University of Idaho Digital Economy Program

University of Idaho Digital Economy Program


Our mission is to reduce the digital divide in Idaho's rural communities.

Operating as usual


We are excited to announce our partnership with the Idaho Veterans Chamber of Commerce!

All current and past Military Service Members and their immediate family members have the opportunity to take the following courses from the Digital Economy Program portfolio for FREE:

+ Remote Work Professional Certificate
+ Build and Grow Your e-Business

The next session of the Remote Work Professional course begins in September, registration is open until August 26.

This is a great opportunity to improve your digital skillset and further your career or personal business. If you qualify, contact us to get the code to enter at checkout to redeem! Email [email protected] today!

Find out more about these courses at

Idaho Veterans Chamber Of Commerce


Thank you to our AmeriCorps members!! And Thank you to American Connection Corps and Lead for America! We are so proud of everything our AmeriCorps members have accomplished to bridge the digital divide here in Idaho this past service year!

This is a bittersweet moment that we share their graduation photo from Washington, DC. We are thankful to those who will return this September for a second term of service with us, and are excited for those who are continuing on to a new adventure.

University of Idaho Extension Lead For America AmeriCorps


A study conducted by Zip Recruiter found that in today's market, more than 60% of job seekers are prioritizing remote job positions. In addition, 20% of job seekers would prefer to work remotely full time, and 40% would like to work remotely the majority of the time.

In the current employment environment, having remote opportunities makes your company more attractive to the best candidates! If your company doesn't currently have any positions that are partially or fully remote, it might be worth exploring!

The Remote Work Leader training course is a flexible, 4-week program that is designed to inform you in appropriate techniques, curricula and resources for the development and leadership of a remote work program.

The next session begins September 2! (Registration closes Aug. 26.)

To learn more and register, visit our website at


Have you heard that we're currently offering our e-Business course absolutely FREE?

This course is the ideal resource for anyone who either: 1. has a business but doesn't have an online presence yet or 2. would like to start a business and learn how to harness the power of the internet.

The modules aren't required to be taken in order, you can work on the content that most applies to you and pass on any that don't! This course follows an 8-week cycle, structured into four modules with two-week sprints for each module. Participants should expect approximately 4 hours per week to complete the learning modules and hands on-work.

The e-Business course offers access to resources, and in the fall will also include interactive Zoom workshops expanding on module topics, providing opportunities for participants to engage with fellow entrepreneurs in live remote sessions!

Take advantage of this chance to reap the rewards of the online marketplace, at no cost to you!

Find out more and enroll here:


Looking for an employment opportunity that still affords some flexibility to be available to the ones you love when they need you? Remote work may be a great solution!

The Remote Work Professional Course is a great way to prepare yourself for the day-to-day realities of working remotely. This is a practical, four-week online program, requiring about six to eight hours per week of work. There are also weekly interactive one-hour workshops where you will interface with others also preparing for future remote jobs and careers!

A former course completer says, "The biggest takeaway from the program was the incredible network. I have access to a network of people, opportunities, and additional training, all from this course."

If you'd like to know more, find the details at: or email us at [email protected]


Looking ahead to school starting, are you about to gain back time in your daily schedule? Maybe this is the time to dip your toe back into the work world and re-enter the job market!

Many remote work positions will offer you the ability to forward your career and earn for your family, while still giving you the flexibility to be there for them when they need you.

Prepare for a remote position with the Remote Work Professional course! The next session begins August 5th.

The Remote Work Professional Certificate course is a practical, four-week online program, requiring about six to eight hours per week of work time. This training is a great way to prepare yourself for the day-to-day realities of working remotely. There are also weekly interactive one-hour workshops where you will interface with others also preparing for future remote jobs and careers!

The course costs as low as $50 for most Idahoans. Learn more and enroll today at


A large percentage of children have daily access to cell phones, computers and tablets, and there are certainly many merits to kids using technology, but there is a lot of danger to be aware of as well.

A major area of concern regarding children's online safety is that there are many very popular online games which offer live chat features, where adult predators can easily contact children, sometimes even by pretending to be a child as well.

