Wishing a Happy Father's Day to all the amazing father figures out there. Thank you for your love and everything you do! We're celebrating you today!
Region One ECI
ECI provides an array of services to children birth to 3 who have developmental delays & disabilities
Operating as usual
Check out our SNAP-ED reel to see all of the exciting and educational events promoting Healthy Texan Week. Thank you, Liz Aguirre, for raising awareness of the importance of healthy eating and exercise.
For more information please contact Liz Aguirre – SNAP-Educator / [email protected]
Add movement to your daily tasks, like lifting a few knees while brushing your teeth.
It only takes a few minutes to add activity to your day to help manage stress and improve your overall health.
For more information, please contact Liz Aguirre – SNAP-Educator / [email protected]
With a bit of planning and some simple recipes, you’ll discover a world of flavorful meals that fuel your body, satisfy your taste buds and won't take hours in the kitchen.
Go to goodfoodgoodmove.org for more recipes and ideas to stack your nutrition with frozen fruits and veggies.
For more information, please contact Liz Aguirre – SNAP-Educator / [email protected]
Cuando no tenga mucho tiempo, opte por alimentos congelados. Los alimentos congelados vienen pelados, partidos y listos para convertirse en comidas rapidas. ECONOMICOS Y SALUDABLES: Los alimentos congelados duran mucho tiempo: pueden guardarse en el congelador de 8 a 12 meses Visite goodfoodgoodmove.org para mas recetas e ideas para mejorar su nutricion con frutas y verduras.
As we continue , check out this delicious recipe using frozen blueberries. Did you know that frozen fruits and vegetables save time and add nutrition to your meals? Frozen produce is affordable, healthy, and can be stored in your freezer for 8-12 months. Go to goodfoodgoodmove.org for more recipes and ideas to stack your nutrition with fruits and veggies. -Ed
Join us this week for the very first Healthy Texan Week! SNAP-ED coordinator Elizabeth Aguirre will be sharing great ideas for low-cost, time-friendly tips that serve up fruits and vegetables in a way that your whole family will love.
Acompáñenos en la primera Semana de Texas Saludable;
Elizabeth Aguirre coordinadora de SNAP-ED compartirá ideas sobre cómo tener una dieta más saludable. Obtenga ideas y consejos para preparar rápidamente frutas y verduras a bajo costo y de una manera que le encantará a su familia. -ED,
We have loved watching you grow up to be such a creative, smart, and fun kid! We are so proud of you, and we can't wait to see what you will become when you grow up. Congratulations on your ECI graduation Mario & Aria!! 👩🎓🧑🎓🥳❤️
In the heat of summer, we focus on the temperature and degrees measured by the Fahrenheit scale, when really, the most important degrees are the 180 degrees it takes to check the back seat. Know who or what's in the back seat, and do not leave anyone behind. Learn more: https://www.cpsboard.org/heatstroke-prevention/
National Safety Council National CPS Certification NHTSA Safe Kids Worldwide
ARE YOU WONDERING IF YOUR BABY IS HUNGRY OR FULL? CHECK OUT THIS GREAT INFORMATION FROM Pathways.org You may be able to tell if your little one is happy or upset but can you tell if they're hungry or full? 👶🍼 Your baby's cues change as they get older and are able to communicate more, so look for these signs to help you know if they want "more" or are "all done."
➡️ Check out our feeding guide for a list of feeding milestones and appropriate foods to feed baby by age: https://pathways.org/print/feeding-checklist/
Thank you, Strategies for inviting Elizabeth Aguirre, SNAP-ED, and Dianira Negrete, Child Find Specialist, to your Health Services Advisory Committee (HSAC) to bring together staff, students, parents, and the community to meet Head Start performance standards. to bring together staff, students, parents, and the community to meet Head Start performance standards.
Stay safe in the heat everyone.
Today we honor those who have made the greatest sacrifice. In observance of Memorial Day, our Region One ECI offices will be closed on Monday, May 27, 2024. We will resume operations on Tuesday May 28th.
"Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first." — Matthew Jacobson
Thank you to our ECI parents that have allowed us to share this journey with you. Your contribution to your child success is unmeasurable. 🧑🎓🤩🙌
Happy 3rd birthday Sebastian, Matthew & Ethen and Congratulations on your ECI graduation!
Household Items To Boost Your Toddler's Communication Skills:
Do you have a toddler at home? You may be surprised to learn that you don’t need to spend a lot of money on toys, or technology to develop your child's language skills.
Plastic cups. Use as a microphone to echo animal sounds—or build a tower to knock down and pick up. Talk about which animal makes each sound. Use your tower to teach your toddler prepositions (such as in, on, under, and above).
Plastic containers. Fill and dump, sort with similar items, or match different-sized lids to their bottoms. Give your child two-step instructions as you play—to help them learn to follow directions (e.g., Get the blue container, and bring it to me).
