Our apologies! We have received word from multiple parents that our summer mailings have not yet been received. Please use the buttons on our webpage to access digital versions until our packets make it through the postal system...
Greentree Christian School | Christ Church | 7600 Ox Road, Fairfax Station VA | 703.425.3580 |
Christ Church | 7600 Ox Road, Fairfax Station VA | 703.425.3580 |
We are looking at some pretty rainy days ahead. In an effort to squeeze in one final water day of the camp season we will move water day to TOMORROW! Have your camper wear their bathing suit, bring a towel and wear those water shoes.
We enjoyed a great water day today with several new water day toys and play areas. A big shout out and HUGE thank you to a very generous camp family who gifted us a new water slide. We had to try it out before putting it away for the 2025 camp season.
Join us for the last week of Camp Greentree 2024.
August 5-9 is our 8th week of summer camp fun!
www.christchurchva.org/camps to register.
It's the last week of summer camp fun for the summer of 2024.
Camp Greentree | Christ Church | 7600 Ox Road, Fairfax Station VA | 703.425.3580 |
Christ Church | 7600 Ox Road, Fairfax Station VA | 703.425.3580 |
Happy school supply shopping!
Get ready.....
This weekend is Virginia's Tax Free weekend. Aug 2-4, 2024
It is time to shop for school supplies, uniforms, and school clothes.
Our summer Greentree "Back to School" mailing is headed your way this week.
Check out the school supply list here first to start your shopping and planning.
August mailings will be headed to your mailboxes next week.
Here is the double sided color coded school calendar for your school year planning.
Keep an eye out for the school supply lists positing over the weekend. Just in time for the VA tax free shopping weekend.
The school year is coming. We are busy planning and getting ready. Please join us in bathing our school year, our students and our teachers in prayer as we look to the start of the school year with anticipation of what God will do with this amazing school year.
Greentree Christian School, a ministry and outreach of Christ Church, is looking for quality, experienced, loving and nurturing staff to join our amazing team. We have both PT and FT teaching opportunities available for the upcoming school year. We are looking to fill a few preschool and elementary spaces as we put our dynamic team together for fall 2024.
Greentree is an amazing and unique place to learn and grow. We are looking for teachers and staff who will embody our mission to be Distinctively Christian and Distinctively Inclusive. We are looking for folks who are interested in the opportunity to share education, knowledge and Jesus with our students. Interested persons, please reach out to Heather at [email protected]
Camp Greentree Week #6 is underway.
Pirate theme fun this week.
We will plan for water days on Tuesday and Thursday.
We will watch the weather and adjust accordingly, if needed.
Week #5 of our summer camp program. We had a great week. Fruity fun. We squeezed lemons and made lemonade. Snowcones kept us cool this hot hot week. Group 5 friends made tie dyed master pieces. We are having a great summer with all of our campers. Join us if your littles and not so littles are looking for summer fun. Christchurchva.org/camps
WATER DAY is scheduled for TUESDAY & THURSDAY.
Don't forget your bathing suit, water shoes, sun screen and a towel.
It will be so much fun!
Greentree Christian School, a ministry and outreach of Christ Church, is looking for quality, experienced, loving and nurturing staff to join our amazing team. We have both PT and FT teaching opportunities available for the upcoming school year. We are looking to fill a few preschool and elementary spaces as we put our dynamic team together for fall 2024.
Greentree is an amazing and unique place to learn and grow. We are looking for teachers and staff who will embody our mission to be Distinctively Christian and Distinctively Inclusive. We are looking for folks who are interested in the opportunity to share education, knowledge and Jesus with our students. Interested persons, please reach out to Heather at [email protected] to submit your resume.
Happy 4th of July school and camp families. Enjoy the day with family, fun and fireworks. What a blessing to celebrate our lives and our freedoms. Enjoy the day.
Week 3 of Camp Greentree was a RED, WHITE and BLUE extravaganza.
NEXT WEEK: The week of July 1-5 camp is not in session.
Camp week #4 kicks off on July 8 with 5 more weeks of summer camp fun.
Week #3 of Camp Greentree photo dump. Look at all the fun we are having. Hip hip hooray for the U-S-A!!
Week #3 of Canp Greentree is underway and the days are full of fun.
Camp Greentree week #2 has come to a close. We had a week full of camping fun. What a week. Check out some highlights from our camp days.
Looking for a fun, safe inclusive summer camp? We got you covered. For campers 2-12. Camp Greentree.
Hot summer days call for cool refreshing water days. So much fun at Camp Greentree 2024.
Photo dump from Thursday and Friday of week #1 of Camp Greentree. We had a wonderful first week of camp for the 2024 summer season. It was great fun. Join us for one or more of our 7 remaining weeks.
Camp Greentree is a fun and exciting place to be. Check out some pics from the sensory theme room. We also enjoyed the gorgeous weather we were blessed with.
The first water day of the 2024 camp season. What a gorgeous day.
Today we kicked off camp greentree 2024. Day 1 of 40 exciting camp days. Interested in having your kids join us? There are still spots to jump in and enjoy weeks 2 through 8. Come experience a week or sign up for multiple weeks of Bible based fun. New this summer…extended care hours from 1:00-4:00.
Greentree Christian School and 3 of our staff members were nominated for awards this year for the 7th Annual Fairfax County SEPTA awards.
SEPTA is Fairfax county's Special Education PTA.
Greentree Christian School, Heather Greene (Director), Brooke Varma (Form 3 teacher) and Cathy Warren (Special Education teacher) were all nominated for the category of Community Champion for Special Education.
What a wonderful honor and a testament to our mission to be Distinctively Christian and Distinctively Inclusive.
We celebrate our Kindergarten graduates. Take a few minutes to watch our graduation video and enjoy the wonderful activities and experiences that make Greentree Christian School unique and different. We are distinctively Christian and distinctively inclusive. Greentree is a special place to learn and grow. We are so very proud of our Kindergarten graduates.
Greentree Kindergarten Graduation 2023-2024
Check out these amazing Form 3 graduates. We wish them all well as they live into their God designed purpose.
What a beautiful thing to see 14 (5th and 6th grade) preteens become such a unique and bonded group of young people throughout the school year. A true testament to our school, the teacher and the unique environment that was created in their classroom. Their morning meetings and prayer times truly produced a group of young people who grew into themselves in unique and special ways this school year.
There were many tears at the end of the day on the last day of school. A wonderful advertisement for our sweet distinctively Christian and distinctively inclusive school, to have 5th and 6th grade students truly sad to see their year together come to a close.
Take a minute to watch through their end of year, graduation video.
Form 3 Grad Vid
It’s graduation day at Greentree Christian School! What an exciting day as we celebrated graduating our kindergartners onto their next endeavors in first grade or Form 1. Additionally, graduating our Form three second year students (our sixth graders) on to middle school!!
It was a wonderful celebration of many accomplishments for these amazing young people.
Congratulations friends! We wish you God's blessings on your future.
The elementary classes had water day fun this afternoon. As the last day of school approaches tomorrow today was a day for celebrating and loads of fun. The clouds parted. The sun came up and the classes had a blast. Moon bouncing. Popsicles and water play. Several of the teachers were soaked by the end of the festivities.
Wow what a fun day. It was the last day of school for 4 of our preschool classes today. We partied. We played hard. We said “see you later” to some of our school friends. We had moon bounce fun, popsicles and water day. Have a great summer MW and MWF friends.
Congratulations and best wishes to our 52 PROMOTED four and five year olds. We are proud of you and thrilled that Greentree was part of your educational journey. Many blessings for a wonderful future as you grow in the Fruit of Spirit and live out your purpose. Yay you!