Dear Colleagues,
Dr. Don Plumlee, Senior Associate Dean in the College of Engineering and Professor of Mechanical Engineering has announced his retirement from Boise State University, effective November 1, 2024. His last day in the office will be October 18.
I want to thank Don for his tremendous accomplishments over his 23 years at Boise State. Since 2001, his roles have included student, research engineer, professor, chair, and Sr. Assoc Dean. His passion and dedication are evident in the impact of his work in these roles. He has taught over 1500 engineering students and was instrumental in modernizing the Mechanical Engineering curriculum. He led the establishment of the Engineering Innovation Student and studio\Blu, both dynamic learning environments for our students. His recent contributions to building a network of partnerships with community colleges and creating pathways will help many students obtain a degree and fulfill their dreams.
I am grateful for Don’s work and have appreciated working with him over his time as chair and Sr. Associate Dean. Please join me in wishing him well in his new path, carrying a legacy of impact and excellence as a Bronco!
JoAnn S. Lighty
Dean, College of Engineering
Want to be a part of the largest ASME EFx competition in the world? Sign up to volunteer for the 2024 event held on the campus of Boise State University of April 27 and 28. Check out the volunteer openings still available and see what you can do to support this awesome event!
ASME EFx needs volunteers
The 2024 ASME EFx event will take place on April 27-28 on the campus of...
Looking for a job for next fall? Here's a chance to make some spending cash and support your classmates in their academic journey! Check out what classes are looking for peer educators and for graders, then contact the instructor and ask your questions or offer your services.
Hiring Peer Educators, Graders for Fall 2024
The Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering department is seeking students to support several courses for Fall...
It's the 2024 eclipse! Even though we'll only get a partial eclipse in Idaho, it's still a major celestial event. Speaking of events, April is Research and Creative Activity Month at Boise State1 See all of the events happening on campus. Plus join the Story Collider groups for more stories from Boise State. Also, note that Mechanical Engineering again has one of the Top Ten Scholars!
Who turned out the lights? (Okay, maybe just dimmed them) [Newsletter]
Join us this Friday for a special seminar on Engineering innovations to minimize brain injury and neurotoxin exposure with guest speaker Teresa Murray from LaTech. Also, use your experience to help others master engineering skills, or gain more experience working in the SMS lab. Been doing some interesting research? Talk to your advisor about competing in lightning talks at the next undergraduate research showcase. And more in this issue.
Hear about brain injury innovations this Friday! [Newsletter]
Spring semester is in full swing and the campus is looking forward to a number of activities! For example, Wednesday is a great opportunity to see how Boise State integrates geothermal with our campus heating program! Also, join the fun with the Involvement Fair where you can learn about the activities available to keep you engaged socially, recreationally, professionally, or academically. And welcome our new faculty member, Kati Wada! All this and more in this week's newsletter.
Find out more about Student Involvement! [Newsletter]
It's a new semester, and this time we're offering a new opportunity! Junior and Senior students looking to take the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam can sign up for the 1-credit prep course that will review all the subjects the FE Exam touches on. Also, Check out Bronco Welcome, our student awards, and even cows that live on a raft! Have news for our newsletter? Let us know!
Sign up for the FE Prep Course! [Newsletter]