Operation Stop CPS

Together WE can change this System.

Operation Stop CPS’s goal is to educate society on the Child Protection System to unmask the systematic oppression that has continued to wreak havoc on the lives of families.

Operating as usual



The North Carolina Civil Rights Advisory Committee will hold a community forum on the civil rights implications of the state’s Family Policing System. Members of the public are encouraged to share their experiences and perspectives on the topic.

When: June 27th 6-8pm
Where: Virtual

This is an opportunity for families to unveil the truth and shift the narrative. Click the link in our bio to register.

If you need assistance with your testimony, send a DM!

Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 06/04/2024

Call to ACTION!

Repost via
UPDATE: Amanda Wallace’s trial was POSTPONED until an undetermined date.

The system’s delay tactics won’t work! We will organize until all charges are dropped.

Amanda’s legal team filed a motion to dismiss on May 29. We are urging the court to rule in favor of dismissing all charges with prejudice or for the Wake County District Attorney’s Office to dismiss all charges ASAP. Amanda’s work to hold the family policing system accountable should be celebrated, not criminalized.

What can you do?

1) Tell DA Freeman to drop all charges by phone (919-792-5000 Ext. 5) and/or by email ([email protected]). Swipe for a script!

2) Sign the support letter (if you haven’t already): bit.ly/AW-support-letter

3) Donate to to support Amanda’s work on the ground: bit.ly/stop-cps-donate

Comment 🖤 when you’re done!

Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 05/30/2024

This is OBSTETRIC VIOLENCE ‼️ Urgent Call to Action! Click the link in our bio “Bring Baby Burns Home” for full details.

Ms. Burns has court tomorrow, Friday, May 31st @ 9am and we need the community’s help to make this system feel the pressure. This issue should concern us all because if this can happen to Ms. Burns and her child, it can happen to you or someone you love. 

Here is how you can use your voice to express your opposition to the decision. 

Pack the Court
When: May 31st @ 9am
Where: Durham County Courthouse 510 S Dillard St, Durham NC 27701 Courtroom 5C (5th floor)

1. Call and email Maggie Clapp, Durham County Director  ( 919-886-8342;  [email protected] ) and demand that Durham County recommend that the Court dismiss the petition for non-secure custody of baby Burns and immediately return him to his mother. 

2. Call Durham County CPS Hotline at 919-560-8424 and demand the immediate reunification of Baby Burns to his mother, Walidah Burns. 

3. Call or Email County Commissioner and DSS Board Chair Wendy Jacobs (919-418-3169 [email protected]) and demand that the board immediately review the case file for the Burns family to examine whether State and county policies were followed during the investigation. (CC-Chair of County Commissioners, Nida Allam [email protected])

Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 05/16/2024

Join us next Monday, May 20th, for a webinar on how communities are resisting the family and criminal court systems, how the systems respond, and what organizers are doing to overcome this.

🗓️ Monday, May 20th
⏰ 1 - 2:30 PM ET
🔗 RSVP for zoom link: bit.ly/communities-in-courts

In courtrooms across the country, small groups of community members are fighting back against the legal systems that oppress us. Whether it is through courtwatch or participatory defense, communities are putting the legal system on notice. Judges, prosecutors, and other court actors, who are used to operating with impunity and are now facing community oversight, are doing everything they can to stop it. Despite this opposition, the community refuses to be silenced.

Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 04/25/2024


North Carolina is prosecuting Amanda Wallace, Founder of Operation Stop CPS, as retaliation for her organizing in defense of families. This retaliation is a continuation of the government’s long history of using the criminal legal system to destabilize civil rights and social justice movements.

Continue to follow for more on how to show solidarity with Amanda as she faces State retaliation and criminalization for her organizing.

Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 03/28/2024

Join us for a night for film, food and community in both a Philly & LA this April!

Directed and produced by Myah Overstreet .shoots To Be Invisible is a New Yorker short documentary that offers a critical analysis of the family policing system through real experiences of Black families. It is a story of redemption and love.

Philly Screening: April 12th 5:30-7:30pm
LA Screening: April 16th 6:30-8:30pm

Click the link in our bio to register and share widely so we can have real conversations grounded in TRUTH!


Another Black child was kidnapped today.

1 in 2 Black children will experience a family policing investigation. 1 in 10 Black children will experience family separation. This is no accident. The family policing system was designed to destroy Black families.

Reforms will never work. Abolition is the only way forward.

Come out to this Mother’s Day, May 12th, for the 2024 Black Mothers March to demand the state put an end to the kidnapping of our children.

Register at BlackMothersMarch.com.


KNOW THE TRUTH before you VOTE! 🗳️

Durham! None of the current county commissioners have done enough for the people, but one commissioner in particular has blatantly ignored the issues of the people.

Wendy Jacobs needs to GO! Remember the truth as you head to the polls for NC Primary Election.


