Economics faculty members Annie Walker and Rafael Perez Ribas served as panel speakers at the Boise State University's Institute for Advancing American Values "Dialogue for Democracy" series last Wednesday night. The panel discussion was titled "What the Heck Are They Thinking", and covered the implications of each presidential candidate's economic policy proposals.
Thanks to all who attended (especially students) and to Allen Dalton for moderating!
The Department of Economics enjoyed participating in Mary Daly's visit to Boise State University on Wednesday Oct 9th. We especially appreciated her Q&A session with students that covered everything from monetary policy and inflation to advice for students and aspiring economists! Thanks to the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco for visiting!
Congratulations to Dr. Rafael Ribas for his latest publication! See the full paper here: https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/10.1287/mnsc.2021.02988
Boise State University College of Business & Economics Boise State University
Professor Walker explained economics to a group of third graders at the Future Public School last week. It’s never too early to start learning about how our world works!
Great things happening in COBE!
Exciting things are happening with the BASE program at the College of Business and Economics! Our dedicated students are applying their business analytics skills to support local nonprofits, gaining invaluable hands-on experience along the way.
Link: https://www.boisestate.edu/news/2024/09/26/student-group-helps-nonprofits-improve-operations-and-tell-their-stories/
Congratulations Dr. Ribas!
Celebrating, assistant professor in the Department of Economics, Rafael Ribas, on his paper for the International Labor Organization.
Boise State Economics Department: https://www.boisestate.edu/cobe-economics/
Join us for the next speaker in our Department Lecture Series on October 4th at 10:30am in Room 1107 at the Micro Business and Economics Building, Boise State University College of Business & Economics