Riverside Covenant Church

Riverside Covenant Church


A church of active disciples, reaching and serving our community for Christ...come join us! Sunday Service begins at 9:30 am

A church of active disciples, reaching and serving our community for Christ

Operating as usual

Photos from Riverside Covenant Church's post 02/09/2025

Last week we remembered the wonder of snow as a child, trying to catch snowflakes on our tongue, falling backwards into snow to make angels, the perfect snowflake on our gloves... Today we sit surrounded by snow. Perhaps we are curled up with a hot drink enjoying our warm home or have taken a moment to wonder at the beauty. Perhaps it hasn’t been so wonderFUL with lost power or unable to get to those we need to get to. Ecclesiastes can be an invitation to shift our perspective, finding the wonder in whatever our circumstances.

During this snow-day we invite you to take some time for personal reflection.
Scroll through the attached pictures OR access the PDF version here:


Some days it feels like there is bad news from every side. Friends calling to share griefs too terrible to name, fires consuming home after home, airline collisions, violence, wars and oppression.
Perhaps the people in the time of Nehemiah felt similarly. They were living under occupation, isolated and striving to renew their city. They were attacked from just about every side. They built with their swords on their side ready for attack, and the future didn't look any better.
IN THE MIDSTS of the challenges and heartache they gather to find understanding and their 'how?' turned into 'wow.'


Following Jesus turns our 'how' into 'wow.'
Luke 4:14-21 | Psalm 19 | Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10

Photos from Riverside Covenant Church's post 02/04/2025

There are so many beautiful moments and connections we miss taking pictures of. In the last month the team responsible for Sunday morning services gathered to celebrate and share a meal, the congregation gathered over lunch, twice- once in fellowship and once to discuss, plan and pray for our church and community. We have gathered to move our bodies mid winter at sports nights, we gathered in small groups and Bible study, on Zoom and so much more! This Sunday was scout Sunday and 4 of the 12 kids in service are also scouts :D


“It’s not just that Jesus is breaking the boundaries… breaking established boundaries or offending people is not an indication is from God. Rather it is the ways Jesus is healing, caring for the poor, showing compassion, bringing good news to life and people. These things show who Jesus is.”
1 Corinthians 13:1-13 | Psalm 71:1-6 | Jeremiah 1:4-10


'So What?' Guiding questions to bloom where we are planted.

This is how we cultivate JOY.


We are starting the new year with a new sermon serries: Cultivating JOY.
Part 1- Finding purpose in the familiar (perhaps the mundane)

What does the FAMILIAR story of magi from the East and a star have to teach us about joy and purpose in this season?

I wonder what your guiding star words have meant this week. Did your chosen word disappoint, meet or exceed your espectations? Have you thought about it this week? Perhaps this word could be an invitations to check in each day with the One who is your guiding light, much like the magi did with the star.
(Pick up your word on the table with the quilt at the back of the church or use the spinner in the previous post)

We are starting the new year with a new sermon serries: Cultivating JOY.
Part 1- Finding purpose in the familiar (perhaps the mundane)

What does the FAMILIAR story of magi from the East and a star have to teach us about joy and purpose in this season?

I wonder what your guiding star words have meant this week. Did your chosen word disappoint, meet or exceed your espectations? Have you thought about it this week? Perhaps this word could be an invitations to check in each day with the One who is your guiding light, much like the magi did with the star.
(Pick up your word on the table with the quilt at the back of the church or use the spinner in the previous post)

Advent 2024 Words for the Beginning 01/13/2025

Did you know our sermons are on YouTube? They are typically posted early each week. Follow along when you can't join us in person.

You can find them organized in "playlists" so you can watch an entire series. Our Advent series is complete here:

Advent 2024 Words for the Beginning Share your videos with friends, family, and the world



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Star Words
Gods power has given us everything we need to lead a godly life. 2 PETER 1:3A, NIRV




165 Rounds Avenue
East Providence, RI

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 1pm
Tuesday 9am - 1pm
Wednesday 9am - 1pm
Thursday 9am - 1pm
Friday 9am - 1pm
Sunday 9:30am - 10:45am