Kicks Karate Bethesda

Kicks Karate Bethesda


•Over 20 Years in Business
•Offer Classes for Children, Teens, & Adults
•Over 4,000 Students Enrolled
•Top Flight Instruction

Kicks Karate has become known as the family martial arts school. We offer a wide variety of programs designed around the needs of each specific age group. It's not so much a difference in the exact techniques that we teach in each program, it's more in "how" we teach the techniques that make a difference. Dig in to the site a bit to see how we can benefit you and your family!

Operating as usual


Yep, this frog gets it!

index 01/07/2024

Kids don't seem to mind our summer school! Take a FREE trial class to see how our program can benefit your child.

index Kicks Karate has been developing young leaders in our community since 1994.   There are no benchwarmers here, so join our squad to find out how we can improve your game.

index 06/06/2024

Kids don't seem to mind our summer school! Take a FREE class on us to see how our program can benefit your child.

index Kicks Karate has been developing young leaders in our community since 1994.   There are no benchwarmers here, so join our squad to find out how we can improve your game.


Happy Mother’s Day to all of our amazing Kicks Karate moms. Thank you for joining us out on the mat. We had a blast!


Happy Columbus Day! We’re open on a normal schedule.

Photos from Kicks Karate Bethesda's post 05/10/2023

Congratulations to Vincent who won a Kicks Karate beanie from our Spin & Win Referral Contest!

The best part is that Vincent referred his mom, so now they can experience their journey in Karate together! Love it! 😍🙌💪


Ghosts 👻 vs. Zombies 🧟

Our Halloween-themed BOO-ddy (Buddy) Days start this weekend with Ghosts vs. Zombies!

Students will compete in a series of team activities such as races, team-sparring, team-dodgeball, and more! Come alone or bring a Buddy to help lead your team to victory!

Who will prevail, the ghosts or the zombies!?

🎃All events will take place during class every Friday and Saturday in October🎃

index 03/09/2023

Make this school year the best ever! Our beginner fall classes are forming now. Take a FREE trial class to see how our programs can benefit your child.

index Kicks Karate has been developing young leaders in our community since 1994.   There are no benchwarmers here, so join our squad to find out how we can improve your game.

index 01/07/2023

Kids don't seem to mind our summer school! Join us for a FREE class this July to see how our program can benefit your child.

index Kicks Karate has been developing young leaders in our community since 1994.   There are no benchwarmers here, so join our squad to find out how we can improve your game.

Photos from Kicks Karate Bethesda's post 06/06/2023

Students can now wear their "Summer Uniform" to class! This includes their uniform pants, belt, and a Kicks Karate t-shirt (tucked-in).

This year, we have a brand new addition to our Summer Uniform ... Kicks Karate shorts! These shorts can now be pre-ordered on the app, or using the link below. Get yours today!


We are looking to add one or possibly two people to our Kicks Karate Blue Top Instructor team. We prefer to hire our own people, so if you are a current or past Black Belt of Kicks Karate, please send an email to [email protected], or send a text message to 301-916-8000. Thanks!

index 16/05/2023

Hey Parent's -- Spring is a great time to get started in karate! Please take a FREE class on us to see how our program can benefit your child. Register at

index Kicks Karate has been developing young leaders in our community since 1994.   There are no benchwarmers here, so join our squad to find out how we can improve your game.

Photos from Kicks Karate Bethesda's post 10/05/2023

Kick-A-Thon results are in!

We raised $15,000 in our two day event! It was a lot of fun for our entire team. Just as importantly though, we reinforced a valuable lesson about having an attitude of gratitude and helping others. This money will go towards granting the wish of someone locally in the Mid-Atlantic area.

We would like to send out a special note of thanks to all the students who participated in our Kick-A-Thon to benefit Make-A-Wish this past weekend. In addition, we'd like to thank all the parents, friends, neighbors and relatives who sponsored our students to perform all those kicks. Great job everyone


Here are some of our instructors training and preparing for an amazing Kick-A-Thon weekend!

Students will perform 100 kicks during classes on Friday and Saturday to raise money for and practice having an attitude of gratitude!

There is still time if you would like to make a donation or sponsor one of our students!


Meet Maximo! He brought his sister to karate this week, and she had such a great time, that she decided to become a student too! As a thank you, we gave Maximo his very own Kicks Karate DRI-fit shirt to thank him for referring his sister.

When asked how he felt, he responded,
“Sisters are good for something“ 😬😂💙

Kicks Karate - Make-A-Wish Foundation 18/04/2023

We are very excited to have partnered back up with Make a Wish of the Mid-Atlantic to raise money for some amazing kids with big dreams! Please help us with our goal to instill an “attitude of gratitude” in our students and to raise $20,000! Because what could be better than kids helping kids!?

Kicks Karate - Make-A-Wish Foundation We All Have the Power to Grant a Wish®. Help grant wishes by donating to my fundraising page today!

index 13/04/2023

Spring is the perfect time to try karate! Take a FREE class to see how our program can benefit your child!

index Kicks Karate has been developing young leaders in our community since 1994.   There are no benchwarmers here, so join our squad to find out how we can improve your game.


At Kicks Karate we believe that one of the highest compliments you can ever give us, is to refer people you know to our school. The trust you place in us by referring a friend truly means so much to us as instructors and leaders of our community!

