OLLI at Duke

Welcome to Learning for the Love of it.

Operating as usual

Photos from OLLI at Duke's post 06/15/2023

What a great way to celebrate 45 years of OLLI at Duke! Thank you to everyone that joined us and to those that made our event successful.

See you in five years for our 50th!

Lifelong Learning Through COVID with Chris McLeod 05/22/2023

"Within the first three months of being online, we trained over 1,500 older adults just how to use Zoom. We were having these open Zoom basic sessions early on because we felt like we wanted everybody to just learn how to get on it. We were probably ten days ahead of most people when we started doing this." - Chris McLeod, Director, OLLI at Duke, speaks about through Covid on the Leading Learning Podcast.

Listen or read the transcript here:

Lifelong Learning Through COVID with Chris McLeod Leading Learning Podcast interviewee Chris McLeod COVID permanently altered the operations and offerings of many learning businesses, and the Osher

Fulfill Your Love of Lifelong Learning | Duke Today 04/04/2023

OLLI in the news! Check out this article from Duke Today featuring OLLI instructors Betsy Dessauer and Ruth Caccavale, and some recent class members!

Fulfill Your Love of Lifelong Learning | Duke Today Fulfill Your Love of Lifelong Learning Staff and faculty are invited to join the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute for access to in-person and virtual courses Image Duke Osher Lifelong Learning Institute members pose for a photo during a class that explored art at the Nasher Museum of Art in early 2...


The Spring 2022 course catalog is out now! Registration begins April 12 and 13 at 9 am. Click here to learn more: https://learnmore.duke.edu/olli

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute | Continuing Studies 09/03/2021

Registration is Underway!
We are so excited for the Fall term to begin! You may register for any class up until the week after the first session of the class. Check out www.learnmore.duke.edu/olli to learn more!

If you’re looking to add a course, here’s a list of the available classes:

Exploring the Q***r South - Joshua Burford - 3301
Fitness at Home - Julia Rose - 3273
History of the Black Press - Carl Kenney - 3308
Watercolor Painting: Mallards - Carol Fynn - 3320
Introduction to Travel Writing - Michael Solender - 3289
Caste: A Discussion Group - Irene Newman - 3304
Art & Women I - Ruth Caccavale - 2877
Reading Northern Soldiers' Civil War Letters - Steven Gates - 3299
Federal Budget & Debt: So What? - Edward Johnson - 2885

The Backstory of a Poem: Sources of Inspiration - Terri Strug - 3296
Optics for the Curious: A Survey of the Study, Properties, and Uses of Light - Michael Paesler - 3318
Toward a More Equitable Durham: Parables, Paradoxes, and Partnerships - Cathy Rimer-Surles - 3323
New Lens: A New Way of Looking at Important Topics - Dick Chady - 1977
Abraham Lincoln & Slavery: We Cannot Escape History - Joe Simpson - 3311
Teachers in Fiction and Film: An Examination - Marjorie Lancaster - 3317

American Foreign Policy - William Davidshofer - 3313
L’Histoire des Francaises - Claire Davidshofer - 3301
Yoga Nidra: Systematic Relaxation - Eileen Friars - 3315
Community Engagement: Finding Your Path to Meaningful Involvement in Durham - Virginia Lee - 3297

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute | Continuing Studies The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Duke seeks to engage the minds, elevate the spirit and foster the wellbeing of our members through a wide range of educational programs and opportunities for volunteer service and social activities. We embrace Duke University’s commitment to community servi...


Registration for the Fall 2021 Term begins August 24 & 25 at 9am. Check out the catalog now to plan your schedule.https://learnmore.duke.edu/sites/drupal.learnmore.duke.edu/files/editor-uploads/OLLI%20fall2021%20catalog%20final.pdf

Digital Connection Is More Essential Now Than Ever, and Seniors Are Being Left Behind 04/08/2021


Digital Connection Is More Essential Now Than Ever, and Seniors Are Being Left Behind Videoconferencing helped Bill Mesick weather the difficulties of the past year. But for many seniors without internet access or tech know-how, that hasn’t been an option. How can we ensure society’s eldest aren’t isolated?


Registration for Winter 2021 begins on January 26 & 27. You can check out all of OLLI's upcoming classes in the course catalog.



