PAT.... have fun with everyone this semester! Don't forget to post your videos here!
Phi Alpha Theta at Boise State University
Phi Alpha Theta (ΦΑΘ) at BSU is the local chapter of a national honor society for undergraduate and graduate students and professors of history.
Operating as usual

Human Rights Book Club - Radium Girls | The Rediscovered Bookshop The Human Rights Book Club is dedicated to reading and discussing topics relevant to the advancement of global human rights

Libarna Urban Landscapes Project (LULP) Help Boise State University raise $4,000 for the project: Libarna Urban Landscapes Project (LULP). Your gift will make a difference!

The History Department is hiring! We are in search of a student office assistant with a work study award for the fall semester.
Interested? Check out the job posting on Handshake and apply today!

What are your plans this summer? Dr. Huntley is taking a handful of students to northwest Italy, to work on the Libarna Urban Landscape Project June 30 - July 28!
An information session will be held at this week's Student - Faculty Social (Feb 15 at 2pm in the conference room), so be sure to stop by and learn all you can about this wonderful opportunity!
You can also email Dr Huntley at [email protected]
Details for this week's Ancient Rome Social:

Hey PAT - Check this opportunity out!!
MA/MAHR students,
The Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association has some great opportunities to
If you are interested in the Oral History Internship — which you can do remotely, right here in Boise! — please let me know ASAP. They are eager to get someone lined up. If you have any questions, let me know
Bob H. Reinhardt
Assistant Professor - Internship Coordinator
Department of History - Boise State University
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (208) 426-1367

Applications are now open for 2018-2019 financial aid and scholarships. The priority date to submit application is February 15, 2018.
Earlier is better when applying for financial aid. Only priority applicants are evaluated for certain scholarships, additional grants and work-study funding. In addition to federal aid, Boise State scholarship applicants could have access to more than 700 potential scholarships opportunities. The difference between a priority applicant’s aid and a regular applicant’s aid could be thousands of dollars.

Fun times was had by all at today's Student Faculty Social. Thank you Phi Alpha Theta for a great Halloween party!

Dr. Krohn is waiting for you to pie him!
We're here all day!!
Dr. Katie Huntley and her tiny hand!
A green pie for our work study Joe Green!
It's Graduate Student hour behind the pie board. Come throw pies and support Phi Alpha Theta!
It's pie a professor day!! Will you be joining us!!
It's free food! Come on down!
Intermountain West History Conference paper submissions are due tomorrow, kids! Send to [email protected]!

Our bookshelf is back up and running! You'll find it in the History Department hallway, just outside of Dr. Walker and Dr. Hadley's offices. Come and browse the selection and feel free to leave a kind donation if you find something to take home! Or, if you're feeling particularly generous, feel free to drop off any books from past history classes that you're no longer in need of! 📚🙃📚🙃📚
You are Invited to our WELCOME BACK BBQ - This Thursday August 31st! 11am - 2pm - while supplies last!
Please RSVP here:
It's that time of year! Come down and help the History Department brighten up someones day!

We had such a great turnout last night for The Filth of Progress / Ryan Dearinger! Thank you to everyone who came to listen!
We had such a great time at the second annual Intermountain West History Conference! Thank you to ISU History Department's chapter of Phi Alpha Theta for your planning and hospitality, and for helping to make the IWHC a treasured tradition!

Do you have any pictures of the balloons this morning? Share them here!

History Students presented at Phi Alpha Theta Northwest Regional Conference - Department of History History undergraduate students Joe Green, Eric Overzet, and Marnie R***r, and graduate student Dane Johns, attended the Northwest Regional Conference for Phi Alpha Theta History Honors Society in Bellingham, Washington, April 8-9, 2016. Joe Green presented his original research, “‘He Lay …

BroncoAlert Test Planned for Thursday, April 7th. The Campus Security and Police Communications Center will test the Boise State’s Emergency Notification System (BroncoAlert) on Thursday, April 7, sometime around noon. A BroncoAlert will be broadcast to all active students, faculty and staff emails, select campus phones and all registered (opted-in) text-capable mobile devices (SMS).
BroncoAlert Test Planned for Thursday, April 7 - UPDATE The Campus Security and Police Communications Center will test the Boise State’s Emergency Notification System (BroncoAlert) on Thursday, April 7, sometime around noon. A BroncoAlert will be broadcast to all active students, faculty and staff emails, select campus phones and …
Thank you to those of you who attended our first movie night of the semester! We had a great discussion about civil rights and diversity. Keep an eye on this page for the next event announcement, and be sure to tell your friends about us!

TUESDAY, February 2nd!
Join Phi Alpha Theta & Professor Kate Baxter for SELMA in ILC room 201, at 6pm. A discussion of the history surrounding the film, as well as diversity and representation at the Academy Awards, will follow the viewing. All are welcome!
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