Vandeventer PTA

Vandeventer PTA


This a volunteer-operated site for the Vandeventer Middle School PTA.

Operating as usual

Photos from Vandeventer PTA's post 12/19/2024

Winter Social: Gingerbread House Competition

Over 90 teams entered and the houses were quite impressive!!! The judges had a hard time deciding! A few won awards, but hot chocolate was enjoyed by all!



Parents, 92 teams have registered for the competition!

If you're able to help prepare or supervise:


Calling all the parents for support!

In this holiday season, we wish to share the joy and show our appreciation to teachers and staff with gift card donation of $5-20. Any amount would be great as we distribute gift evenly to all 🎁
Deadline is soon…! 12/18 coming WED!


Seeking volunteers for our Gingerbread Social next Wednesday! Sign up below 👇🏼


Viking Families,

Let's show our teachers and staff how much we appreciate them this holiday season! In lieu of individual staff gifts, families are encouraged to donate gift cards in denominations of $5 to $20 that will be distributed evenly to the entire staff on Thursday, December 19th.

We ask that all donations be submitted by Wednesday, December 18th. Please write the dollar amount and the name the family making the donation in permanent marker on each gift card so that Vandeventer Middle School may reach out to extend their gratitude once they receive it.

Donations can be dropped off at the front office between 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. from now until Wednesday, December 18th at 4 p.m.

We truly appreciate the support of our community.

Happy Holidays! VMS PTA


Frisco ISD council PTA is having fundraising at Raising Canes today. Visiting any location in Frisco will benefit Frisco ISD council PTA.
Mention fundraising or apply code RCFUND96 online.


Frisco council ISD is selling inclusion shirt.

The sale ends TODAY!
Order your Inclusion Shirt and join us in sharing our
message, "In a world where you can be anything, be KIND."

Shop now at

For questions, contact Dominica at [email protected].


It’s Kickball time again! Get your calendars out and SAVE THE DATE!

Students will be receiving more details and forming teams in the coming weeks! But for you parents, NOW is the time to sign up! Check the link below for available opportunities to serve at the Vandeventer Kickvall Tournament!


📣📣 We need your help at Rodeo Disco this Friday! 📣📣

Please sign up below! 👇🏼


Now through September 18th, you can make an early donation to support Frisco Threads and make a BIG difference in the lives of local children in our community 🩷 Whether it's $10, $100, or even a share, every little bit counts!
How you can help:
1. Click the link below to donate early ⬇️
2. Share this post to spread the word!
3. Nominate Frisco Threads for a chance to be 1 of 10 organizations to receive $5000🔥🎉

Click here to Give:

Click here to Vote:
Nonprofit Name: Frisco Threads Student Clothes Closet
Type of Nonprofit: Human Services Organization


🔴🔴🔴College, Career & Military Readiness Events 🔴🔴🔴

Sep 10, 6 pm to 7 pm - Exploring Xello, a comprehensive platform for college and career planning - Online

Sep 12, 6 pm to 8 pm - Texas Colleges & Universities night - Independence High School

Sep 18, 6 pm to 8 pm - Out of State and Surrounding States Colleges Night - Reedy High School

Sep 25, 6 pm to 8 pm - Financial Aid 101 - UNT Frisco

Oct 8, 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm - AI & College Admissions - Online


📣Viking Families📣

Don't forget to join our PTA! I will be at the Meet the Teacher tomorrow so come say hi😀

or join here↓

Givebacks Givebacks helps you engage your supporters, raise money online with less work, and harness innovation to build up your entire community through GIvebacks. See why over 12,000 organizations and over 2.4 million people use Givebacks to thrive.


🤍🖤❤️SAVE THE DATE ❤️🖤🤍


Viking Families: A few quick to do's to prepare for the 2024-2025 School Year at Vandeventer Middle School:

- Order School Supplies School Code: VMS001 (Deadline June 18, 2024)

- Order PE Uniforms from Frisco Sports Center - Students in PE class must wear black shorts and plain grey t-shirt. (Deadline July 7, 2024)

- Order Spirit Wear

- Mark your calendar for Viking Camp - August 5th @ 9:30am

PE Uniforms, school supplies and spirit wear will be available for pickup during Viking Camp.

Thank you,

Vandeventer PTA

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in Frisco?

Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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6075 Independence Pkwy
Frisco, TX