Laundry baskets. Use as boats, trains, or cars for fun, imaginative play. Use phrases like go choo-choo or beep-beep car.
Clothes/socks. Use for teaching different body parts
The most important thing to remember is that you are your toddler’s best playmate and teacher!
Thank you to our fantastic team of 19 Speech-Language Pathologists, who work tirelessly to provide quality speech, language, and feeding therapy to the children in Cameron and Hidalgo County. If you have concerns about your child's communication skills, call Region One ECI at (956) 984-6131.
Gracias a nuestro equipo de 19 terapistas del habla , que trabatjan incansablemente para prover terapia del habla, lenguaje y alimentacion de calidad a los niños de Cameron y del condado de Hidalgo. Si tiene inquietudes sobre las habilidades de comunicación o alimentación de su hijo, llame a Region One ECI al (956) 984-6131.
Our Region One ECI professional development continued in the afternoon. Thank you to our leadership team as well as Connie, Norma M., Mary, Gabriel for your support in making this day a SUCCESS.
Our staff is attending professional development today to enhance services to children and families in ECI. Our office is taking referrals at (956) 984-6131.
Thank you to Region One ESC HR Administrator, Brenda Mora and Technology Team, Dante Fox & Ruben Flores, for your informative sessions and support! Pic credits: Elizabeth Aguirre, SNAP Educator
Many parents have concerns about their child learning more than one language here in the Rio Grande Valley. Often, this is based on some common myths.
Ser bilingüe es bueno para el cerebro de su hijo, facilita la comunicación con los abuelos y familiares y es una ventaja para encontrar trabajo en el futuro. Healthy Children
You turned 3. Do you know what that means? You are three times a little lady and a Region One ECI grad! Happy 3rd birthday Bay! 🥳👩🎓
Great sleep information from Pathways.org
Whenever you lay baby down to sleep in their crib, you can take one simple step to help prevent two common conditions: positional plagiocephaly (flat spots on the head) and positional torticollis (tight neck muscles on one side). Here's one of the easiest ways to help prevent plagiocephaly and torticollis in babies: Sleep Switch, Left, Right, Repeat! If you have concerns regarding flat spots on your baby's head, speak to your pediatrician or contact Region One ECI @ (956) 984-6131
New Program Provides Free Tips and Resources for Families!
Did you know that more than 90% of deaf children are born to parents who hear? This can make news of a hearing loss very unexpected. Information, resources, and support are key! This new program is specifically designed for families of children birth to 3 years with suspected or confirmed hearing loss.
Thank you, teachers, for all of your hard work and selfless dedication to the future of tomorrow. 🍎📓✏️
¿Tiene inquietudes sobre el desarrollo del habla y el lenguaje de su hijo? Visite la Instituto Nacional sobre Sordera y Otros Trastornos de la Comunicación para conocer los hitos del desarrollo del habla y el lenguaje. Si tienes dudas, contáctanos al (956) 984-6131.
Etapas del desarrollo del habla y el lenguaje /**/ En esta página:
Al's Toy Barn Learning Center LLC participated in developmental screenings with the evaluation team and SNAP-Ed. If your daycare/learning center is interested in having your pre-school students participate in developmental screenings for motor, communication, and social emotional skills contact Dianira Negrete @ (956)984-6131.
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1900 W. Schunior Street
Edinburg, TX
Opening Hours
Monday | 8am - 5pm |
Tuesday | 8am - 5pm |
Wednesday | 8am - 5pm |
Thursday | 8am - 5pm |
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300 W Palm Drive
Edinburg, 78539
First Sundowner for 2011 is Wednesday, March 30th Don't forget to check www.edinburgpaga.org for updated info on upcoming events!
Join the UTRGV PA Class of 2021 to find out all of the unique things we are up to! You'll find motivational posts, fundraising notifications, and community outreach details all in one place.
410 N. 13th Avenue
Edinburg, 78541
Better Living for Texans is a federally funded program that provides nutrition education.
Edinburg, 78542
The Rio Grande Valley’s first educational service center that provides elementary students remedial reading assistance, enrichment classes, and introductory lessons. Offering schools Professional Development and new teacher mentorship membership
1201 W. University Drive
Edinburg, 78539
MAIE is multi-disciplinary field containing elements of industrial, mechanical and materials enginee
Region One ESC 1900 W. Schunior
Edinburg, 78541
The Migrant Education Program (MEP) supports school districts in ensuring quality education programs for migratory children are provided. MEP helps ensure that migratory children who move among the states are not penalized in any manner by disparities.
1201 W. University Drive
Edinburg, 78539
The Center for Student Involvement is the place to get involved on campus! #dosomethingawesome
1201 W University Drive
Edinburg, 78541
Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization (CEO) is the premier entrepreneurship network.