ago, admitting openly that the end game is to defund our public schools.

Today Spoon made his case for vouchers at a Freedom Foundation event at the Capitol.

Two new Idaho bills would curtail path voter initiatives take to ballot — and after, too 01/30/2025

“Rep. Skaug’s bill would give Idaho’s governor extraordinary power,” Mayville said. “There’s no state in the nation where a single elected official has the power to overrule the majority of voters.”

Two new Idaho bills would curtail path voter initiatives take to ballot — and after, too The proposals would make it harder for residents to get something on the ballot, a longtime Republican goal. The governor would have new veto authority.


Earlier today, the Idaho Legislature launched another round of aggressive attacks on Idaho's ballot-initiative process.

Reclaim Idaho's Luke Mayville went on The Ranch Podcast to talk about Idaho's proud tradition of citizen-led initiatives.

Listen here:

Voucher bill would have rural Idahoans paying to support city schools, not their own | Opinion 01/29/2025

"This legislation does not give parents in Butte County — or most other rural Idaho counties — any more choices than they already have. What it does do is subsidize (and prioritize) education for folks who already send their kids to private schools..."

Voucher bill would have rural Idahoans paying to support city schools, not their own | Opinion “This legislation does not give parents in Butte County — or most other rural Idaho counties — any more choices than they already have.” | Opinion


After 61% of Idaho voters approved Medicaid Expansion, legislators are trying to repeal the program. They claim the voters were “lied to” and that they “didn’t know what they were voting for.”

But guess what? Polling shows that 73% of Idahoans want Medicaid Expansion kept as is and just 14% support repeal.


In states with large rural populations, voters across the political spectrum oppose school-voucher schemes.

Voters understand that vouchers siphon funds out of rural communities in order to subsidize private-school tuition in suburbs and cities.


Is this what we want for Idaho?


Idaho’s voucher proponents are insisting their program will be capped at $50 million.

It won’t happen. In AZ they said the program would cost $65 million and it grew to $332 million in just 2 years.

No fiscal conservative can support this in good faith.


“We’ll pull the rug out from under them later.”

Idaho’s voucher proponents are admitting openly that their end game is to defund our public schools. It was never about “school choice.”


House Bill 2 attempts to silence Idaho voters by requiring citizen initiatives to win 60% of the vote.

This barrier would've blocked nearly HALF of all successful initiatives in Idaho history.

Reclaim Idaho's Luke Mayville went on KMVT to talk about this disastrous bill.

Idaho representative introduces bill to raise voting threshold to 60% for ballot initiatives • Idaho Capital Sun 01/09/2025

“For the entire history of Idaho’s initiative process, ballot measures have required a simple majority of the vote to pass,” Mayville said. “By ratcheting up the requirement to 60%, Skaug and his allies are attempting to rig the process so that future initiatives will fail even when they are supported by the majority of voters.”

Idaho representative introduces bill to raise voting threshold to 60% for ballot initiatives • Idaho Capital Sun Rep. Bruce Skaug introduced a bill to amend Idaho’s law relating to the voting threshold for statewide ballot initiatives and referendums.


This morning, legislators introduced a proposal that would gut Idaho’s initiative process and silence Idaho voters. Here’s Reclaim Idaho’s statement:

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Idaho legislators are now pushing **3 separate bills** attacking Idaho's citizen initiative process, all with the goal o...
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Medicaid Expansion Review
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Garden City, ID