It’s 5 days into Black History Month and Black children are still being sold for profit by way of the Family Policing System.

In Durham County, NC this is the reality for too many families while government bodies continue to fund these harmful institutions…

Regardless of the blind loyalty those in positions of power lead with, the community will continue to speak truth to POWER!

Durham… pay attention during this commissioner race and demand accountability!


Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 01/15/2024

“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed”

As we remember Dr. King today, let’s remember the POWER we must build to overturn ALL oppressive systems that were erected to keep us oppressed!

We are the PEOPLE! And the time is NOW!

Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 08/11/2023

Today is the day Ms. Wynn will no longer be silenced and all will pause to hear her story! Join Instagram Live at 7pm EST!

Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 08/10/2023

THEY’RE HOME! In 24 hours Ms. Wynn speaks out about her experience being policed by North Carolina family court and Durham, County CPS on Instagram live!

Let's support and amplify her voice.

See everyone soon!

Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 08/09/2023

Can you imagine being unjustly separated from your children for 44 months? Meanwhile North Carolina family court issued a gag order so that Ms. Wynn could no longer tell the truth about the system….

THIS ENDS 8.11.23! This is your sign to join instagram live and lend an ear!
Join at live @ 7pm on 8/11

Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 08/08/2023

Working to abolish CPS means highlighting stories like that of the Wynn family. Join the live at on 8.11.23 7pm EST

Ms. Wynn, Prince, and Zion all needed protection and support from an abusive situation, instead they received policing, silencing and intimidation!

Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 08/07/2023

Join us in celebrating Ms. Wynn's bravery and strength. Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see you on Instagram Live 8.11.23 to hear Ms. Wynn speak out.


North Carolina Families‼️

The Family Regulation ("child welfare") System tears families apart rather than providing them with the necessary resources to thrive. It's time to build the power of families struggling against this system.

On Friday, June 16, join us for the first Building Family Power Training. There will be learning, community, and lunch as attendees learn how to strengthen their advocacy for their own and other families.

Register now! The first 40 to sign up get a $50 gift card. .nc

Registration link: bit.ly/FamilyPowerNC
Link is also in our bio!

Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 05/23/2023

African Women Must Lead!

After the the organizers met to fellowship and build stronger alliances in this fight to abolish the system

Often times African women are excluded from the table when discussing change. Our mission is to create our own table!


Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 05/15/2023

2023 Black Mothers March is officially a wrap!

The presence of community was felt as we came together to build a new way forward.

Check out some of the photos from our event to kick off weekend: Mothers Day Yoga with .twistedyogi.

Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 05/03/2023

Alert ‼️ Howard County, Maryland‼️

Collin & Clover Jackson are still in custody and there are numerous concerns for their health and safety.

Come meet their parents next week at the and see how you can help bring Collin & Clover home!

Repost from 👇🏽

Let’s talk about the side of foster care that no mother or father wants their baby to experience. Howard County DSS protects a woman and her husband who countlessly neglects our son and daughter. The told us last week “Officer S. McKissick” to be exact told us that HE WILL NOT WRITE A REPORT ON ABUSE OR NEGLECT THAT IS BEING DONE TO COLLIN AND CLOVER BECAUSE THEY ARE IN FOSTER CARE. I SHOWED HIM THESE PICTURES AND MORE AND HE GOT UP AND WALKED AWAY. After he called the lead investigators Octavia Smith who kidnapped my babies and told her that we were trying to file charges on them for Human trafficking and abuse and neglect.

Pic #1 is a chunks of my son’s skin that was taken off of his big toe from an alleged “splinter” from “wood chips”. A scratch that is on the top of his foot. My son’s toenails are dirty and his skin is still peeling on his feet from not getting natural oils on his skin every day multiple times a day.

Pic #2 is my Beautiful Brown Girl’s skin that is having adverse reactions to Similac 360.

Pic #3: My Clover’s hair hasn’t been cleansed and activated moisturized since 1/23/23 because this Caucasian woman who doesn’t conduct proper hygiene on my babies thinks this is okay. This can causes a fungal infection in my babies scalp and many other parts of her body.

Pic #4 and #5: My Beautiful Brown Girl’s back is having adverse reactions to Similac 360 that was prescribed by Dr. Obinna Melvin Ego Osuala. As well as the Caucasian foster care provider not knowing how to properly conduct hygiene for a melanated girl.

Pic #6: My daughter is in a size 2 diaper. This diaper is wayyyy too small, we’ve made complaint’s for the past 2 months.

Pic #7: Dirty and other unknown debris in between my son’s toes. This is making my son prone to feet fungi and other diseases and disorders.

Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 04/25/2023

🗣️Black Mothers March! May 13-14, 2023

What else is there to say? How many more traumas and statistics do we need to see to truly see IT!

Mila Jackson is home because the people who can SEE refused to unsee IT until the problem was fixed. Every child deserves this protection.