There are an estimated 500,000 online predators active each day. Children between the ages of 12 and 15 are especially susceptible to be groomed or manipulated by adults they meet online (Child Crime Prevention & Safety Center). Games like Fortnite, Roblox and Among Us are just a few of the trendy programs kids enjoy that offer live chats.

When privacy settings are not utilized, adults can chat freely with kids and also impersonate kids in order to interact with them. Even games which establish "kids only" settings have been hacked by predators. Forty percent of kids remove privacy settings on their social media in order to attract more friends and followers, not considering that they are leaving themselves vulnerable to predatory adults.

It is extremely important to educate your children about the realities of online danger, and also to invest time to monitor what they are doing when they are online. Make sure they are using the privacy features on all their online accounts, and don't ever communicate with people they don't know online. If you discover your child is being contacted inappropriately, immediately report it to law enforcement.

Let's ensure that kids navigate their online spaces safely!


If your family's lifestyle makes commuting for in-person work impractical, remote employment could provide you with the opportunity to work while remaining exactly where you are.

The Remote Work Professional program will provide you with the skills and knowledge you need for a remote career! Our next session begins August 5.

Registration for our August course closes July 29th, learn more and apply at

Questions? Email us at [email protected]


Looking for a way to add value to your community? Help bridge the digital divide where you live! Become an ACC AmeriCorps Digital Navigator.

Digital Navigators play a crucial role in bridging the digital divide in Idaho by working within rural, underserved communities to provide digital skills training, outreach, and support. Digital Navigators work alongside local leaders and community partners to improve digital access and opportunity in Idaho’s rural and tribal communities.

It's our goal make sure all of Idaho experiences the benefits of digital access and skills training, and you can help!

All AmeriCorps ACC Members receive a $33,000 living stipend, a $7,395 education award, and access to healthcare coverage, childcare benefits and student loan forbearance if applicable. Other benefits, such as specialized trainings are also included!

Find out more and apply by July 12 at


Did you know that if you are the victim of an online scam or harassment, you can and should report it? In addition to your local law enforcement - highly recommended if you suspect the culprit to be a person in your community, such as with text or social media harassment - there is also an FBI office specifically devoted to receiving reports from the public about online crime.

If you experience or observe any activity on Facebook that violates their policies, such as fake accounts, threats, impersonation, offensive materials, hate speech, spam accounts and other issues, you can learn how to report them here:

The Internet Crime Complaint Center ( takes citizen reports about instances of online crime including business email compromise, identity theft, ransomware, spoofing, fishing and online predators, among others. Your reports to ICCC are used for investigative and intelligence purposes, and if you act quickly to report after a financial scam, ICCC can also help support the recovery of lost funds.

The US Department of Justice also has a chart designed to help easily identify the proper agencies to report specific types of computer and internet-based crimes here:

Reporting wrong-doing that is perpetrated using technology helps protect these crimes from continuing to happen to others! If you've experienced this type of crime, please report it!

Keep checking back for more important online safety information!


The ACC AmeriCorps member serving Valley County under the Digital Economy Program, James Elmore, has created a website for digital skills trainings that are anything but boring!

James came to the realization that many people have a limited view of what digital skills training looks like, and decided to educate the community about the many directions you can go in learning to do things online! He promotes Google Applied Digital Skills online mini courses that empower creativity, such as digital scrapbooking, meme creation, animation and much more.

This website is open to all and the digital skills trainings are self-paced and free! You can check out the website James made here:

Want to serve your community as an AmeriCorps member with the University of Idaho Extension Digital Economy program? Applications are now being accepted! Learn more and apply at


University of Idaho Extension Digital Economy Program is pleased to announce our new e-Business Course!

Having an online presence is vital in today's marketplace in order for clients to easily connect with you, and in order for new customers to find out about you.

Whether you are already an Idaho business owner and want to establish your online presence or are an entrepreneur planning to start a business and are looking to market or sell goods or services online, this course will be a valuable resource!

More info available at our website. Link in bio.

Please email us at [email protected] with any questions you might have!


