The Cyber Operations and Resilience program is celebrating our Veterans and our active duty military members all month long. In honor of Veteran's Day please check out this article by Keith Forland. We want to thank all of Veteran's and active duty students for their service
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Boise State College of Engineering
Boise State Cyber Operations and Resilience Programs
The BS, BAS and MS in CORe programs are degrees focusing on the people, process and technology aspects of Cyber Security.
Operating as usual

This article by Ranier Lieberman, highlights why the undergraduate BAS/BS in Cyber Operations and Resilience program offers an internship course. It's so incredibly important to gain real world work experience while you're completing your studies. This work experience can help give you an edge during the post graduation job hunt. It's also important to choose your internship wisely.
Boise State Online
Boise State College of Engineering
Boise State’s cyber operations and resilience students use internships to catapult their careers Boise State's cyber operations and resilience program helps students prepare for the workforce through valuable internships.

Interested in fast tracking your degree completion? Learn how one Cyber Operations and Resilience (CORe) student was able to take advantage of Credit for Prior Learning to earn college credit toward her degree. There are many ways the CORe program offers prior learning credits to help you finish your degree more quickly.
Boise State College of Engineering
Boise State Online
Fast-track your future: How prior learning credits propel cybersecurity careers Earning a degree can be a daunting task, especially for those balancing work, family and other aspects of life. What if there was a way to fast-track that

We're in the midst of Hispanic Heritage month, in honor of this, please check out this article featuring on of our longest serving instructors, Fuli Chavez.
Boise State Online
Boise State College of Engineering
Instructor Fuli Chavez succeeds in cybersecurity through his Mexican heritage Within the United States, the Hispanic and Latine community’s involvement within various sectors of the workforce has grown significantly. As one of the

Many of our students are career changers, entering into the exciting field of cybersecurity for the first time. What are the transferable skills you've obtained along the way that can be applied to cybersecurity roles? How can networking help you break into the field? Check out this article that dives more into this topic.
Boise State Online
Boise State College of Engineering
Can non-technical cybersecurity roles help you break into the field? Some may argue that non-technical jobs in cybersecurity are the foundation of the industry. If technical cybersecurity jobs (e.g. cybersecurity engineers,

In honor of the upcoming 4th of July holiday, I want to share an article regarding some of the Cyber Operations and Resilience (CORe) students who also protect our freedoms. Please enjoy this article on some of our military students who are also finding academic success!
Boise State Online
Boise State College of Engineering
Boise State’s cyber operations and resilience program helps military students succeed There are many reasons why people may enlist in the military: because they have a passion for their country or simply to find work. “I decided to join the

The Cyber Operations and Resilience program loves celebrating our students accomplishments. Please check out this story on one of our recent graduates.
"Srinivasa “Srini” Jasti comes from a family of farmers in India. His father grew up in a small village but eventually moved to the metropolitan area of Chennai (formerly Madras).
Jasti was just like any kid across the globe who would rather play than study. He enjoyed playing sports and recreational activities such as playing cricket and volleyball."
Boise State Online Boise State College of Engineering
Drawing from his Indian roots, Srini Jasti excels in his cybersecurity journey Srinivasa “Srini” Jasti comes from a family of farmers in India. His father grew up in a small village but eventually moved to the metropolitan area of

It can be hard to build connections to other students when you're studying online. The Cyber Operations and Resilience (CORe) program recognized this issue and decided to try something new to help our students connect to one another. The CORe program created our discord channel to help bring community to our students.
Boise State College of Engineering
Boise State Online
Bridging the disconnect with Discord Boise State University’s cyber operations and resilience program is finding new ways to connect with its growing number of online students. This time,

We're celebrating the CORe Programs first full time lecturer, Kody Walker's achievement of completing his masters degree, the MS in Cyber Operations and Resilience. He walks at graduation on 5/4, with family and friends in attendance. Please read about his journey from the military to MS degree holder and everything in-between. Help me congratulate Kody Walker!
Boise State Online
Boise State College of Engineering
Kody Walker's journey of resilience and influence The cyber operations and resilience program at Boise State has a secret weapon, Kody Walker. After receiving his Purple Heart and struggling to make

The CORe program loves when our faculty and students are highlighted. Please check out this article about one of our fantastic instructors, Quentin Samuels. He brings a lot of real world work experience and also his military background, to help our CORe students gain the newest cybersecurity skills.
Boise State Online
Boise State College of Engineering
Meet Quentin Samuels, Cyber Operations and Resilience Adjunct Faculty Quentin Samuels’ dedication to cybersecurity is evident in his passion for the field and his eagerness to ignite similar enthusiasm in others. Samuels

Please check out this article written by the CORe programs very own Ranier Lieberman.
Another one of our students who made a transition into Cybersecurity. You can also make the transition from a different career field and pivot into cybersecurity!
"He loved how every day was a new challenge. As he progressed forward on his path, McNama yearned for something more fulfilling — a career that felt like it would make a difference in people’s lives. That is when he found the field of cybersecurity."
Boise State Online
Boise State College of Engineering
Shea McNama transitions skills and career from IT to cybersecurity Information technology (IT) professionals are crucial to almost every business in the modern world. Businesses often use computers, mobile devices,

Please check out this article written by Zamzam Nour:
Boise State Online
Boise State College of Engineering
Jacorious Smith: From Air Force to cybersecurity expert Jacorious Smith recently separated from the United States Air Force where he worked as a bio-environmental engineering tech. During his time in the

Please join me in celebrating one of our fall grads, Major Royal on his successes!
Boise State Online
Boise State College of Engineering
Christopher Royal: From Army to cybersecurity expert Fayetteville, North Carolina, is home to many remarkable individuals, but one stands out in particular: Major Christopher Royal. A father, a Veteran and a

The CORe program was able to sponsor one of our students to go out to Idaho National Laboratory for a special training. It's exciting that we are able to provide these types of experience for our wonderful students! Please check out this article about Cameron White's experience at INL.
Boise State Online Boise State College of Engineering
Cameron White shines in Idaho National Laboratory’s cybersecurity lab Boise State University's online cyber operations and resilience program sent Cameron White, an undergraduate student, to Idaho National Laboratory (INL)

Check out this article, by Zamzam Nour.
Homegrown cybersecurity workforce In today's digital age, the need for cybersecurity has become more critical than ever. With the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks,
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