In her most recent article for the PA Times, Prof. Schuh explains the history and purpose behind the pledge to "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" in the oath of office.
Our Constitution Works - PA TIMES Online
Loyalty to the Constitution is a value that has spanned the life of our country. It is a value that has made our democracy endure. Now that value is under attack.
Prof. Schuh's most recent column in PA Times.
Listen to Prof. Martire on the latest edition of the RU podcast And Justice for All
Ep. 33: Ralph Martire on Budget Accountability
Public policy touches every part of our daily lives: where our tax dollars go, where we can afford to live, what opportunities our children receive in school. In this episode, Ralph Martire explain…
Prof. Ralph Martire assesses fact and fiction about conservative rhetoric around the correlation between tax cuts and the economy.
Ralph Martire | Numbers haven't borne out Republicans' economic rhetoric
President Joe Biden is considering a range of potential investment options for the federal government covering everything from traditional infrastructure like roads and bridges to housing, school buildings and even