We have 20 days left of school. If you are needing summer care, start now as these places fill up fast. Boys and Girls club “Moseley center” is in Garden City.
Ada County Boys and Girls Club: Summer Enrollment Now Open
Mark your calendars!The Ada County Boys and Girls Club's Summer Programs open for enrollment on april 15th!The program offers key areas of learning.From encoura
Here’s an amazing video that captured some of the magic. Thank you Ms. Griffin. 🙏 🇺🇸 🇮🇳🏴🇦🇪🇩🇪🇧🇪🇯🇵🇨🇬🇫🇮🇻🇪🇮🇶🇵🇷🇲🇲🇵🇪
2024 Whittier Cultural Carnival
Thank you Viking Village for sharing your culture with us. Please share your photos and videos and tag us!! Thank you to all our volunteers. Staff, family and friends, Junior league Boise and The Vineyard! 🙏♥️
Reminder!! Check your child's backpack for a flyer about this event on 4/18/24. Tomorrow is the deadline if you would like to have a booth, or have your child participate in the Parade of Nations. If you would like to just RSVP, you can do that through the "poll" in this newsletter or if you want to bring a dish to share, you can either send the form back, or click the button in the newsletter to sign up electronically. More information in this newsletter which can be translated into multiple languages.
"It takes a Village, and WE LOVE OURS!"
Whittier's Carnival of Cultures
You are Invited to Whittier's Carnival and Cultures
The party has already started Vikings!! Join us for Whittier Fundraiser night! Lots of fun to be had and Chuck E Cheese already made his first appearance.
This event is tomorrow. If you haven't already, please register. Dinner and daycare up to 9 yo. Film encouraged for 10 yo's and above. Spanish subtitles and translator available. If you are coming and need a translator other than Spanish, please message here and with short notice we will try our very best to get you one. Mental Health Panel available after the film for questions and answers. English Flyer in the comments.
Viking Families! Help us raise money for our school. This is drive thru only. Grab a meal and enjoy dinner at home with your family!! 12/5.
Check out this Dinner and Donation happening December 5th at Gyro Shack! 20% of the days’s sales will be donated to Whittier Elementary School. Please share with your friends and family!
Below is the link to register if you are wanting information on how to navigate the asylum process. Information will be in Spanish. See flyer in the comments. Thank you. Register as son as possible.
Navigating the Asylum Process
Please sign up for this workshop below. We will accommodate as many requests as possible and confirm with you by email. This workshop is provided in Spanish ONLY Date/Time: December 7th from 5:30-7pm at Morley Nelson Elementary
Whittier families. Such a great opportunity to learn about the effect of phones, social media, on our kids’ brains, and social emotional health. Please consider attending. It is not available virtually.
📸 Look at this post on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/p/mzd6fNZgcy7AFw48/?mibextid=WC7FNe
Check out this upcoming education event at Riverside Elementary on Wednesday, December 6th from 6:00-7:30pm.
It is a digital media and mental health education event and is being put on with a grant from Central District Health. Childcare will be offered for those that need it. The event is geared towards adults with kids of all ages as well as kids ages 12+. (Younger children are welcome to attend at the discretion of their parents.)
The presenters are passionate experts in the Treasure Valley and include a Pediatric Neurologist from St. Luke’s speaking about the effects of stimulatory screen time on children’s brains, a former FBI agent speaking about safety issues for our children right here in the Treasure Valley, and a Registered Nurse speaking about resources and what we can do to help our children in this digital age.
Link to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mXFoQ6q7nlssGrnOYkCxLluKfdnQM5hp8mYl1_RlQ8Y/viewform?ts=653190f5&exids=71471483,71471477&edit_requested=true
Viking Village, If you haven't already downloaded and joined our SCHOOL WIDE REMIND class, please do so with this link. This is one of our easiest way to communicate general information in YOUR preferred language. It is a great tool. Especially if you set it up through text notifications. If you are having problems, please reach out to Mrs. L'Tanya who is here to help you connect with all things Viking Village. In the comments there will be a link if you'd like to join our "Whittier Community School Resources class." You will get notified when we have community and school resources like, clothing, food, medical, and more. Thank you.