Black Mothers March weekend is an opportunity for us ALL to come together to build up our network to help us further our fight to abolish the Family Policing System.

Follow for more details!

You coming? Make sure to register by clicking the link in our bio.

Lets get ACTIVE 🔥🔥🔥

Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 04/20/2023


The collective POWER of Community is no match for this system🔥🔥🔥

Shoutout to for leading the charge in Dallas to DEMAND change!

Repost from 👇🏽

We did it, y’all! We kept the pressure on CPS and elected officials to return baby Mila Jackson to her family, and the day has finally come. Thanks to the thousands of YOU who sprung into action from our social media posts and coordinated media outreach, the DA decided to reunite Mila with her loving parents. The Jackson family will be whole again this morning.

But this never should have happened in the first place. Systemic racism is the reason why Mila was separated from her family. Period.

We’ll keep fighting against the criminalization of Black parents, children, and midwives because NO ONE should live through this nightmare. The Jackson family won’t get justice until the healthcare providers, CPS workers, DeSoto police officers, Dallas constables, and every other person who allowed Mila to be taken from her family is held accountable.

Mila isn’t the first Black baby to be unjustly ripped away from her family, and she won’t be the last one—unless fundamental changes are made to the child welfare and criminal justice systems. We’ll ALWAYS go hard to protect Black folk, because we keep us safe.

Help us continue the fight to protect Black families from criminalization by donating to The Afiya Center at the link in our bio.


‼️Durham, NC ‼️

We are excited to partner with Durham Beyond Policing to train the community to Respond in Power! Food & Childcare will also be provided.

Click the link in our bio to register.

Repost 👇🏽

❤️ We are hosting the team this Saturday, April 22nd at 2pm for a powerful, necessary training on the impacts of Child Protective Services (CPS) so our communities can be better prepared to navigate this system!

🍲 Join us for a bite of food and important skills this weekend at 1805 Chapel Hill Road, Durham, NC 27707. You can register at bit.ly/respondinpower

Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 04/06/2023

This is WHY we March!

Texas ‼️ Activate ‼️

The attack on Black family is strong because this nation knows what we are capable of in numbers.

This mother is all of us. She is no different than the rest of us Black and brown women that decide to take a more holistic, informed approach to our family’s health and wellness.
This family needs you to stand in solidarity with them and take action so they can get their newborn baby back from wherever she is being held.

Refer to their midwife and for updates on this medical kidnapping.


Alert ‼️ Mother arrested in Howard County, MD as retaliation for raising awareness for the kidnapping of her children!

Her family is currently waiting for her to get out but the jail is taking their time giving her a bond!

Send prayers up as this family navigates this situation!


Freedom Friday🔥

Movement work is hard but being in community with others makes it easier ✊🏽

We appreciate for coming to Durham, NC to meet these powerful mothers currently on the front lines of the fight for the Freedom of our children!

The Family Regulation System is going to be abolished because families are building POWER!


The McFalls children are headed home from foster care! Today was awarded FULL custody of her children! Congratulations Sham!

Unfortunately their dad will not be there to welcome them home due to his sudden death in Feb that was caused by the stress of the CPS case.

Lets send this family positive energy as they reunite with one another!


This Conversation is one you DON’T want to miss! 🔥🔥🔥

We know that are families are NOT safe and we are NOT free! But together, we can build community control to secure our Safety & Freedom!

Click the link our bio to register!

Wednesday, Feb 8 @ 6pm (Virtual)

Photos from Operation Stop CPS's post 02/03/2023

🔥 Today custody of Zephaniah officially returned to Ms. Sellers and their case is CLOSED! Zephaniah is FREE!

🔥 The Brooks family has sued Dayton Children’s Hospital and the Dr responsible for the medical kidnapping of their children.

Lets keep our knee on the necks of this system and keep fighting for freedom and accountability!


Tune in!

Parenting while Colonized!

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Videos (show all)

KNOW THE TRUTH before you VOTE! 🗳️ Durham! None of the current county commissioners have done enough for the people, but...
Durham County Commissioner Meeting
Alert ‼️ Mother arrested in Howard County, MD as retaliation for raising awareness for the kidnapping of her children! H...
ALERT 🚨 ALERT ‼️ ALERT 🔔 Today we court watched for a family is Georgia. It was kangaroo court! We watched Baldwin Count...
This is why it is so important to record EVERY interaction with the Family Regulation system. Watch this video to the en...
Thank you to the whole Black Power Media family for allowing us space to talk about the work we are doing in Durham Coun...
This has become a real public issue” -Chairman Omali Yeshitela, African People Socialist Party @africamustuniteapspuhuru...
Grand Rising ✊🏽
People’s Court ✊🏽🔥✊🏽 You Be the Judge! Listen in to the opening statements from yesterdays hearing in Durham County rega...
We will control the NARRATIVE! ✊🏽Durham County strategically pushed to ensure the @wral story came out prior to the Coun...





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