An hour walk along the San Diego river with B, and then some nice Qi Gong lifted my spirits and soothed my body today. 💕🐾😊
Students and fans of this page will see what I teach. My art projects, art events, and other instructional items related to my art classes.
Also, the Art Club activities will be posted, as well as links to community art happenings.
Operating as usual
An hour walk along the San Diego river with B, and then some nice Qi Gong lifted my spirits and soothed my body today. 💕🐾😊
Friends, please share this far and wide. Looking to hire a qualified Jewelry teacher in my school!
ASTRO was found! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
He’s ok.
Thanks to all for the good wishes for him!
Office Professional Training (OPT) Grossmont College 8800 Grossmont College Dr. El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 644-7247 Kat Brodie [email protected]
This Facebook is for current, past, and future Griffins! The information on this Facebook is to keep all fans up-to-date on the happenings at the G-House!
High quality, affordable, career training and personal enrichment opportunities and free Diploma/GED
We are the Arts, Humanities & Social Science Division at Cuyamaca College
We are an elementary school in the Cajon Valley Union School District.
The 40th Class Reunion was July 21-22, ‘23 in El Cajon. Share the photos with all our classmates!
We believe each child is unique and created by God. We offer an enriching environment where every ch
Dehesa School's Parents Club is a volunteer organization raising money to give your kids a fun exper
Our mission is happy kids, in healthy relationships, on a path to gainful employment. #BeCajonValley
Open to all alumni of the Granite Hills H.S. Band & Lancers. This will be a place where we can reconnect with former classmates and connect with band members from other years.
Granite Hills High School (619) 593-5648