Soccer tryouts have been rescheduled and will be held on January 28th and January 29th before and after school.
Contact Coach Avila [email protected] or Coach Diaz [email protected] if you have any questions.
Moorhead Junior High, Conroe ISD
We are Moorhead JH! Home of the Panthers! You will find news, important dates and information regarding Moorhead JH on this page.
Operating as usual
Current eighth graders and future freshmen! We hope that you will join us at CCHS on January 28th, from 6pm - 7:30pm for our Academic Showcase! You will have a chance to look at next year's course selection offerings and learn about the clubs and organizations that you can join next year!
Thank you to all the mentors who come and help at our school every week. You are appreciated!
See the QR code to sign up for Girls Track!
Communities in Schools with the help of Boyz 2 Men and Student Council
Homecoming Court nominations will open up Thursday and Friday!!!!
To nominate yourself go to the front office with your ID.
Nominations close Friday after lunches and winners will be announced at the Homecoming Dance
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
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Contact the school
13715 Grangerland Road, TX 77306
Conroe, TX