Fall 2020 Registration is underway! All of our classes are online on Zoom this term. Check out the catalog on our website


Our historic first Summer Term is in the books...and our first-ever online term! For those who took part in a course please be on the lookout for a survey asking for your feedback.

OLLI Newsletters will be sent out periodically for the rest of the summer. We learned a lot from our fantastic instructors and form our fabulous members and are taking the rest of the summer to process it all. We look forward to seeing everyone in September for the fall term. Register for Fall starting 9/1 and 9/2

Durham Magazine June/July 2020 06/18/2020

OLLI at Duke is mentioned in this month's issue of Durham Magazine.

Durham Magazine June/July 2020 Durham at Dawn | Readers' Favorites | Retirement

President Price Addresses Plans for the Fall Semester 05/22/2020

President Price Addresses Plans for the Fall Semester To students and parents eager for news about the fall semester, President Vincent Price Thursday said Duke University will open in the fall, but specific details continue to be developed as public health and safety guidelines evolve.

A Message of Thanks from President Vincent Price 05/13/2020

A message from President Price.

A Message of Thanks from President Vincent Price Duke President Vincent Price delivers a message of thanks for all the ways the Duke community have supported each other and confronted this crisis with commi...

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute | Continuing Studies 05/12/2020

Register Now for one or all of our 4 Summer 2020 Courses. In response to Covid-19, OLLI at Duke has gone online. This term marks OLLI's first all Online Learning term. All our courses during May and June are a part of our new Online Learning programming. You can join our Zoom classes from your couch! Check it out: www.learnmore.duke.edu/olli

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute | Continuing Studies The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Duke seeks to engage the minds, elevate the spirit and foster the wellbeing of our members through a wide range of educational programs and opportunities for volunteer service and social activities. We embrace Duke University’s commitment to community servi...


Message from the Director:
I received a message last night from the Provost (see below) canceling ALL OLLI classes and activities from March 14 through May 15, as a precautionary measure due to the COVID 19.
We recognize this is very upsetting news for the OLLI learning community. We are heartsick. We recognize that this impacts everyone, from all the instructors who will not be able to conclude their classes as planned for the Winter Term as well as those instructors who have been planning to teach in the Spring. Volunteers who have been working hard on community engagement strategies, instructor recruitment. OLLI film series and social activities....and each one of you.
We will be issuing a course fee credit for those of you enrolled in courses that meet beyond March 14. We will refund fees for activities such as workshops, movies and tours that take place after March 14.
We encourage you stay connected to friends and family to avoid the negative health impacts of social isolation and loneliness. We'll be exploring other ways to keep us all connected through a Common Read (a book everyone could read like the Duke First Year students), TED talks and other resources that we hope to share via email in the next few weeks. And yes, keep washing your hands!
We'll share a Frequently Asked Questions Summary later this week as well. We ask that you not call the office. Email is best [email protected]. The OLLI Office Staff will be working during this shutdown.
You might also check out the new OLLI at Duke FaceBook page for updates and other suggestions for staying connected.
We ask for your patience as we work through all of these issues.
Chris McLeod


Due to impending winter weather, Durham Public Schools (DPS) canceled all classes and activities for Friday, February 21.
OLLI at Duke Inclement Weather Policy states that when DPS closes, OLLI cancels all classes and activities. OLLI at Duke will closed Friday, February 21. Please check your email for any further updates from instructors about make up days and Friday classes.

Regardless of the weather or road conditions, every OLLI member and instructor needs to make his/her own decision about whether or not it is safe to travel. Please use good judgment. Since OLLI hosts classes at 23 different locations in the Triangle, road conditions can vary considerably.

Since the purpose of OLLI's Severe Weather Policy is to mirror the weather-related closings of the Durham Public Schools, we cannot pick and choose which occasions to comply or not. This long-standing policy, while not perfect, is the most efficient and effective way of notifying 2,600 OLLI members in Durham, Orange, Chatham and Wake counties.


Due to impending winter weather, Durham Public Schools has canceled all classes and activities for tomorrow, Thursday, February 20. OLLI at Duke Inclement Weather Policy states that when DPS closes, OLLI cancels all classes and activities. OLLI at Duke will closed Thursday February 20. Please check your email for any further updates from instructors about make up days and Friday classes. Please read below:

Inclement Weather Policy
​OLLI at Duke follows the lead of Durham Public Schools regarding Severe Weather Schedule.

