ISPP Community -
April is National Arab American Heritage Month. With an estimated 3.7 million Arab Americans in the US, this is a diverse group of people who trace their ancestry to 22 Arab countries. The data are only estimates, per the Arab American Institute (AAI), because the US Census has not had a category to accurately represent Arab Americans. However, recently announced changes, due to the efforts of advocates like Maya Berry, Executive Director of the AAI, have added the MENA category. Ms. Berry stated that this change “will have a lasting impact on communities for generations to come, particularly Arab Americans, whose erasure in federal data collection will finally cease." This change may seem small, but it is an example of providing visibility – bringing attention to the cultural richness and diversity of Arab Americans and their belongingness in society. Belongingness and inclusion matter in our profession as well. So I end with an acknowledgment and thank you to the three founders of the American Arab, Middle Eastern, and North African Psychological Association (AMENA-Psy ), Drs. Mona Amer, Germine Awad, and Nabil El-Ghoroury. Learn more about their great work or join the organization here: https://www.amenapsy.org/.
And now, news, reminders, and updates:
Meet a Candidate for a Core Faculty position – Tuesday, April 9th
• All are invited to attend Dr. Kanae Kura’s job talk for the position of ISPP core faculty and coordinator of the Child and Adolescent concentration. Dr. Kura brings her expertise on children and families and will be presenting her research and clinical work on Tuesday, April 9th from 12:30-2:00 CT. All community members are encouraged to attend! Room 18-463 or zoom: https://nl.zoom.us/j/93629678555
• In addition – STUDENTS - you are also invited to attend an open Q&A session with Dr. Kura from 2:15 – 3:00 CT. This is in addition to Dr. Kura’s presentation. Room 18-463 or zoom: https://nl.zoom.us/j/93629678555
The Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center's Mental Health Diversity Committee presents Diversity Discussion Series.
• Join us on Friday, April 12, 12-1pm (Central Time) as Dr. Renae DeLucia and Alexandria Luxon present Sexual Assault and LGBTQ+ Veterans. Microsoft Teams meeting: Join the meeting. Meeting ID: 215 471 663 324. Passcode: 8tj93q
Dissertation WorkGroup
• ISPP Alum Dr. Erica Ligons supports students and recent grads as they navigate the EPPP and now she is offering her expertise for those struggling to complete the dissertation. These online work groups provide peer support, accountability, and motivation. The more folks attend, the more they write and the faster they graduate. If you are struggling to make time to write, this may be a good resource for you. You can learn more here: www.crushthatdissertation.com
Antiracism & Intersectionality and Workgroup
• All are encouraged and welcome to join us as we host an open conversation on race, racism, and the intersectionality of gender and gender identity. We meet every Wednesday at 7pm CST. Link: - https://nl.zoom.us/j/92136874153
IPA Call for Proposals – Deadline May 1st
• We are seeking submissions that represent the breadth and depth of the current state of psychology and psychological practice. We are interested in proposals that reflect creative and contemporary applications of psychology, ethical concerns in current practice, trends in academia, the integration of multiculturalism and diversity, as well as training and development related issues. We are interested in a wide variety of programming be it practical or theoretical, clinical or applied psychology, specialty areas of psychology our members engage in, as well as skill building sessions. For more information: Click here to download the Call for Programs Form. The conference is held in-person on November 7 & 8 in Skokie, IL.
NLU Doctoral Research Symposium – May 16, 2024
• The annual NLU Doctoral Research Symposium is a great chance for students to present their research proposals in mini-poster sessions and for students with completed research to present their research findings. Dissertation students – presenting your research findings at the NLU Research Day meets the requirements for your Dissertation Dissemination project. Find more information visit this page. The call for proposals is coming soon.
APA MFP Psychology Summer Institute (PSI) June 24-29, 2024
• The Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) Psychology Summer Institute (PSI) provides educational, professional development and mentoring experiences to advanced doctoral students of psychology and psychologists who are in the early stage of their careers. Participants are guided toward developing a grant proposal, postdoctoral fellowship, dissertation, treatment program, publication or program evaluation project. All projects must focus on issues affecting ethnic minority communities.