From big groups to individuals, the ACC AmeriCorps Digital Navigators serving communities across Idaho under the Digital Economy Program are happy to help encourage and assist those seeking to expand their digital skills. Keara, the ACC Member in Benewah County, recently partnered with Community Action Partnership to do a series of training classes for a senior couple in her community.

Keara specifically tailored their curriculum in Northstar in order to prepare them for employment in the current job market, as both plan to begin a job search in the near future. Her efforts were fruitful as both passed assessments and earned certificates in the courses they took!

If you're considering re-entering the workforce after a break, we've got a variety of course path options to help you upskill and prepare for today's employment market! Check out our website at for our current courses, and contact us at [email protected] to learn about or register for Northstar digital skills classes.

Interested in serving your community as an AmeriCorps member with University of Idaho Extension Digital Economy Program? Applications are now being accepted! Learn more and apply at

LEARN Idaho Lead For America


In a recent CNBC article, Nick Bloom, a Stanford University Economics professor, predicted, "Remote work is not going away. In fact, if you look five years out, I think it will be higher than it is now."

Read the article here:

Research is showing the employees value the opportunity to work from home as much as an 8% raise, and employers are able to cut overhead costs involved in hosting all employees in a physical space as well as decreasing employee turnover (Indeed, 2024)

Businesses that incorporate a hybrid or work-from-home option have an advantage in the hiring market over their competitors. 87% of employees who are offered a remote employment option take it!

Do you want your business to reap the benefits of offering hybrid or remote positions? Train now to lead a remote team, and get ahead of this lasting change to how we all do business!

For more information and to register for the Certified Remote Work Leader course, go to


Help bridge the digital divide in your Idaho community! Become a ACC AmeriCorps Digital Navigator.

Digital Navigators play a crucial role in bridging the digital divide in Idaho by working within rural, underserved communities to provide digital skills training, outreach, and support. Digital Navigators work alongside local leaders and community partners to improve digital access and opportunity in Idaho’s rural communities.

It's our goal make sure all of Idaho experiences the benefits of digital access and skills training, and you can help!

Find out more and apply by visiting the link in our bio.

Lead For America


ACC AmeriCorps Member James has made himself an important resource to his community in Elmore County during this term of service with the Digital Economy Program! In the month of May James tailored a series of classes aimed at senior citizens wanting to get more comfortable with technology.

James is partnering with Cascade Public Library, LEARN Idaho and OATS (Older Adults Technology Services from AARP) and hosted sessions on these topics:
- Smart Phones at a Glance
- Intro to Estate Planning
- Streaming and Smart TV's
- Protecting your Information
- Virtual Museum Tours

He's also hoping to host a Chromebooks Essentials class targeted for seniors in the near the future as well! Interested in learning about future course offerings and digital skills resources offered in Valley County? Email James at [email protected].

Wondering if an AmeriCorps member is offering similar services in your community? Email us at [email protected] and we'll connect you.

Want to serve your community as an AmeriCorps member with the University of Idaho Extension Digital Economy program? Applications are now being accepted! Learn more and apply at

LEARN Idaho Lead For America

Photos from University of Idaho Digital Economy Program's post 06/14/2024

It's an exciting time for expanding Internet access in Idaho! Idaho was awarded $583 million in federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program funds to ensure that every Idaho resident has access to high-speed, reliable, affordable broadband access. Right now, the Idaho Broadband Office is holding a challenge process to confirm if locations are unserved (having access to service that is only 25/3 Mbps or lower) or underserved (having access to service that is less than 100/20 Mbps, but higher than 25/3 Mbps).

Watch for notifications from your local government, Tribal Nation, or nonprofit entity asking the public to engage in the challenge process happening through the end of June. Below is an exIt's an exciting time for expanding Internet access in Idaho! Idaho was awarded $583 million in federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program funds to ensure that every Idaho resident has access to high-speed, reliable, affordable broadband access. Right now, the Idaho Broadband Office is holding a challenge process to confirm if locations are unserved (having access to service that is only 25/3 Mbps or lower) or underserved (having access to service that is less than 100/20 Mbps, but higher than 25/3 Mbps).