If Durham Public Schools are open, OLLI classes and activities will be held.
If Durham Public Schools close, all OLLI classes and activities are canceled.
If Durham Public Schools delay opening, OLLI classes and activities before 10 am are canceled.
If Durham Public Schools close early, all OLLI classes and activities at 3 pm or later are canceled.

This policy governs all OLLI classes and locations.

Please check your email before you leave for class. There may be instances where OLLI classes are in session and a particular instructor cannot travel due to weather conditions. In those cases, OLLI members can expect to receive an email from their Instructor and/or the OLLI office if their class is canceled.

Regardless of the weather or road conditions, every OLLI member and instructor needs to make his/her own decision about whether or not it is safe to travel. Please use good judgment. Since OLLI hosts classes at 23 different locations in the Triangle, road conditions can vary considerably.


The OLLI Social Hour(s) will be Tuesday, February 18 at the Washington Duke Inn from 3:30 until at least 5:30. Everyone will meet in the semi-private room just inside the Bull Durham bar…unless the weather is mild and we can convene on the patio.

The Washington Duke provides ample parking, the bar is open all day of course, and we can have dinner from the bar menu or even later in the Fairview Dining Room. Chris McLeod will join us, it will be an opportunity to share a few words with her if you like. Although an RSVP is not necessary, we'd appreciate your sending a note to [email protected] if you plan to attend.


At the OLLI Instructors' monthly lunch on Feb. 11, Instructor/Coach Alan Teasley outlined "Effective Strategies for Engaging OLLI Students." Teasley, a longtime teacher in Durham schools, presented tips on properly structuring the course, plus asking prompt feedback, organizing creative ways of handling questions and splitting the class into groups or teams.

Teasley teaches his own class on Durham's Full Frame Documentary Festival. If you're considering possibly teaching a course or if you are a new instructor, OLLI has experts and resources to help. For personalized coaching, contact Alan at [email protected].

Chelley Gutin of the Instructor Relations Committee ([email protected]) organizes the monthly luncheons at various sites around Durham.

Timeline photos 02/07/2020

DPS is closed today. All OLLI classes and Activities for Friday 2/7 are canceled. For more information about our Weather Policy check out our member website: www.olliatduke.org/inclement-weather-policy.html

| Due to high gusts of wind forecasted to last throughout the day, Durham Public Schools will be closed for students today, Friday, February 7. All extracurricular activities for the day are canceled. |

Sign Up 01/21/2020

Do you want to receive email updates from OLLI at Duke? Use the link below to register to join our e-mailing list and stay in the know.

Sign Up Sign Up Here!

Timeline photos 01/16/2020

OLLI Social Hour Resumes Tuesday, January 21

There are some changes we think you’ll like. First, It will be from 3:30 until it fades out – probably 5:30 or 6 PM, and we will meet in the Bull Durham Bar at the Washington Duke Inn,
3001 Cameron Blvd, Durham, NC 27705

OLLI Director Chris McLeod will drop in about 4:30 to briefly share her insights about how the Winter Term is unfolding. The advantages of the new location:
1) There is plenty of parking
2) It is more convenient for members who live south of Interstate 40
3) The space we will be using is much bigger than what we had at the other location.
4) Drink prices are about the same.

Please send a RSVP note to [email protected] to attend (This event is open to all OLLI at Duke Members)


All of us in the OLLI at Duke offices wish you a very Happy Holidays and a Happy New year!

Fall 2019 Assembly 12/23/2019

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Fall Assembly featuring a keynote address by Zena Howard, principal and managing director of Perkins and Will Architects.
Introduction by Stelfanie Williams, Vice President for Durham and Community Affairs at Duke University


Welcome to the Offical OLLI at Duke page. Here you will find announcements on upcoming events, ways to connect with the OLLI community, and Updates from the OLLI Offices. Thank you so much for being a part of our OLLI at Duke Community and we look forward to creating this space online for all our members.

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Campus Box 90700
Durham, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
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Affordable CE for Radiologic Technologists. Over +110 ASRT approved ARRT credits for $54.95 annually

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PO Box 90739
Durham, 27708

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Where students thrive.

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Durham, 27704

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