Duke Memorial Weekday School

Duke Memorial Weekday School

Established as a nursery school in 1950, Duke Memorial Weekday School enrolls children, ages 2 to 5, and is staffed by a paid faculty.

Our emphasis is on building self-confidence and establishing an atmosphere of love, support, and security. Admission is open to all children, regardless of race, gender, or religious affiliation. Please call us at 919- 688-5130 if you have questions or would like to schedule a tour. We are a play-based preschool. Our curriculum reinforces hands-on activities that are developmentally geared and ind

Operating as usual


Maybe we will all be chilling with our snowmies soon!


We hope you have a happy holiday season full of fun! School resumes January 6th.


A big thank you to the Parents Council for a lovely holiday lunch and gifts at our staff meeting today! We appreciate all that Parents Council does for the staff!


Everyone will be dismissed at 11:55 tomorrow.


This Wednesday is the day, come find out more about our half-day Kindergarten.


We are thankful for each of you and hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!! School resumes Monday December 2nd.


Come learn about our half day Kindergarten! RSVP to Mrs. Allen. Happy to answer any questions you may have!


Today is the day! Head to Nautical Bowls from 4-8pm and help raise money for Duke Memorial Weekday School.


Tomorrow, Thursday November 21st is the day! Enjoy a delicious treat from 4-8pm while DMWS gets a portion of the sales. The teachers were able to sample and they were yummy!


As you plan your meals for the week mark Thursday as a night out to support Duke Memorial. Our neighbors, Nautical Bowls will donate a portion of sales from 4-8 pm back to the school.


It is the last day for our Double Good popcorn fundraiser. Buy now from the this link https://s.dgpopup.com/p51ywu75. Thanks for supporting Duke Memorial Weekday School!


If popcorn isn't your thing but you still want to help Duke Memorial, order your holiday cards from Minted. You save 20% with code FUNDRAISEDUKE MEMORIAL and the school gets 15% of the sale donated back.


Support DMWS! You can purchase by clicking this link https://popup.doublegood.com/s/p51ywu75 or follow the instructions sent home with your student and make a store front to share. Thanks for your support!!


Come get all your questions about our half-day Kindergarten answered.


Can you believe it is November already? Lots of fun to come as we enter the end of 2024!

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504 W Chapel Hill St
Durham, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 12pm
Tuesday 9am - 12pm
Wednesday 9am - 12pm
Thursday 9am - 12pm
Friday 9am - 12pm