YMCA Bethesda-Chevy Chase

YMCA Bethesda-Chevy Chase


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Ymca Bethesda Chevy Chase
Ymca Bethesda Chevy Chase

At the Y, we're for Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility. Visit www.ymcadc.org/BethesdaChevyChase to learn more about us!

YMCA Bethesda-Chevy Chase
One of the Association’s largest and most diverse branches, YMCA Bethesda-Chevy Chase offers comprehensive health and wellness programs, with a special focus on aquatics programming.

Operating as usual


Not only do families who choose the YMCA find amazing childcare and after-school activities, they also find a community! Check out this testimonial from the parent of a recent graduate. Sign up now! https://ymcadc.org/programs/child-care/
"Today is my child's last day before Kindergarten, and I wanted to say thank you for all that you have done for our family over the past 3 years! When we started at the Y, we were new in town, and the YMCA immediately gave us a community. The teachers and staff have been supremely kind, professional, and always welcoming to our family... my little one has thrived! As administrators, I know that you are the backbone of the center; you have always kept the balls rolling and the communication flowing, which we really appreciated, and I always felt confident that Abe was in a safe, reliable atmosphere. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! See you around the Y! "


REGISTER TODAY for the Turkey Chase Charity Race! www.turkeychase.com Early Bird savings end Aug. 31st! Sign the whole family up now!


We received this wonderful thank you note from one of the parents at our Early Learning programs. Spots are still available in both our Early Learning and School Age childcare programs! https://ymcadc.org/programs/child-care/

"I am writing to share my enthusiasm around my child's* class and teachers this year. It’s so wonderful to see familiar faces of students and new ones as well. I was particularly overjoyed to see boys of color in the class and a diverse group overall, which continues to be the case in all of our YMCA classes. Additionally, I continue to be amazed by the care, professionalism and expertise of the teachers at the school and the broad range of curricular offerings and preparation students receive to prepare them for kindergarten. Just wanted to send a note of thanks for providing a wonderful educational experience for our child*!"

*Name removed to protect child privacy.

Family Camp at Camp Letts | YMCA DC 08/19/2024

No need to let the kids have all the summertime fun! Sign up the whole family for our Labor Day Weekend Family Camp at YMCA Camp Letts near Annapolis!

Family Camp at Camp Letts | YMCA DC Experience the joy of family camping at YMCA's Camp Letts and create lasting memories in the great outdoors.


It's almost time to sign up for Fall Activities! Swim team? Gymnastics? Karate? Take your pick! Check out what your YMCA has to offer! https://www.ymcadc.org/locations/


Join us Friday August 16th as we celebrate National Pickleball Day at YMCA Bethesda-Chevy Chase with a dink-filled day of Pickleball play! Schedule and registration links are below. All participants to receive free Selkirk swag, and all proceeds go to support the YMCA's Tennis and Pickleball Capital Campaign!
10:00am - 11:30am - Mini Adult Developmental Camp: Back by popular demand, this camp led by Senior Pro Forrest Bankston is perfect for beginners to advanced beginners looking to boost their skills quickly. Cost: $45 (member) / $60 (program - non-member) bit.ly/YMCAPickleballDay10am

11:30am - 1:00pm - Mini Paddle Battle Camp: For intermediate to advanced players, Coach Forrest will push your limits and enhance your fast-paced game, giving you that competitive edge for your next tournament. Cost: $45 (member) / $60 (program - non-member) bit.ly/YMCAPickleballDay1130am

4:30pm - 6:00pm - A "Battle of the Ages" Exhibition! Watch the excitement up close and personal as we host an epic intergenerational match featuring Senior Pro and World Ranked Players including Paula Allevan Rizzo, Forrest Bankston and “Pickles” Paul Smith! Most recently, Paula was the 27th seed in her pro debut doubles match, partnered with Layne Sleeth, taking on Anna Leigh Waters & Catherine Parenteau at the North Carolina Cup. You won't want to miss this opportunity to watch and play alongside these great players! (free to participate) bit.ly/YMCAPickleballDay430pm

6:00pm - 8:00pm - Open Play: Join your fellow Y pickleballers and pros for drop-in play led by your YMCA coaches! Courts will be organized by level of registrants. Minimum level of play is 2.5+. (free to participate)


Summer camp will be ending soon, and our campers had an amazing time! Check out this camper letter below. just And summer may be ending, but the fun will go on during our School Aged Childcare! With homework help, active games, fun activities and friends galore, the YMCA nurtures the whole child. https://ymcadc.org/programs/child-care/school-age-child-care/


Due to rain in the forecast, this event has been rescheduled to Friday August 16th.

