Who you surround yourself with matters in a big way.
Do not underestimate this.
Make sure the people around you are those who:
• Pray for you, not just talk about you.
• Speak faith into you, not doubt you.
• Encourage discipline and wisdom, not distractions.
Tues AM 💪🏽 w/ + men of God = 🚀🌎
Have you ever had a friend or mentor pray over you in a critical moment?
Here’s one winning principle in business that MOST undervalue.
It’s aligning with an in-the-trenches mentor who is constantly recreating themselves while allowing themselves to be accountable for their own advice.
I’ve seen a LOT of transactional people get close to PBD just to get from him what they need in the moment.
Very few look to build a long term relationship and earn opportunities to partner alongside him.
Only time will tell who is who.
Since this pic in 2016 our lives have significantly changed.
This was from a sales contest PBD ran to be at the Lakers Day company table, meet James Worthy, Shaq and visit around Kobe’s locker right after a 4 day annual convention.
If you want long-term lasting success, keep your head down for at least 10 years.
Eventually you’ll look up and everyone will tell you that you were an overnight success.
PS. Love you Facebook Memories 😘
Did you know a major factor of marriages failing today isn’t infidelity—it’s unmet expectations.
Why? Deep down inside they chase separate dreams which they never clearly discuss.
The power of a marriage is the alignment of both individual/shared dreams and values.
What if we built our lives together—as partners in love, purpose and faith?
The Bible tells us in Proverbs 31:10-12, ‘A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.’
My wife is a massive blessing and partner in this journey—not just in business, but in life.
She embodies the heart of Proverbs 31, using her gifts to build our family, our kids and future together.
We both came from previous relationships that did not work out and decided to build a blended family together. (That means we have no drama 😂🤬🤮)
Marriage isn’t easy, but when two become one in vision, there’s no limit to what God can accomplish to you and through you.
Let’s make sure we are 💯 ourselves first before we date, attract the right person to marry beyond the physical, invest in your spouse and keep God at the center.
See you soon NOLA, looking forward to speaking at the We the People event hosted by
Someone send us an ambulance please 🚑 … we got destroyed in the yoga studio 😂
Starting 2025 with something NEW, because growth happens when you’re willing to look a little ridiculous.
When in doubt - call on your gym bros 📲💪🏽
Are you ready to stretch beyond your comfort zone?
🚨 DADS! Our boys don’t need celebrities or pro athletes as role models—they need YOU 🫵🏽 🚨
Your son is watching how you handle challenges, treat others, balance and attack life.
The other day I watched my son open the car door for his Mom. I asked “where’d you learn to do that?”
He said, “I see you do it.”
Damn proud of him. He’s getting it 🤝🏽
Many things aren’t TAUGHT…they’re CAUGHT.
If you didn’t have the right fatherly guidance growing up then make sure fatherly guidance for your sons come from you.
Unlike distant public figures, you provide a real, personal example of integrity, faith, and resilience.
You can’t afford to give up on your goals and dreams while telling your sons to get As/Bs or championships at school.
Leading with moral authority goes along way to whom boys respect.
How do I know? Look at who YOU respect.
Instead of flaunting a million dollars, teach them HOW to EARN it, keep it, reinvest it, contribute it and compound it.
Eventually, those boys will become men.
A successful man and father is not a success unless they have a successor.
Be the man they look up to, guide them with love, personal example, direction, accountability, and purpose. 💪👨👦
How much impact has your father played in your life?
It’s not Chicago, not the Conrad and definitely not Bora Bora.
This is the Dallas Metroplex today … first time in 4 years Ive seen snow 6 inch+ here
Unlike Chicago, they don’t salt or plow the roads.
I’d drive but I don’t trust others know how to navigate through snow and ice … one pile up and it’s game over.
Be safe out there.
Meanwhile don’t use this as an excuse not to get after your goals at the start of the New Year.
Do today what others will not…to live a life tomorrow others cannot.
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
See you tonight for another Thursday IG LIVE @ 9pm CST