PSI fellows will receive one-on-one mentoring on their projects by a consultant. Expert faculty will present seminars on selected topics such as grant writing, publishing and specific areas of research or service delivery. There will also be opportunities to network with representatives from federal agencies and foundations. Please see the attached flyer and this link for more details and to apply: http://www.apa.org/pi/mfp/psychology/institute/index.aspx. Deadline: May 1, 2024. All inquiries can be sent to [email protected].
NLU Parking Discount
• Students, faculty, staff and visitors can pre-purchase discounted parking from 55 E. Monroe. Use the following link: https://promo.parking.com/55-e-monroe-university-parking/
AATBS Discount for ABPsi Members
• ABPsi and AATBS partner to offer a 50%-off discount on Exam Prep and Continuing Education offered by the Triad family of brands (including AATBS, Triad's flagship education brand). This discount is available to all ABPsi Members. Access the member benefit here: https://abpsi.site-ym.com/page/EPPPprep. Find more information at www.abpsi.org/blackmhworkforce
US Govt's Affordable Connectivity Program - Internet and Laptop Discount Opportunities
• With the newly passed infrastructure bill, the government created the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), which provides eligible households $30 per month off their internet bills. ACP-eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers. To deliver maximum cost savings to families, the Biden-Harris Administration has secured commitments from 20 leading internet providers to offer ACP-eligible households a high-speed internet plan for no more than $30 per month. Eligible families who pair their ACP benefit with one of these plans can receive high-speed internet at no cost. For more information and to see if you qualify, check out this link: https://www.whitehouse.gov/getinternet/?utm_source=getinternet.gov
AATBS Discount Code
• *Please note that graduates will receive a complimentary copy of study materials and test prep access. This code is for other or additional materials you may wish to buy. National Louis University has partnered with AATBS, the leading provider of exam prep and continuing education for behavioral and mental health students and professionals, to offer you discounted access to their industry-leading products and services. This benefit is being provided to you based on our relationship with AATBS and is available exclusively because you are a student or graduate of National Louis University. To see available products and access your discount, please visit EPPP Exam Prep (aatbs.com) and use promo code PARNL during checkout.
PsychPrep Discount Code
• Students and grads who wish to purchase any study materials or packages from PsychPrep can enjoy a 20% discount. To learn more about available packages, visit www.psychprep.com and enter the promocode "National20".
NLU Partnership with the Art Institute
• National Louis University students have access to the wealth of resources at the Art Institute of Chicago, including the renowned encyclopedic collection, archival materials in the Ryerson and Burnham Libraries, and countless lectures and programs, including Free admission for all students with a valid National Louis University student ID all year long.
ISPP Assembly's Student Feedback Link
• ISPP Assembly wants to hear from you! For those of you who do not know, the ISPP Assembly serves as the students' voice and connection to faculty and leadership within our program. The student organization has worked to propose change and ultimately support ISPP students. Though it is difficult to connect in person with everyone's various schedules, please utilize the attached Google Form to share any information with the assembly! The form is confidential and does NOT require you to share contact information; however, you're welcome to do so if you'd like a personal follow-up.
Professional Clothing
• Students can access free professional clothing and accessories via the Suit Closet located in the Career Bridge suites on the 6th floor at 18S) and a partnership with Dress For Success! If students are local and interested in the suits, they can reach out to their Career Advisor to set up an appointment to come in and try on the suits. If they find one they like, it is theirs to keep! With Dress For Success, students connect with Dr. Horvath who will complete the referral form: Dress for Success Chicago on behalf of their student. The student will then be contacted directly by Dress For Success to set up a fitting appointment at the most convenient location for that student.
Student Lockers
• Interested in renting a locker?
Please come visit us at the 5th floor culinary office in located in the 18 S Michigan Ave. The office hours are 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Monday through Friday.