Celebrate National Pickleball Day at YMCA Bethesda-Chevy Chase with a dink-filled day of Pickleball play! Schedule and registration links are below. All participants to receive free Selkirk swag, and all proceeds go to support the YMCA's Tennis and Pickleball Capital Campaign!
10:00am - 11:30am - Mini Adult Developmental Camp: Back by popular demand, this camp led by Senior Pro Forrest Bankston is perfect for beginners to advanced beginners looking to boost their skills quickly. Cost: $45 (member) / $60 (program - non-member) bit.ly/YMCAPickleballDay10am

11:30am - 1:00pm - Mini Paddle Battle Camp: For intermediate to advanced players, Coach Forrest will push your limits and enhance your fast-paced game, giving you that competitive edge for your next tournament. Cost: $45 (member) / $60 (program - non-member) bit.ly/YMCAPickleballDay1130am

4:30pm - 6:00pm - A "Battle of the Ages" Exhibition! Watch the excitement up close and personal as we host an epic intergenerational match featuring Senior Pro and World Ranked Players including Paula Allevan Rizzo, Forrest Bankston and “Pickles” Paul Smith! Most recently, Paula was the 27th seed in her pro debut doubles match, partnered with Layne Sleeth, taking on Anna Leigh Waters & Catherine Parenteau at the North Carolina Cup. You won't want to miss this opportunity to watch and play alongside these great players! (free to participate) bit.ly/YMCAPickleballDay430pm

6:00pm - 8:00pm - Open Play: Join your fellow Y pickleballers and pros for drop-in play led by your YMCA coaches! Courts will be organized by level of registrants. Minimum level of play is 2.5+. (free to participate)

YMCA Helping Kids Learn to Swim with Free Lessons 07/31/2024

Delighted that Montgomery Community Media is shining a spotlight on the importance of water safety and swim lessons at the YMCA Silver Spring! Thank you!

YMCA Helping Kids Learn to Swim with Free Lessons The YMCA in Silver Spring has offered free swim lessons to 112 children in the County. Swimming is a key life skill for kids and adults.

Kids get creative at YMCA 'Thingamajig Invention Convention' 07/31/2024

We had a blast at our Thingamajig Invention Convention yesterday! Thank you so much to Gwen Tolbart from Fox 5 DC for joining us!

Kids get creative at YMCA 'Thingamajig Invention Convention' The YMCA held its 30th annual 'Thingamajig Invention Convention,' an event that challenges kids ages 5-14 to show off their “maker” creativity! FOX 5's Gwen Tolbart is live speaking with organizers and attendees about the event.


Enjoy indoor tennis and pickleball at the YMCA Arlington Tennis & Pickleball Center where indoor courts provide year-round play. Registration is required to minimize wait times.
Check us out with a 7-day Court Sport Trial Account. -- bit.ly/YMCA-Court-7Day
If you already have an account, register for clinics and programs below!
** Adult Tennis Clinics - bit.ly/YMCA-AdultTennisClinic
** Junior Tennis Programs - bit.ly/YMCA-JrTennisProgram
** Pickleball Programs - bit.ly/YMCAPickleballPrograms
** Private lessons - https://ymcadc.org/private-instruction/


Register for the Thingamajig Invention Convention! On July 30th, this S.T.E.A.M.-focused hands-on science fair and makerspace will get kids thinking about how they can solve tomorrow's biggest challenges.
Learn more -- bit.ly/YMCAThingamajig2024


Join the YMCA’s Senior Dietitian, Caroline Schmalz, as we unpack the basics of nutrition our free webinar - Protein Power: A Virtual Grocery Store Tour. Register through the links below!
Choose between two dates, Wednesday, July 31, 6:00-7:00pm or Thursday, August 1, 12:00-1:00pm

