Happy Father's day Conway Edwards
Watching you be a father to our kids is one of my greatest joys.
Your presence is marking them in ways they may never know.💙
Bible teacher at One Community Church, Event Speaker, Discipler, Leader
Operating as usual
Happy Father's day Conway Edwards
Watching you be a father to our kids is one of my greatest joys.
Your presence is marking them in ways they may never know.💙
My daddy.
To the one that insisted we grow up in a church that had a healthy youth group and drove us around Sunday after Sunday until we found .
To the one who taught me that some days were set apart just for family. No exceptions. To the one that taught me the importance of getting away together as a family. Even if it was a 5-hour drive to stay in a motel in San Antonio to look at the Alamo 5 years in a row. ☺️
To the one from whom I inherited sarcasm, wit, and a "handle your business" attitude.
To the one who took what little he had, learned how to make it grow and passed on financial responsibility and freedom.
To the one who taught me loyalty ans forgiveness.
To the one who showed me what to expect from my husband.
To the one who gave me a love for cooking.
To the one my kids call Papa.
Happy Father's Day daddy. You're exactly what I needed. 💙
Mavericks v Celtics
Had a reason to get dressed up and go "outside" lol. (That's what the young ppl say ♥️)
It was such a special, intimate night celebrating 40th birthday.
I love the moments where we get to sit, reflect, say thank you and show love in intentional ways.
Find somebody to celebrate today birthday or not 💜
Sun before the storm.
What happens when storms become the norm...at least for a while?
Sometimes we have to recognize that the storm we're in isn't "unseasonal" but the reality of a new season. Yes a new season can be a stormy season but that doesn't mean we can flourish. We actually have an opportunity to see God and respond to God in a new way.
He is no less present in the storm than he is in the sun.
"When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze."
Is 43:2
Watching these two experience life is a privilege. We have had a lot of conversations about life, death, heaven, sadness and joy. I have a daughter who's extremely practical and a son who thrives in emotion. They are each wonderfully unique. They are growing up and witnessing the reality of life.
Innocence is fading.
Wisdom is growing.
It's a bittersweet beautiful life.
Always a joy to run into OCC global members. Antoinette is a part of our global family in Jamaica 🇯🇲 🖤💚
Storms can have a ripple effect. We have been trying to get to our destination for about 20 hours 🤪. But it has been such a great opportunity to be grateful.
Real talk.
I don't always handle inconvenience well but this has been a good lesson for all of us. God gave me a new perspective this time. I looked beyond how the storm impacted me and focused on the God that not only controls the storm but provides peace in the middle of it. When every flight in every airline was booked - we pray and ask God to get us to Jamaica today or tomorrow. Literally nothing was available before Saturday.
The Lord gave me a new way to think about how to get there and we are making a couple of extra stops but we will get there TOMORROW! We even had the opportunity to encourage some frustrated travelers today.
These are genuine smiles y'all.
Jamaica here we come.
Grateful for the life of Clyde Edwards.
End of school brunching... Why even get a booth... NO personal space with these people 💙🩷
Can I get a witness?
That's it.
You must not carry the Lord's name in vain...
It's bigger than words that come out of your mouth. It's a standard for what comes out of your life.
Refresh on the Ten Words (Commandments)
My biggest supporter.
The coach I need but don't always want.
And amazing visionary. Incredible husband and father. My favorite friend.
The mission would look so different without him 🤎🤎🤎
Make it your business to understand the Spirit of God.... Don't settle for fake fruit 🎯
We said goodbye to our oldest patriarch yesterday. We are sad to be without him and so grateful for life and legacy. We are the living evidence of his faithfulness to the Lord.
Psalm 128 fulfilled.
[1] Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways!
[2] You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.
[3] Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table.
[4] Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord.
[5] The Lord bless you from Zion! May you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life! [6] May you see your children’s children!....
Quantity AND quality...
Phase 1 - Twists are out!
This girl's hair is a whole crown and it's worth the work to keep it shining. Today's is wash day. Pray for our relationship. May God be with us! 😂
Snagged a selfie with this guy. Love him so much and his deposit tonight was beyond 💜💜💜💜
A refreshing time with these two warrior women. God is using them in amazing ways and their hearts are 🪙
I really believe the Word of God has the answer to every question.
Psalm 119
With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
In the way of your testimonies I delight as much as in all riches. I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.
The divine deposit enables us to endure.
But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. [8] We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; [9] persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed;
2 Cor 4:7-9
Once upon a time I would look at a pic like this and see grass stains I needed to treat and allergy medicine I needed to give... Now I just see joy and contentment.
Like in life... Even when the picture does really change, your perspective can (and must). ...and sometimes joy costs a little bit but the joy is so overwhelming the cost is a price I'm willing to pay.
Influence is better than imitation.
We might not match exactly but we "go together" and that's alright with me 🩷
This is how she came flying downstairs after I said I'm running out to get dinner real quick.
I said "Where are you going?... She said (indignantly) with you!" lol.
Catch up on podcast episodes 🎙️or 📺
I'm in my feelings...
First Daddy/Daughter dance 💙🩷
(the lip gloss is clear before the aunties comment! 😂)
One of the reasons we love playing soccer with One Community Church . Don't get me wrong - we compete, learn skills, and love to win. But we are working against the worship of sports... AAAAAND we teach them how to honor God and honor each other in everything.
EASTER is coming and the volunteer army is ready!!!!
Here's to the one who introduced us to this wild ride call parenthood.
To my compassionate, hilarious, brilliant, affectionate, innovator....HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
(2nd slide is the love language... Especially with a 5ft/100lb boy!😂). Gotta keep my game tight!
(3rd slide is my awesome, high-touch son, always making me more affectionate! Thank God for him. Lol)
This page is here to help keep our parents at Bright Academy updated on information and events as it pertains to Bright Academy PTA, a nonprofit organization.
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This page is to share PTA information with parents, staff and students of Sem Elementary in Frisco,
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