True Blue Gowns for Grads

True Blue Gowns for Grads


True Blue Gowns for Grads was created to meet the growing need for graduation gowns and regalia for low-income students. You can help reduce student inequities.

Please consider donating a new or used Boise State gown to allow a student in need to attend

Operating as usual

Gowns for Grads 04/08/2024

We are closing in on spring commencement for Boise State! If you or someone you know is graduating on May 4th, please consider donating your graduation gown and encouraging others to do so.

More information can be found on our website!

Gowns for Grads You can help reduce student inequities - please consider donating a new or used Boise State gown to allow a student in need to attend their well-earned graduation commencement ceremony!


Ready for Spring Cleaning?

If you're a BSU graduate and you still have your graduation gown, please consider donating it to a student in need and helping reduce textile waste.
If you're an upcoming graduate, please donate your gown after commencement!

Details for donations can be found here:

Gowns for Grads 03/08/2024

Ready for Spring Cleaning?

If you're a BSU graduate and you still have your graduation gown, please consider donating it to a student in need and helping reduce textile waste.
If you're an upcoming graduate, please donate your gown after commencement!

Details for donations can be found here:

Gowns for Grads You can help reduce student inequities - please consider donating a new or used Boise State gown to allow a student in need to attend their well-earned graduation commencement ceremony!


How to donate a gown

Online or by Mail: You can purchase a new gown and/or other required regalia for a student in need directly from the Bronco Shop. All sizes are needed! Please list the following address for shipping:
Alexis Kenyon, IPS Program 1910 University Drive Boise, ID 83725-1121

You can also ship a used gown to the address listed above. Recycling a used gown also helps reduce textile waste, an ongoing problem in the United States.

In Person: We've partnered with St. Paul's Catholic Student Center, located at 1915 W. University Dr. Boise ID, 83706. They have a drop-off bin located in their lobby specifying that it is for graduation gown donations for True Blue Gowns for Grads.

Donate your gown right after commencement! Don't take it home with you to collect dust in your closet—connect with a member of the Interdisciplinary Professional Studies team to find out where the drop-off site is for your commencement ceremony.

Gown donations can be dropped off in person at the Clothing Closet in the Boise State Gender Equity Center (GEC) located in the Student Union Building, E2406. (See their website for more information.)

For additional information about the GEC, you can call them at (208) 426-4259 or email them at [email protected].

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Boise, ID