Wednesday, July 31, 6:00-7:00pm

Thursday, August 1, 12:00-1:00pm


Are you ready for the Thingamajig Invention Convention? On July 30th at the US Patent and Trade Office, we'll be hosting this virtual hands-on science fair and makerspace to get kids excited about S.T.E.A.M. and thinking up creative ways to solve some of the world's challenges. The event is open to any child in the region, but registration is required! Register your child, volunteer, or donate a fabulous prize to inspire tomorrow's problem-solvers! https://bit.ly/YMCAThingamajig2024


Join us for board games on July 26th! The event starts at noon with live classical music. Table-top games for all ages will begin at 12:30. The event runs till 2. Get ready for intergenerational fun!


Our Thingamajig Invention Convention is July 30th! Register your child, volunteer, or donate a fabulous prize to inspire tomorrow's problem-solvers! https://bit.ly/YMCAThingamajig2024


Check out today's Metro Section of the Washington Post! We are so proud of all of our campers for embracing the opportunity to make new friends, find their joy, challenge themselves, and build skills and memories that will last a lifetime! Your YMCA still has children on the waiting list for summer camp scholarships, and there's still time to sponsor a child in our Send a Kid to Camp Campaign! Change a summer - change a life! Donate what you can today! https://www.ymcadc.org/support-the-y/give/send-a-kid-to-camp/



Reward a child for their incredible creation at our Thingamajig Invention Convention! We're looking for big-hearted donors to contribute S.T.E.A.M.-themed prizes for our challenge winners! Pick a prize during Amazon Prime Days and your generosity will go further! THANK YOU !! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1QZSKTNM5OM3Y?ref_=wl_share


At the Y, infants develop trust and security, preschoolers experience early literacy and learn about their world and school-age kids make friends, learn new skills and get help with their schoolwork. Don't let your child miss out! Sign up today! https://ymcadc.org/programs/child-care/

Photos from YMCA Bethesda-Chevy Chase's post 07/02/2024

Congrats to all of our local YMCA members who medaled this weekend at National YMCA's first Regional Pickleball Tournament! Several players even secured a spot for nationals in 2025!! Way to go!!


Your Y works to strengthen our communities and our team members every day. Join our team!
To learn more about being a Mentoring Coordinator, a Mental Health Specialist, or even a "Veggie Butcher" -- check out the links below!

Mentoring Coordinator

Social Action - P/T Nutrition Educator Veggie Butcher

Newcomer Mental Health Specialist

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in Bethesda?

Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Not only do families who choose the YMCA find amazing childcare and after-school activities, they also find a community!...
It's almost time to sign up for Fall Activities!  Swim team? Gymnastics? Karate?  Take your pick! Check out what your YM...
Join us Friday August 16th as we celebrate National Pickleball Day at YMCA Bethesda-Chevy Chase with a dink-filled day o...
Due to rain in the forecast, this event has been rescheduled to Friday August 16th.Celebrate National Pickleball Day at ...
Enjoy indoor tennis and pickleball at the YMCA Arlington Tennis & Pickleball Center where indoor courts provide year-rou...
Register for the Thingamajig Invention Convention! On July 30th, this S.T.E.A.M.-focused hands-on science fair and maker...
Are you ready for the Thingamajig Invention Convention?   On July 30th at the US Patent and Trade Office, we'll be hosti...
Join us for board games on July 26th!  The event starts at noon with live classical music.  Table-top games for all ages...
Our Thingamajig Invention Convention is July 30th!  Register your child, volunteer, or donate a fabulous prize to inspir...
Thank you to the Tech Savvy Mama blog for shining a spotlight on our Thingamajig Invention Convention! Check outhttps://...
Reward a child for their incredible creation at our Thingamajig Invention Convention!  We're looking for big-hearted don...
Thank you to our friends at WTOP News for spreading the word around how YMCA swimming lessons help children overcome the...



9401 Old Georgetown Road
Bethesda, MD

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 10pm
Tuesday 6am - 10pm
Wednesday 6am - 10pm
Thursday 6am - 10pm
Friday 6am - 10pm
Saturday 6am - 8pm
Sunday 8am - 8pm
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10245 Old Georgetown Road
Bethesda, 20814

the work is the joy. strength training is the method. create the strongest version of yourself ♥

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