I Hesitated. Now, I'm Vaccinated. As part of the on-going community dialogue on COVID-19, the Center for Community Media's Southland Health and Wellness Hour Podcast in partnership with Digit...
Explores health and wellness
topics in a way that re-frames and re-makes the focus on YOU and your wellness.
I Hesitated. Now, I'm Vaccinated. As part of the on-going community dialogue on COVID-19, the Center for Community Media's Southland Health and Wellness Hour Podcast in partnership with Digit...
A Poem About Alzheimer
September Is World Alzheimer’s Awareness
Dementia is an umbrella term which describes a wide range of symptoms including memory loss and mental decline. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, but there are many others:
Many people use the words “dementia” and “Alzheimer’s disease” interchangeably.
However, they’re not the same thing.
You can have a form of dementia that is completely unrelated to Alzheimer’s disease.
Younger people can develop dementia and/or Alzheimer’s disease, your risk increases as you age.
Mask mandate in effect today!!!!
Health Equity: Bridging the Gaps - State Employee Benefits View up to date information on Illinois’ Covid-19 vaccine plan and vaccination eligibility from the State of Illinois Coronavirus Response Site
Returning to School after COVID-19!
Communication about s*x is everywhere in the media. You can find it in books, magazines, top hit songs, TV shows, social media, movies, and advertisements. S*x is practically glamorized in our culture. And yet when it comes to s*xual assault, r**e and s*xual harassment, people seem to want to stay quiet. S*xual assault is not talked about enough. Please join us next Friday, July 30th at 2:00pm on the FSCC to join our conversation on “S*xualized Violence as a Public Health Crisis”. Featuring Content Producer and Host- Dr. Tonya Roberson, and guests Jessica Estrada and Fernanda Sandoval from the S*xual Assault Service Center (SASC) at Guardian Angel Community Services. The show is moderated by Ted Williams III.
Promoting Workforce Development for Well-Being-Join the Far South Chicago Coalition’s Health and Mental Wellness weekly Health Talk series this Friday, July 23,2021 at 2pm! This week's topic is " Education and Training Promotes Wellbeing." We will be discussing education and training opportunities for healthcare industry and if you are unemployed how to pay for these training opportunities. Featuring Host- Dr. Tonya Roberson, and guests Dallas Gordon and Camela Kennedy from Washington Heights Workforce Office (WHWC) and Michelle Sebasco from Workforce Development and and Academic Partnership at Governors State University and , Moderated by Ted Williams III
All In For The Win !
Got the Vax?
Join us Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 6pm as Sugar Ray shares his inspiring story and wellness journey during our In Your Neighborhood program sponsored by HealthLink.
Visit our page to watch live. You won’t want to miss it!
Why are Speech and Hearing and Screenings Important?
The speech and language screening allows a speech-language pathologist to observe the patient’s language understanding and use, production of speech sounds, vocal and nasal quality, and social language skills. The screening is typically a checklist that a speech-language pathologist administers in approximately 15-20 minutes. A hearing screening is part of an exam that evaluates a person’s ability to hear by measuring the ability of sound to travel through the hearing nerves the brain. Hearing screenings help determine if there is a possible temporary or permanent hearing loss. The screening is typically a hand raising game an audiologist administers in approximately 10 minutes. Both are vitally important! Let us find out why today!
Join the Far South Chicago Coalition for our weekly Health Talk series! This week's topic is "Empowering Patients Living with Cancer, Survivors, Advocates and Consumers " and The US Food and Drug Administration, Oncology Center of Excellence, Project Community 's announcement about THE FIRST EVER community-based initiative, National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week, scheduled for June 17 through June 23, 2021.
Featuring Host- Dr. Tonya Roberson,
Guests- Rea Blakey and Phyllis L. Rodgers...Moderated by Ted Williams III FRIDAY, JUNE 11TH AT 2PM SHARP!
June is .
Gun Violence Survey Web Form June 2021 Gun Violence Survey Web Form
People of Color Are Less Likely to Receive Organ Transplants
Doctor starts program to close the gap for Black organ transplant patients Studies show that 26 percent of Black patients waiting for an organ receive one and the number is nearly double for white patients. Dr. Dinee Simpson is one of 10 Black, female transplant surgeons practicing in the U.S. She started the first and only program in the country that helps African America...
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. PRESENTS.......
May is Lupus Awareness Month.
May is Lupus Awareness Month.
What is National Lupus awareness month?
May is National Lupus Awareness Month. Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs). “Chronic” means that the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six weeks and often for many years.
Employment can improve an individual's physical and mental well-being, while job loss can have a detrimental effect. At the same time, poor health can impact the ability of an individual to get and maintain a job. ... Given that work can be good for health, it is likely that working reduces health care costs.
Please join Chicago Southland ZOOM Job Fair and Hirinig Event!
Camp of Dreams is a program for Chicago youth ages 8-18 that provides cultural and educational enrichment programs throughout the year, including overnight summer camp, Saturday classes, and a college preparedness curriculum for high-schoolers.
WITS creates opportunities for every student in Chicago to be literate.
Our mission is to engage workplace adults in structured activities that make a life-changing difference for youth living in economically and educationally disadvantaged neighborhoods.
LCLC provides space for student interaction (learning!) and cultural/extracurricular events. LCLC helps instructors use technology to extend language learning beyond class time and into students' real lives!
Pivot Point is a world-wide leader in beauty education, hair, and tools. #LearnForward
Innovative School-Based Dance Programs for Grades K-12 - Youth Outreach Division of May I Have This
ACRL - Advancing Learning, Transforming Scholarship
Haven't heard from Chicago-Kent in a while? We may not have your current contact information. Update
Learn the law with online interactive tutorials at http://cali.org. Free, open ebooks for legal ed a