Wilde Ving Tsun Association

Wilde Ving Tsun Association

Traditional Ip Man Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Kung-Fu. Sifu Jeff is certified instructor in the Ip Ching Athletic Association

Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) is a principle-based martial art that applies simplicity and efficiency to combat. Around 300 years old, Ving Tsun is named after one of its first student (a female), Yim Wing Chun. The concept of "principle-based" allows the system to conform to the practitioner rather than the practitioner conforming to the system. This principle-based practice is what makes the system truly an art.

Operating as usual


A reminder that there is no class this week and next week in observance of Christmas and New Year's. Be safe and have a great Christmas.

Sifu Edmund Fong - Demonstrate Siu Lim Tau - 示範小念頭 12/04/2024

One of the things the forms focus on is generating and building power. This includes when your hands are chambered. You can't generate and build power if your hands relax and/or drop.

Sifu Edmund Fong - Demonstrate Siu Lim Tau - 示範小念頭 #詠春 #葉問葉正 #多倫多 #詠春同學 #詠春同門 #小念頭 #標指 #尋橋 #摘要 #木人樁 #六點半棍 #八斬刀 ...

Ip Ching Chum Kiu 葉正尋橋 12/04/2024

Energy is pushed in the direction of travel. When your technique is going out, your elbow pushes energy out towards your hand. When your technique is moving back your hand pushes the energy back to and through your elbow to your other elbow. This is why it's important to have the hand moving back have the same speed and energy as the hand moving out.

Refer to 0:36 in the video.

Ip Ching Chum Kiu 葉正尋橋 Grand Master Ip Ching demonstrate the form Chum Kiu, the 2nd form of Wing Chun and application


There is no class this week in observance of Thanksgiving. We are very thankful for great students and a place to train. See you next week!

www.vingtsun.org.hk 11/21/2024

My Father - IP Man by Ip Ching

Article by Grandmaster Ip Ching about his father.

www.vingtsun.org.hk (1950 - 1972), the art of ” Wing Chun” blossomed in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. More than that, the seeds of Wing Chun were spread throughout the world and a firm foundation was laid in the major countries of the world. During his life, excellent disciples such as LEUNG Sheung, IP Bo-ching,...


Something to consider


Grandmaster Ip Ching demonstrating Fak-Sau to Lap-Sau

Ip Ching Chum Kiu 葉正尋橋 10/19/2024

A common misconception is that Bong-Sau starts from wherever your arm is. The problem with that is if your forearm is lower than parallel to the ground you're lifting. Bong-Sau moves across the body, it doesn't raise. Bong-Sau deflects by moving across the body. Raising your Bong-Sau will cause you to use muscle and shoulders because you're lifting your opponents attack instead of deflecting it.

Refer to 0:40, 1:22 in the video.

Ip Ching Chum Kiu 葉正尋橋 Grand Master Ip Ching demonstrate the form Chum Kiu, the 2nd form of Wing Chun and application


Being open to corrections, refinements and new information can be challenging. Your mindset shouldn't be that you were wrong, stupid, or any other number of negative thoughts. What you were doing is what you knew. Embrace new information and be excited to be more skilled and efficient.


Happy birthday to the man that made Ving Tsun available to everyone!

Grandmaster Ip Man was born on this day October the 1st 1893.


This interview is an excerpt from a documentary about Ving Tsun.


Great quote that we agree 100% with

摘要 Chark Yiu demonstrated by Sifu Edmond Fong 08/06/2024

When performing Jut-Sau, you press downwards with the bottom of your wrist as your elbow pulls back. Your elbow should stop moving when you press down. It's important the press and elbow movement happen at the same time. Make sure you do it with speed and power to ensure you're able to borrow properly.

Don't try to hook your opponent, that's grappling and isn't effective.

Your middle finger should be inline with your elbow, don't turn your wrist to force your hand to face either forwards or sideways.

Refer to 0:50 in the video.

摘要 Chark Yiu demonstrated by Sifu Edmond Fong 摘要 Chark Yiu A fusion form created by Grandmaster Ip Ching. It is said, Grandmaster Ip Man said if 3 forms can be 1 form it is better. Grandmaster Ip Ching s...


How you approach your training determines how far you go.


Another way to put this is consistency is the key to mastery.

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1225 N McKinney Lane
Boise, ID

Opening Hours

6pm - 8pm