PARENTS, CHILDREN & SCREEN TIME You've got questions? Me too.
Peaceful Parenting Inc. teaches parents the skills necessary to navigate the push-pull relationship
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PARENTS, CHILDREN & SCREEN TIME You've got questions? Me too.
STOP CRITICIZING & START SELF-EVALUATING Is criticizing your child helping her learn? Are you willing to consider changing and learn a better way? If yes, please keep reading.
TOO OLD TO LEAD? Learn about developmental tasks of 70 & 80 year olds.
SOME THOUGHTS ON MY VULNERABILITY The perils and pluses of feeling vulnerable.
Let's Thank Joe Biden, Dems Fighting Hard For The Senate, Moving On From The Trump Trials Welcome New Subscribers!/The State Of The Union Is Next Thursday - Make Your Plans To Watch
Note by John Pavlovitz on Substack It’s one thing to be a good-hearted but flawed human being who sometimes says something stupid or occasionally has an error in judgment or simply gets it wrong. Most of us fall under that category. We’re not any kind of evil, we’re just imperfect, emotional people, and so we fail and fall—so...
EARNING YOUR WAY OUT OF A JOB - Part 2 The goal of parenting is to teach your children to live independent of you
Note by D. Earl Stephens ✍️ on Substack WARNING: A convicted ra**st out on bond has been spotted on the Texas border this afternoon. This man, who has strong connections to Russia, has also been convicted of fraud, charged with stealing classified documents, and led the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. The suspect speaks limited Englis...
EARNING YOUR WAY OUT OF A JOB - Part 1 The goal of parenting is to teach your children to live independent of you.
MY CANDY LAND PHILOSOPHY Learning to stay in this present moment
CREATED CREATIVE Change the story you're telling yourself and change your life.
THE POWER & FREEDOM OF INDEPENDENT LEARNING Helping parents accept that failure is part of the learning process.
FROM COOPERATIVE TO COMPETITIVE AND BACK AGAIN Successfully parenting during your child's development
WHAT'S SO FUNNY? The benefits of lightening up
HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW? Growing from anxiety and hatred to love and peace.
THE CRUNCHY TIMES Peaceful Parenting #26
UNKNOWN POSSIBILITIES Peaceful Parenting #25