Whether you’re debating a co-worker or a political opponent, East Bay Toastmasters Club gives you the public speaking skills—and confidence—to succeed. Visit us at the East Providence Senior Center the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 5:30-7:30 pm or visit our website, https://9556.toastmastersclubs.org
Here we are — our first TM meeting via Skype! In all we had 11 members participate in tonight’s meeting and things ran surprisingly smoothly. It was a productive and fun meeting — as always! Thanks fellow East Bay Toastmasters!
PLEASE NOTE: Due to concerns about transmitting illness at Evergreen House Health Center, our club will not be able to continue our club meetings at their East Providence, RI location for an indefinite period of time.
Our MARCH 19 and APRIL 2 meetings will take place via Skype. Please click the link in the email our club president will send out 10 minutes prior to our meeting start time. Meeting time remains the same: 5:30 - 7:30pm
Excited to share results from our club's annual "Evaluation and International Speech Contests" -- which we held during last Thursday's meeting!
Congratulations to:
Lynn Potter who won the Evaluation Contest
Marie Carter who won the International Contest
Joe Nunes finished in 2nd place in both contests
The winners of our club contests now advance to the "Toastmasters Area Contests" taking place in March -- exact date, time, and location still to be announced.
To check our DIstrict's contest calendar for updates about the next round, go to https://district31.org/district-31-calendar/
Our club is in Area 73, of Division G, in District 31.
Also, thank you to Joe Nunes for being such a prolific speaker that he competed in both contests!
Additionally, thank you Jill Kreiling for doing a great job as our Cheif Judge leading a fabulous team of ballot counters, timers, and judges!
Thank you to everyone who participated -- either as a contestant or by filling a role.
Nancy E. Oliveira
President, East Bay Toastmasters Club (No. 9556)
Fantastic open house last night! Lots of fun (& learning) had by all!
Could not come last night?
Our club welcomes guests at each and every meeting. We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. Next meeting is February 6, at 5:30 to 7:30pm. 1 Evergreen Dr., East Providence, RI.
New Year's Resolutions:
1. Improve my public speaking skills.
If this is on your list, why not join us for an Open House on Thursday, January 16, 2020 and see how East Bay Toastmasters can assist in building a better you!
Our open house runs from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. and we meet at the Evergreen House Health Center, 1 Evergreen Dr., East Providence, RI.
No need to RSVP - just show up!