Happy Monday! This week happenings in our Viking Village: WEDS. 10/25 4pm Viking Village PTO Meeting in Library. Thurs. 10/26- Some spots still available for Family Resource Night. Dinner and child care with fun crafts for kids. Information on how to access resources to help pay for internet, weatherization on your home, moratorium, which is for utility bills and more. Please see flyer and scan QR code or call number to sign up.
Good Morning. 2 things, 1. Don't forget to visit our Book Fair before or after Parent Teacher Conferences. All info on flyers. 2. Amazing Dental Resource Flyer. Registration opens today at 10 am. NO SCHOOL TOMORROW OR FRIDAY!
Another amazing Community School partner. Thank you Rolling Tomato and all the volunteers who care for our students and families.
Shout out to Vol. Laura who stepped in to pick up KFC food this morning and Marco's Pizza in the afternoon! Both Whittier Elementary School and recipients were happy to receive the food! 🌟🌟🌟
This is a great resource. Mrs. L'Tanya our Community School Coordinator will be at the event welcoming our Viking Families. Please register ASAP. Limited Spots and we are already filling up.
There are really no words of what the ladies at the Assistance League of Boise do for our students. Please know that your ♥️-prints are all over our school in the children’s smiles and how they carry themselves in their new clothes and shoes. You embody our Community Schools Strategy and we appreciate you partnering with us.
Soccer Jamboree this Saturday at Whittier. Below is the schedule. Hope to see you all there.
Another Community School Partnership that helps our Viking Village break down barriers to academic success. In addition to donating school supplies, they presented Whittier with this check! Thank you to Josh Brown, branch manager and staff @ Horizon Credit Union (Orchard) Help me give them a great big Whittier, "Woop Woop!!”
Good Afternoon Viking Village. Here are a couple of flyers on some AMAZING opportunities of Parenting Growth Workshops, and also an upcoming Flu Vaccine Clinic for students here at Whittier. If you would like your child to receive a flu vaccine, please fill out the permission/information form and return to school. If you have insurance it will be billed, if no insurance, vaccines will be at no cost. Also, our parenting class opportunities are at Morley Nelson Elementary for English, and at South Jr. High for Spanish Classes. Whittier Families who attend 80% or more, will be put into a drawing for a free iPad. Thank you.
Buenas tardes Pueblo Vikingo. Aquí hay un par de folletos sobre algunas oportunidades INCREÍBLES de talleres de crecimiento para padres y también una próxima clínica de vacunación contra la influenza para estudiantes aquí en Whittier. Si desea que su hijo reciba la vacuna contra la gripe, complete el formulario de permiso/información y regréselo a la escuela. Si tiene seguro se le facturará, si no tiene seguro las vacunas serán sin costo. Además, nuestras oportunidades de clases para padres se encuentran en la Primaria Morley Nelson para clases de inglés y en la Escuela Secundaria South Jr. para clases de español. Las familias de Whittier que asistan al 80% o más participarán en el sorteo de un iPad gratis. Gracias.
Last day to sign up for Whittier Soccer. All students went home with a paper copy as well. Check their backpacks or here is a digital way to sign up.
Whittier FC Registration / Inscripcion
Join the Whittier Futbol Club! ¡Únete al Club de Fútbol de Whittier! Jiunge na Klabu ya Kandanda ya Whittier! انضم إلى نادي Whittier Futbol! Kindergarten through sixth grader students are invited to join the Whittier Futbol Club! Participation is open to everyone, regardless of ability...
FYI!!! There will be lots of other resources and info there.
Please Share.
What an amazing start to the 2023 school year. Viking Voyage was well attended and Kinder Parent Social, “Boohoo Woohoo” was as well. Thank you to all staff, parents and to our amazing partners who help us support our students and families. This is