Help out our Animal Control!
We are currently taking care of quite a few animals including pregnant/nursing cat mamas.
With that being said…We are in need of kitten dry kibble & Kitten wet food cans. If you or a friend has any to spare, we would appreciate it here at animal control!
If you’re unable to, please give this post a share!
Wow, Thank you so much for every share & donation we received. We are now currently STOCKED! & a huge Thank you to Richmond Animal Shelter for their generous donations. We are glad to see our community get together & help their local animal control out. ♥️
”You're either winning, or you're learning. Let your kids learn.”💫
For the past two summers I've been the pool director at a country club pool.
I have a staff of 11 lifeguards - seven boys and four girls. Nine of the guards are college freshmen and sophomores, and two are high school seniors.
This isn't my first job as a country club pool director, but it is my first job as a country club pool director since becoming a parent.
Over the past two summers I have noticed some common threads with lifeguard applicants and my staff.
These are my anecdotal observations and not scientifically backed data or research, but I have consistently seen the same thing repeat itself over and over again.
Guards whose parents micromanage and do everything they can to prevent their kids from failing are my least dependable guards.
They don't know how to pay attention to detail, and they are not proactive.
This isn't specific to one gender, but I see it predominantly with boys.
I've received applications filled out by parents. I've received emails, texts, and private messages from parents asking questions their kids are capable of asking themselves.
What I have learned from personal experience, both with my own kids and my employees is that the best way to help kids learn and grow and become independent and reliable is to stop doing things for them.
Let them learn how to communicate with adults. Let them miss deadlines. Let them miss out on job opportunities.
Let them be responsible for both their good and their bad results.
Let them learn from their mistakes.
They will not make the same mistake twice if it costs them time or money or opportunity or all three.
But they will continue to be flake jobs if they know you are going to do the important stuff for them no matter what.
This is how mothers of boys, in particular, perpetuate the cycle of men who don't contribute equally at home.
When you are raised by a mother who does things for you in order to make sure you don't miss out, you don't suddenly snap out of it when you get married or become a parent.
In most cases, you do what you know.
As parents, if we want to put dependable, reliable, proactive and successful teenagers out into the world, we have got to be willing to let them struggle and fail.
Because that's the only way for them to grow. Failure is a necessary part of a healthy human experience.
Because failure isn't actually failure.
It's a guidepost.
You're either winning, or you're learning.
Let your kids learn.
Show up. Sing. Shine. 💜💜💜
The next time
you refuse to sing
because you’ll never
fill a stadium
or decline the joy of dance
for fear of looking
or you resist risking
the new adventure
because you’re
not entirely ready or
you dim your shine
because you’re not
completely healed and whole
the next time
you hold yourself suspect
because you’re not
entirely qualified
just remember
a bird doesn’t sing
because it’s talented
a bird sings because
it has a song
the moon doesn’t only shine
when it’s whole
it can show up with
a single sliver of itself
and still light an entire
night sky
show up. sing. shine.
the world needs you
as you are
~ © Angi Sullins
Art by Jane Rae
We’re ready for you! See you soon!
Who’s ready for 💟 Story Time with Mindy Independent this morning?! 🙋🏻♀️ We can’t wait to share this story with you at All Seasons Café! See you at 10!
In just 3️⃣ days, catch us at 💟 Story Time with Mindy Independent at 10 AM! We’ll have a fun art activity to go along with our amazing story that any elementary schooler will enjoy! We can’t wait to share it with you! See you Friday! 🥰📚💜
Who’s headed to Story Time Friday?! You, I hope! Bring the kids and enjoy a coffee while they listen to a story, create, and learn important messages about inclusivity! See you there!
Join us on Friday for Story Time at All Seasons Café! In celebration of Autism Awareness Month, we’ll be reading “Masterpiece” by Alexandra Hoffman. Children will take home a creation that we will work on after the story. Our reading, discussion, and artwork will focus on the themes of understanding and inclusivity. This event is best suited for ages 5 and up, but all are welcome. We’ll see you Friday! 💜
Here’s a great discussion producing morning meeting / math activity we created! This one should be fun! ‘Tis the season!
Can you believe school vacation is next week already?! Come on over to Story Time at All Seasons Café on Friday if you’re looking for something to do! We’ll read a book, have a chat, and do a fun activity, too! The only thing better than that is the yummy treats and coffee you can have while you’re there! See you there! 🤓💜
Happy April! ☔️ Here are a few ideas to add to your to-do list!
My daughter and I came up with this idea last year and it was a GREAT one! Not only are we helping our planet, we’re also avoiding clutter at home and saving me headaches looking for more unnecessary baskets… likely at the last minute! Consider doing the same. You won’t be disappointed!
It’s a rainy day, but at least you have something to look forward to! Catch us at All Seasons Café on school vacation week! Story Time for the kids 📚, coffee and treats for you! ☕️🍪
Happy International Women's Day! Did you know that while about 3/4 of educators are women, they make up just over 1/4 of our educational leaders? We’ve got work to do! Let's continue to break barriers so women can lead in education and beyond!
The kids are back at it this Monday morning! We hope you all had a wonderful break filled with fun and rejuvenation! Since Story Time was one of our vacation highlights, we thought we’d do it again! Join us on the next school vacation week at All Seasons Café. 💜☕️🤓
What a wonderful Story Time we had yesterday! We always love seeing new faces and providing children new opportunities. A huge thank you to the amazing All Seasons Café for hosting us! They are TRUE community partners! Yesterday’s lessons also wouldn’t be possible without the great work of Barry Timms and Tisha Lee. “Love Grows Everywhere” was a fantastic story to guide our work! 💜
Today’s the day! Today’s the day! We can’t wait to see you at 💟 Story Time with Mindy Independent. Join us at 1:00 at All Seasons Café! We’re super excited about what we have planned and are looking forward to sharing it with you all. 💜
Don’t miss Story Time tomorrow at All Seasons Café! We’ll see you from 1-2 for reading, crafts, and fun!! No need to register. Just come on in! See you then! 😀
VACATION WEEK! 📖 We can’t wait for Wednesday! Join us as we read “Love Grows Everywhere” at All Seasons Café. While the story and activities are best suited for ages 6-9, all ages are welcome! See you then! ☺️
We’d love to see your child at Story Time and give you a short rest during February vacation! No need to register. Just show up for this free event! Don’t forget to share with friends who might need a February vacation rest, too! The more, the merrier. ☺️
Looking for FREE activities during vacation week? Grownups, come sip some coffee or have a little treat while the kids have fun and do some learning in disguise! Wednesday at All Seasons Café! See you there! 😃
Exciting news! 📣 Join us on school vacation week for Story Time at All Seasons Café! We’ll be reading “Love Grows Everywhere” by Barry Timms and grow some love ourselves! 💗 Children will participate in discussions, creating, and crafts after the story. This event is best suited for ages 6-9 but all are welcomed. See you there! 😃
Happy Lunar New Year! We have officially begun the Year of the Dragon! 🐉 Let us channel the dragon’s intensity for good, embrace strength, and remain focused and grounded. Wishing you all a beautiful year. ✨🐲🔥
How amazing is this! Love EP! ❤️🤍
‘Townie Tailgate’ to give East Providence students real-world experience
The food truck also involves students in the automotive and graphic design programs at the high school.