As participating local governments, Tribal Nations, and nonprofit entities work through the challenge process happening through the end of June, they may ask for local engagement. Below is an example where a multi-county coalition is inviting Magic Valley residents and businesses to conduct Internet speed testing to help capture internet delivery to individual locations.

For more information on this process and to view the Idaho broadband map, visit


Having broadband internet in rural communities improves the productivity and profitability of agriculture for those able to connect.

In fact, the FCC and USDA have been working together on a task force since 2019 to push for the spread of broadband internet to rural areas to increase farmers' access to technology for precision agriculture methods.

When agricultural producers have access to reliable internet, they are able to take advantage of new, more efficient and effective technologies. These include digitally hosted tools such as robots, temperature and moisture sensors, aerial images, and GPS technology. Having the opportunity to use advanced devices and systems like these allow our Idaho rural producers to be more profitable, efficient, safer, and more environmentally friendly.

The Digital Economy Program is committed to spreading the benefits of reliable broadband access to all of Idaho. Interested in partnering with us? Please email us at [email protected].


Adam, the ACC AmeriCorps Digital Navigator who serves in Fremont and Teton Counties, recently partnered with the Juvenile Corrections Center in Saint Anthony. He provided digital skills and resume building classes for those currently in the facility and spent time with individuals one-on-one to advise them on how to tailor their resume to their future desired career field and the value of using professional social media.

Support of the type Adam was able to provide are essential in enhancing self-esteem and confidence in these young people. Those who are able to find stable employment after leaving the facility will be less likely to re-offend. Being digitally literate ensures that these individuals could keep up with changes and remain competitive in the job market.

Fostering connections and educating all community members are at the root of what the DEP aims to achieve here in Idaho by placing AmeriCorps Members in communities as Digital Navigators. Great work Adam!

It's our goal make sure all of Idaho experiences the benefits of digital access and skills training, and you can help! If you're interested in being a Digital Navigator this year, find out more and apply at

Lead For America


There are many advantages to including a remote or hybrid employment option for your employees! They include

- reduced operating costs
- wider talent pool to draw from
- better employee retention

Here's a link to an article from Indeed where they cover 18 benefits your company can enjoy from including a hybrid or remote employment option:

If you want to explore what leading a remote team is like, the Certified Remote Work Leader program is a great way to get started! This course is a flexible, 4-week online program that is designed to inform you in appropriate techniques, curricula and resources for the development and leadership of a remote work program.

Find out all about it and enroll in the next session starting July 1st (enroll by June 24) here:


Is your ideal lifestyle one that allows you be wherever you want and still be able to pursue your career goals and support yourself? If you are active and like to stay "on the move," a remote work position might be a great fit for you.

The Remote Work Professional Course is a great way to prepare yourself for the day-to-day realities of working remotely. This is a practical, four-week online program, requiring about six to eight hours per week of work. There are also weekly interactive one-hour workshops where you will interface with others also preparing for future remote jobs and careers!

A former course completer says, "The biggest takeaway from the program was the incredible network. I have access to a network of people, opportunities, and additional training, all from this course."

If you'd like to know more, find the details at: or email us at [email protected]


Our ACC AmeriCorps Members continue to help their community members move forward in their digital capabilities to enhance their daily lives, as well as work more productively!

ACC AmeriCorps member Sasha, who supports underserved populations in the Treasure Valley, aided a food truck owner/operator with exploring how online solutions can help his business! Together they navigated solving several of his business needs, including how to use online forms to apply for small business grants, online marketing solutions, business planning, bookkeeping, and creating a Go Fund Me in support of some of the owner's employees who had been affected by a natural disaster.

Sasha made yet another positive impact by introducing this small business owner to a host of digital solutions that are available to make the day-to-day running of his business easier and more efficient!

Interested in becoming an ACC AmeriCorps Member yourself? Applications for Digital Navigators are now being accepted across Idaho! To learn more and apply go to:

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Readying Rural Communities to Capture the Benefits of Digitalization




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