ASCI is looking for graduate students interested in collaborating across arts and sciences. Each team may consist of two or three graduate students, with at least one in the arts/humanities and one from the sciences, who work together over the course of five months to investigate a subject from the perspectives offered by each of their disciplines. Selected teams will receive up to $3,000 in grant support.
If you have an idea and don't know how to find a collaborator, reach out to Naomi Blumberg at UChicago.
More information:
UChicagoGRAD UChicago Division of the Physical Sciences UChicago Social Science University of Chicago Department of Chemistry UChicago History UChicago Arts
Arts, Science + Culture Initiative Arts, Science + Culture Initiative Creating Distinctive Collaborations, Fostering Emerging PossibilitiesThe Arts, Science + Culture Initiative at the University of Chicago cultivates collaboration, active exchange, and sustained dialogue among those engaged in artistic and scientific inquiry within....