Learn the career opportunities in each industry. Discover the salary ranges and the educational requirements.
Planet Mogul
Each page in the workbook includes a digital environment: industry specific videos, a career guide.
The Planet Mogul Workbook provides introductory entrepreneurial + career prep to activate students’ critical thinking with lessons and activities in 17 different industries; preparing them to chart a course in critical STEM-related and other fields. The 71-page Moguls-in-Training Workbook weaves entrepreneurship, business, financial education, leadership and innovation into different industries and how science, technology, engineering, arts and math are integrated into each lesson.
Operating as usual
Discover the features of the Moguls-in-Training Workbook.
Learn about the different types of entrepreneurs and steps on starting your first business, including your first business plan.
Introducing different industries to students so they can start charting their course and BE FUTURE READY! Visit planetmogul.com
Introducing students to different industries so they can be FUTURE READY. Visit planetmogul.com to learn about the Moguls-in-Training Workbook.
The Planet Mogul: Moguls-in-Training Workbook provides introductory entrepreneurial + career prep to activate students’ critical and creative thinking with lessons, activities and additional resources in 17 industries; preparing them to chart a course in critical STEM-related and other fields, turning mindshare into market share - empowering students to be FUTURE READY.
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6409 Fayetteville Road, Ste 120
Durham, NC