To show our appreciation, we just had some super cool Dri-Fit Kicks Karate t-shirts printed. These comfortable and moisture wicking white shirts with our blue logo emblazoned across the front can be bought, but they can ALSO be earned!

How do you earn one? All you need to do is refer a friend or family member who joins our school between now and June 10th! You'll receive one of these Dri-Fit shirts as a special thank you from us for your referral.

If you would rather purchase one, you can do that as well on the Kicks Karate App or at for $26.00. As always, thank you for being a part of our team!


One of our primary goals at Kicks Karate is to develop positive life skills and teach lessons that will impact our students’ lives not only today, but long after they leave our program. These include skills such as, the “3 rules of concentration”, “first time listening”, and having an “attitude of gratitude”.

Our definition of an “attitude of gratitude” is to be thankful for everything we have, but also wanting to help others who can use our assistance, or are less fortunate. Before the pandemic, we used to host an annual kick-a-thon to raise awareness and resources for a charitable organization to express our own “attitude of gratitude”.

This year we are bringing it back! We have chosen the Make-a-Wish Foundation of the Mid-Atlantic as the organization that we will work with. Feel free to visit their website and read the inspiring stories at

Here is how the “kick-a-thon” works and how you can help. On Friday and Saturday, May 5th and 6th, we will host the “kick-a-thon” at all eight of our locations. Each participating student will seek out relatives, friends, teachers, and neighbors to sponsor them to perform 100 kicks at 10 cents per kick, for a total of $10.00 per sponsor. The more sponsors the student gets, the more money we raise for Make-a-Wish of the Mid-Atlantic.

Please understand that this is a voluntary program, but one that we truly hope you will get behind and endorse. We have a terrific opportunity to not only help a lot of people in need, but also to teach our children a valuable life lesson. All proceeds will go to Make-a-Wish of the Mid-Atlantic.

It is through my own “attitude of gratitude” that I sincerely thank you for your consideration of this program. Our entire staff is looking forward to this event. As always, thank you for everything you do to make Kicks Karate such a special place of learning.

Yours in the spirit of the martial arts,

Lana Bussard

Donate now:

Photos from Kicks Karate Bethesda's post 28/03/2023

Spring has sprung and Spring Break is right around the corner. Not going anywhere for break? Neither are we! So join us, starting April 3rd, for a full week of spring-themed activities. You can even bring a buddy all week long!

Monday: College Gear / Jersey Day! 🎽

Tuesday: SPRING Into Action! 💨

Wednesday: Bunny Hops Jump Kicks! 🐇

Thursday: Spring Sparring Showdown! 🥊

Friday: Fitness Friday 💪

Saturday: Sunglasses Day 😎

index 22/03/2023

Spring Classes Are Forming Now! Take a FREE class to see how our program can benefit your child!

index Kicks Karate has been developing young leaders in our community since 1994.   There are no benchwarmers here, so join our squad to find out how we can improve your game.


Wishing you a safe and happy St. Patrick's Day!


Congratulations to all of the students who earned a new belt this weekend, you are SUPER!

index 23/02/2023

Take a FREE class on us to experience the fun and benefits of martial arts for your child. You can join our beginner spring classes right now! Register at

index Kicks Karate has been developing young leaders in our community since 1994.   There are no benchwarmers here, so join our squad to find out how we can improve your game.

index 26/01/2023

Come inside this winter and experience the benefits of martial arts classes for kids! Please take a FREE CLASS on us to experience it for yourself!

index Kicks Karate has been developing young leaders in our community since 1994.   There are no benchwarmers here, so join our squad to find out how we can improve your game.


New Year = New Activity! It's the absolute best time of year to get started, and to experience the benefits of martial arts classes for kids! Come in and take a FREE CLASS to see for yourself!


Wishing everyone a very happy and enjoyable Thanksgiving!

Kicks Karate is the Premier Family Martial Arts & Kickboxing Academy in Montgomery County & Frederick County, Maryland 03/11/2022

Hey parents, we never want anyone to join our school without first taking a FREE Trial Class! No obligation whatsoever... check us out.

Kicks Karate is the Premier Family Martial Arts & Kickboxing Academy in Montgomery County & Frederick County, Maryland Kicks Karate is the best martial arts and kickboxing school in Montgomery County and Frederick County, Maryland. We offer classes for all ages, so the whole family can learn from instructors trained by 8th degree black belt Master John Bussard

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?

Videos (show all)

Happy Mother’s Day to all of our amazing Kicks Karate moms. Thank you for joining us out on the mat. We had a blast!
Our students brought their A game to the Halloween Costume Contest! 🎃🧙‍♀️🧟‍♀️🥷
Here are some of our instructors training and preparing for an amazing Kick-A-Thon weekend! Students will perform 100 ki...
Congratulations to all of the students who earned a new belt this weekend, you are SUPER! #KicksKarate #NeverGiveUp #Sup...
BRING A BUDDY, BREAK A BOARD!We are excited to announce the return of our most popular buddy day EVER on Friday, April 2...
The belt test is right around the corner (June 4 & 5)! Are you a gold , yellow, or orange belt working on Kibon?  Check ...



10400 Old Georgetown Road, Ste 3-A
Bethesda, MD