Center for Book & Paper Arts (CBPA)

Center for Book & Paper Arts (CBPA)


The Center for Book, Paper, and Print is affiliated with the Art & Art History Department within the School of FIne and Performing Arts at Columbia College

The Center for Book & Paper Arts (CBPA) at Columbia College Chicago is one of the largest and most comprehensive book art facilities in the world. The Center has a large exhibition space where we organize an international triennial of contemporary book and paper art, and inaugurate and host national traveling exhibitions and exhibit student and faculty work. The Center for Book & Paper Arts is hom

Operating as usual


Sarah Nicholls

I am pleased to announce that Sarah Nicholls is our summer resident.

if you're interested in dropping in for a visit, contact us. Wordy wordy wordiness and some pictures too


Publishing Projects - Anchor Graphics - Anchor Graphics - Columbia College Chicago



Help us make room in our flat files for new work.

Anchor Graphics is announcing a once in a lifetime to acquire work by some amazing artists.

Work by the following artists is on sale at 70% off of their retail value – Taxes and shipping extra

to view the work link to:

Don't wait, once these prints are gone, the only place you'll be able to see them is in someone's collection. On Sale for a limited time are works by the following:

Cannonball Press
Tim Anderson
Eric Avery
McArthur Binion
Andries Botha
Mikel Bresee
Nyame Brown
Steve Campbell
Steven Carrelli
Enrique Chagoya
Dale Chihuly
Elena Climent
Sue Coe
Paul Coffey
Don Colley
Julian Cox
Nereyda Garcia Ferraz
Chris Flynn
Peter Gourfain
Steve Heyman
Jessie Hickman
Gregory Hilderbrand
John Himmelfarb
Laurie Hogin
Richard Hull
Margo Humphrey
Industry of the Ordinary (without glass overlay)
Michiko Itatani
Teresa James
Luis Jimenez
Gerald Kalal
Terry Karpowicz
Roland Kulla
Ellen Lanyon
Karla Larios
Mike Lash
Louise LeBourgeois
Josephine Lipuma
Thomas Lucas
Ayanah Moor
Rachel Niffenegger
Gladys Nilsson
Tom Palazzolo
Ed Paschke
Gordon Powell
David Russick
Hollis Sigler
Brian Sikes
Nicholas Sistler
Slated Portfolio
Eleanor Spiess-Ferris
Sigitas Staniunas
Fred Stonehouse
Daniel Tisdale
Lisa Villa
Hubertus von der Goltz
Ian Weaver
Karl Wirsum
Saya Woolfalk
Li Yun Ying publishing projects


The projects of our MFA thesis students! Come to the reception on May 13 at the college-wide Manifest Urban Arts Festival - click here for more info:

Columbia College Art & Art History department presents the thesis projects of our interdisciplinary arts MFA students. We invite you to come to the exhibition on the 2nd floor of 1104 S Wabash after it opens on May 6.
May 13 reception event link here:


Revised Paul Moxon workshop announcement

Revised Paul Moxon workshop announcement This is an essential workshop for serious letterpress printer/artists with the top expert in the field. Paul Moxon is a studio letterpress printer, itinerant teacher and author of Vandercook Presses: Maintenance, History and Resources. He is also website editor-in-chief for the American Printing His…


Paul Moxon Letterpress Repair workshop

sign up and reserve your spot with a 25.00 deposit. This is an essential workshop for serious letterpress printer/artists with the top expert in the field. Paul Moxon is a studio letterpress printer, itinerant teacher and author of Vandercook Presses: Maintenance, History and Resources. He is also website editor-in-chief for the American Printing His…


EFA Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop

One of my favorite places - support the EFA- RBPW

EFA Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop is a co-operative printmaking workspace that provides professional-quality printmaking facilities to artists.


Morley College

Alumnae Lucy Baxandall talks paper.

Are you serious about your paper? As a printer, bookbinder and artist, discover the relationship Morley tutor Lucy Baxandall has with paper!


Alumna Jamie Weaver Published by Finishing Line Press | Art & Art History News

Congratulations to Jamie Beth Weaver, 2014 B&P alumna!!! Alumna Jamie Weaver Published by Finishing Line Press Posted by BJ Allen Alumni News, Announcements Comments are off Hard Rain, Hard Wind by Jamie Weaver is a powerful poetic dialogue about familial shame and reconciliation that emerges between the poet, her grandfather Joe, and several generations…


Naomi Beckwith Lecture Thursday December 10 | Art & Art History News

This Thursday at 6:00 p.m., 623 S. Wabash, Room 203! Beckwith recently was written about in W Magazine's "Meet the 11 Most Powerful Female Museum Directors" - click here: Naomi Beckwith Lecture Thursday December 10 Posted by BJ Allen Announcements Comments are off The Art & Art History Department at Columbia College Chicago is pleased to present a lecture by Naomi Beckwith Thursday, December 10 at 6:00 p.m., 623 S. Wabash, Room 203. Facebook event link: https://www.f…


Photos from last night's lovely Open Studios - thank you to all who came out! The studios were filled with friends, alumni, faculty, and many other supporters of the innovative and talented artists in our programs!


