Ordo Amoris Classical Academy

Ordo Amoris Classical Academy


Fairhope’s four day classical Christian academy, serving students from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade.

Operating as usual


Catechism is an important part of learning here at Ordo Amoris. By memorizing these truths, our students join generations of faithful Christians throughout who have confessed biblical faith. Our prayer is that these truths would be internalized in their minds and hearts, and would bear fruit in future generations.

Q: What is your only comfort
in life and death?

A: That I am not my own
but belong, body and soul,
to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ.

Photos from Ordo Amoris Classical Academy's post 01/10/2025

We may have rain when the rest of the south has snow, but that didn’t stop our students from having “ Snow Much Fun” in art with Mrs. Trione!


Parents gathered this evening for a State of the School address from our head of school and board members. We are so grateful for the wonderful ways in which the Lord has blessed our school in its first sixteen months, and are excited for the opportunities presented to us in the new year!


Join us tonight for a time of food, fellowship, and fun!


Our Logic students are beginning a survey of logical fallacies with the goal of helping our students to be sharp Christian thinkers.

Test yourself! Is this sound reasoning, or not? If not, why not?

“We probably shouldn’t have Ernst lead our small group Bible study. After all, he prefers Wagner to Handel, and his wife kind of looks like an Odin-worshipping Valkyrie.”


Our students so enjoyed seeing each other today after Christmas break! We’re praying that this semester will be filled with joy as we learn more about God and His world.


Did you hear? Ordo Amoris Classical Academy qualifies as an Educational Service Provider for the Alabama Choose Act! If you love what Ordo Amoris stands for and dream of a Christ-centered, rigorous classical education with a focus on family involvement and discipleship, but have been unable to afford the tuition, apply to the Choose Act today! www.classwallet.com/alchoose

Contact us to learn more! 251-223-3447


Galatians 4:4-5

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.”

We are so grateful to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, and the redemption He accomplished on our behalf.

Merry Christmas, and a happy new year from Ordo Amoris Classical Academy!

Photos from Ordo Amoris Classical Academy's post 12/20/2024

Today was filled with caroling and Christmas partying. Students ended this semester on a high note filled with fun, sweets, and fun times together!


Our upper school students went caroling downtown this morning at local businesses!

Photos from Ordo Amoris Classical Academy's post 12/20/2024

Our school’s Christmas concert was full of joy, Scripture, and beautiful music. What a wonderful way to celebrate the advent of Christ the Lord!


Join us tonight for our Christmas Concert! Our students have been working diligently to prepare a beautiful night of music and celebration. The concert will be located in the beautiful St. Francis at the Point, 17820 Scenic Hwy 98, Point Clear at 6:00 PM.


Our Logic School students are studying Arthurian tales, including the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. These tales are, in many ways fundamental to British literature and Western literature more broadly.


Make plans to attend our school's Christmas concert this Thursday at St. Francis at the Point!


Our Growing in Gratitude Gala was a tremendous success! Through the generosity of attendees, donors, those who purchased raffle tickets, and local business who contributed silent auction items, we were able to take full advantage of a generous matching donation!

We especially thank The Venue and Tamara's Downtown for hosting the event and feeding our attendees. Please support these local businesses who have been so generous to our little school!


Our Rhetoric students are preparing for humanities midterms, which will include an oral examination on biblical texts, Augustine’s City of God, sing of Roland, Josephus’ works, the writings of Marcus Aurelius, and more.

Tolle lege!


We are thankful for the support of Redeemer Lutheran Church in hosting our school and in making it a great place to meet. The men of the church have begun installing a fence to make a safer play area for our little ones.

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Videos (show all)

Catechism is an important part of learning here at Ordo Amoris. By memorizing these truths, our students join generation...
It is wonderful to consider that our students engage in worship as they learn music. This is simply a more audible expre...
All of our Grammar school classes have memorized sections of Luke 2, and will be reciting it during our Christmas concer...
We started off Advent season with some strong singing this morning! Were grateful to be back together after a wonderful ...
“Fear not,” then said the angel. “Let nothing you affright. This day is born a Savior of a pure Virgin bright to free al...
Ordo Amoris Logic and Rhetoric students are preparing for their performance at tomorrow night’s Gala! Don’t have tickets...
Happy Reformation Day!
Our school begins AND ends each day with the Doxology. Praise in the morning for the blessing of a new day, and praise w...
It’s time for the Christian College Fair! Come to the Fairhope Civic Center to meet representatives from over 30 Christi...
This week we've been singing about the triumphal procession of Christ!Following Him means denying yourself, taking up a ...





200 South Section Street
Fairhope, AL

Opening Hours

Tuesday 8am - 4pm
Wednesday 8am - 4pm
Thursday 8am - 4pm
Friday 8am - 4pm