Career Bridge
• A reminder to all students and graduates that Career Bridge is here to support you! Shalon Beerdeke works specifically with Doctoral students and can help with career-related support while you are a student or after graduation. Supports include career counseling, job search guidance, CV review, networking skills, interview preparation, salary negotiation, headshots, and more. Please stop by the 6th Floor of 18 S. Michigan to learn more (and they often have delicious snacks available, too!). Contact Shalon: [email protected]
Employment Page
• For job seekers (mostly positions for postdocs or licensed professionals) – be sure to check out the ISPP job board – and feel free to share with others. We share any job openings that come our way here. Updated regularly – so check back often. This can be particularly helpful for students seeking postdoc positions during the internship year! https://nl.edu/college-of-psychology-and-behavioral-sciences/programs/psyd-in-clinical-psychology-illinois/psyd-in-clinical-psychology-illinois-resources/
Writing Support for International Students
• The Learning Resource Center offers support specifically for International Students. If you'd like to connect, contact Lana Bogdanich ([email protected]).
Doctoral Student Writing and Learning Support Services
• NLU's Writing Specialist, Carlos Alverio, focuses exclusively on working with doctoral students. All doctoral students can schedule a time to discuss any writing they are doing at any stage of the writing process. Writing consultation appointments are intended to be interactive and collaborative. The sessions can focus on a range of issues, for example, organization, argumentation, grammatical issues, but the purpose is not proofreading or editing. The goal is to help doctoral students develop as effective writers in their fields. Making an appointment is easy to do using the EAB Navigate app listed here: https://nl.edu/learning-support/request-an-appointment/
• Learning Support also has an Assignment Drop-off Form, and Specialists will review other assignments, not just essays, with this form. Students can submit Math assignments, assignments for other subjects, or milestone projects for review.
NLU Wellness, Counseling, Food Pantry & THRIVE resources
o To schedule an appointment to see an intern/licensed counselor, [email protected]
o Virtual Care Group: NLU offers free telehealth 24/7 to all students. Services include medical, behavioral, life coaching, and prescription savings.
o THRIVE Collaborative resources: Our THRIVE resource website curates and leverages community resources in key domains such as food and housing insecurities, financial wellness, employment, and childcare/support for student parents.
o Give an Hour: Therapists offering limited number of free sessions to healthcare workers and military.
o 211.org: Tool for finding local community mental health agencies.
o Findhelp.org: Tool for finding free or reduced-cost housing, healthcare, legal assistance, food assistance, and more.
o Free screener: Recommended by Counseling and Wellness, though this isn't a full assessment.
o Request Accommodations from NLU Disability and Access Services
o NLU Coping Toolbox: tinyurl.com/nlucopingtoolbox
o Download the NLU Wellness App: Android/Google: https://tinyurl.com/AndroidNLU -Apple/iOS:https://tinyurl.com/AppleNLU
o National Su***de Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
NLU Library Workshops
• The NLU Library is offering a series of workshops on Finding Sources in the NLU Library, Academic Honesty & Citing Sources, Evaluating Sources (Websites, Articles, & More), and Organizing Sources With Zotero. These fully online sessions are offered throughout the term. View a complete schedule and register for a session, or request an appointment with a librarian for one-on-one support.
o Registration links, a schedule, and additional information can be found on the library website: https://www.nl.edu/library/eventsworkshops/
Winter Term Dates
Winter semester dates and holidays are as follows:
- Full Semester (14 weeks): 1/15/24 – 4/21/24
- Fall 2 (first 7 weeks): 1/15/24 – 3/3/24
- Fall 3 (second 7 weeks): 3/4/24 -4/21/24
- Holidays: MLK Jr. Day (1/15/24)
Need the full calendar? Find it here:https://nl.edu/media/nledu/content-assets/documents/student-services/office-of-the-registrar/academic-calendars/2023--2025-Semester-Academic-Calendar.pdf (pay attention to the dates for the 7 and 14 week classes)
Take care,
Reach Out-National Louis Univ