Art & Art History - Columbia College Chicago

Excellent news!

Congratulations to Hannah Batsel and Mary Clare Butler, A+AH Interdisciplinary Book & Paper MFA candidates!


Grad Open Studios are around the corner! This album is just a taste of recent work by grads in all three of our Interdisciplinary programs. Come to 1104 S Wabash on Thursday December 3, 6:00 - 8:00pm to meet the artists!
Facebook event link:

Just a little taste of recent work by grads in all three of our Interdisciplinary programs. Come to 1104 S Wabash on December 3, 6 - 8pm to meet the artists!
Facebook event link:


‘STACHE Exhibition Opening Thursday | Art & Art History News

That's 5 - 7pm this Thursday in The Alcove, Efroymson Resource Room, 623 S Wabash, 4th Floor! Stop on by and hang out with some serious 'stache. ‘STACHE Exhibition Opening Thursday Posted by BJ Allen Announcements, Gallery News, Opportunities Leave a Comment ‘STACHE November 12 – December 19, 2015Opening: Thursday November 12, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. The Alcove, Efroymson Resource Room, 623 S Wabash, 4th Floor Chicago, Illinois 60605 https://www.fa…


Brown Bag Lecture Series: Paul Catanese | Art & Art History News

That's this Wednesday in room 804A of 623 S. Wabash - 12:15 - 1pm. Don't miss this opportunity to hear about Paul Catanese's fascinating practice, which cuts across many disciplines, including printmaking! Brown Bag Lecture Series: Paul Catanese Posted by BJ Allen Announcements, Faculty News, Opportunities Leave a Comment Brown Bag Lunch Series Wednesdays 12:15-1pm, Room 804 A 623 S. Wabash Ave, 8th floor November 11: This week’s lecture is with Paul Ca…


One Page Productions — Johanna Drucker wrote a review of Understanding...

Such exciting news from 2nd year B&P student Woody Leslie! Johanna Drucker wrote a review of Understanding Molecular Typography in the latest issue of the Journal of Artists’ Books. Get your copy of JAB 38 today!


Graduate Reception - Open House - Visit Us - Columbia College Chicago

This Friday 11/6 all three of our graduate programs will have students (& their artwork!) and faculty on hand to talk to prospective students - spread the word - click on link to RSVP ! The Graduate Reception will be held the evening of Friday, November 6th and will include a presentation by faculty, a Q&A, and will be followed by a reception. Prospective graduate students are also welcome to attend the campus-wide Open House event the following day. Get ready to learn more about o…


Tango with Cows: Russian Futurism and Bourgeois Culture on the Eve of World War I

Alumnus Daniel Mellis has two upcoming speaking engagements on the east coast. On Friday at NYU and Monday at Yale. Occasional Series | Friday, October 30, 2015 | 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EST


Alum Angela Davis Fegan’s Lavender Menace Reviewed in The Offing | Art & Art History News

Excellent review and interview with 2015 B&P alum Angela Davis Fegan! Alum Angela Davis Fegan’s Lavender Menace Reviewed in The Offing Posted by BJ Allen Alumni News, Announcements Leave a Comment 2015 Book & Paper MFA alumna’s Angela Davis Fegan‘s thesis project Lavender Menace was written up in “The Offing,” a Los Angeles Review of Books online channel. The…


Lesley Dill: Faith and the Devil is open late tonight at the Center. for the Wabash Arts Corridor Art Crawl. Swing by.


Join us for our annual Wabash Arts Corridor Art Crawl on Friday October 23! "Chicago Interiors" opens at Leviton Gallery, 619 S. Wabash, from 5:00 -9:00 p.m.
More info here:


Ugly Duckling Presse Publishes Book by Woody Leslie | Art & Art History News

Congratulations to 2nd year B&P student Woody Leslie! Ugly Duckling Presse Publishes Book by Woody Leslie Posted by BJ Allen Announcements, Student News Leave a Comment Ugly Duckling Presse (Brooklyn, NY) has released the web-only digital version of Woody Leslie’s artist’s book Courier’s Text Atlas of the United States of America. Courier’s Text Atlas…


A little update to the schedule. We decided to let Hannah Batsel out of the bindery so she could present her thesis proposal. More info here:


Our graduate student thesis proposal critique day is this upcoming Monday October 5, 3:30 - 7:30pm! All are welcome to this highly anticipated annual event!
Read more here:


The Dark Threw Patches Down Upon Me Also : ShopColumbia

Today we are celebrating Ben Lerner's MacArthur Foundation award! Don Share and Inge Bruggeman worked with our book and paper graduate students to produce this great book of Ben's and there are still a few copies left. 'The Dark Threw Patches Down Upon Me Also' is by Ben Lerner. • Designed, printed and bound by Book and Paper MFA students under the direction of Inge Bruggeman. • Second in a series of literary publications guest edited by Don Share. Deta...


Target Gallery Call For Entries | Torpedo Factory Art Center Printed Matter Deadline: Sunday, October 18, 2015 Exhibition Dates: December 5, 2015 – January 17, 2016 Target Gallery explores the fine art of printed matter. This exhibition will feature editioned work at affordable prices, as well as a library of…


“Worn Articles: Heard, Read, Remembered” to Open October 03 | Art & Art History News

That's *this* Saturday 5-9pm - mark it in, folks! This opening is for an exhibition with a bonanza of A&AH InterArts programs faculty, alumni, and students, including: Sherry Antonini, Eden Ünlüata-Foley, Miriam Schaer, Melissa Potter, Niki Nolin, Bryan Saner, Jason Geistweidt, Teresa Pankratz, Kelli Cousins, Pate Conaway, Hannah Batsel, Viktor Le. “Worn Articles: Heard, Read, Remembered” to Open October 03 Written by BJ Allen Alumni News, Announcements, Faculty News, Student News Leave a Comment Heard, Read, RememberedOctober 3 – November 1. 2015 Opening Reception:Saturday, October 3rd, 2015, 5-9 pm The Peoples Church/Uptown Arts Center 941 W…


Terrain Exhibitions | Columbia College Chicago 728 S Wabash Av

Please join Book and Paper alumnus Don Widmer this Thursday, Sep. 24, for a 1-day papermaking workshop/exhibit remembering children who have died from gun violence in Chicago. He'll be in the papermaker's garden at 728 S. Wabash (Columbia College Chicago) from 10am-5pm. Part of Terrain Exhibitions/ Terrain Biennial. Free and open to the public; stay 5 minutes or all day. More about his project can be found at Terrain Biennial 2015


Join us tomorrow for papermaking in the garden!

As part of a national U.S. road trip this fall, ‘The Mobile Mill, a traveling paper studio‘ (run by Book and Paper alumna Jillian Bruschera) will make a stop at The Papermaker’s Garden (corner of 8th and Wabash Ave.) in Chicago, Illinois from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 15 to participate in Sabina Ott’s Terrain Biennial for a free, open-to-the-public ‘Make and Take’ hand papermaking workshop. Connecting directly to a ‘pay-it-forward’ ethos as well as historical models of communal labor contribution during the Victory Gardens era, participants will make their own paper but will leave with paper made by a stranger.


Faith & the Devil by Lesley Dill Exhibition Reception September 18 | InterArts & CBPA News

The exhibition is up now but the reception is Friday September 18, be sure to stop by 1104 S. Wabash, 2nd floor, and take in the the amazing "Faith & the Devil" exhibition! It's going to be a hopping night around town and you don't want to miss it! Faith & the Devil by Lesley Dill Exhibition Reception September 18 Written by BJ Allen Announcements, CBPA Leave a Comment Columbia College Chicago’s Center for Book, Paper, and Print is pleased to present Faith & the Devil by Lesley Dill. This large-scale installation investigates the philosophical…


Mobile Mill Workshop with Alumna Jillian Bruschera on Tuesday 9/15 in Papermaker’s Garden |...

A great opportunity to visit with alumna Jillian Bruschera, go to the Papermaker's Garden, make some paper, and support the Terrain Biennial! Mobile Mill Workshop with Alumna Jillian Bruschera on Tuesday 9/15 in Papermaker’s Garden Written by BJ Allen Alumni News, Announcements, CBPA Leave a Comment As part of a national U.S. road trip this Fall 2015, ‘The Mobile Mill, a traveling paper studio‘ will make stop The Papermaker’s Garden (corn…

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1104 S Wabash Avenue Fl 2
Chicago, IL

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 11am - 5pm
Sunday 12pm - 5pm
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