Are you considering using a different curriculum for children's formation this fall? Here are Building Faith's top picks for lectionary-based, Montessori-based, rotation model, story-based, and thematic curriculum options:
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Building Faith’s Top Picks for Children’s Ministry Curriculum
Building Faith’s Top Picks for Children’s Ministry Curriculum Looking for the “best” curriculum for your children’s ministry? There are many options from a variety of publishers and denominations. The right choice depends entirely on your context and goals.Below you’ll find a list of Bu...
"Over the course of a year, I oversee a small group ministry of up to 25 different lay-led groups (usually 10-12 groups per semester). Topics include Bible study, film, hiking, beer, photography, and even a small group for Tweens who read a book and baked cookies for the local food ministry. What ties them all together is that they are offered for about 7-10 weeks and in some way they include our ministry’s four group commitments: to gather, pray, study, and serve."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Want to Start Small Groups? 6 Steps to Launch Next Semester
Want to Start Small Groups? 6 Steps to Launch Next Semester “Jesus jumpstarted his ministry by forming a small group. It’s dynamic. It’s worth it. It’s the most fruitful form of discipleship I’ve ever been a part of.” The Joy of Small Groups Jesus had a small group: Twelve people, loo...
"My family has often used a prayer bowl or basket in the center of our dinner table to gather our prayer concerns. When I noticed this practice in Faithful Families, I decided to include it in the gathering that we hold with families to brainstorm and plan events for the church year."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Intergenerational Celebrations Using “Faithful Families”
Intergenerational Celebrations Using “Faithful Families” As the church enters a new normal with COVID and people are moving back into the busy-ness of life, how can we be meaningfully present to one another? One way is to celebrate! This year my church is marking its 100th anniversary, and the c...
"Our takeaway is that people are hungry for ways to develop and practice faith in their daily lives. This is not new, but through the practice of creating faith-at-home bags, we are better meeting people where they are and inviting them into deeper relationship with God."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Fall Faith-at-Home Bags
Fall Faith-at-Home Bags For the last two and a half years my congregation has been putting together seasonal “faith-at-home” bags to support and equip members of all ages in their faith development. Adapting Seasonal Practices Before the pandemic, one of our practices was to set out tables with ...
"After nearly seven years of service and administration of the sacraments in the United Methodist Church, this Sunday was different. For the first time in all those years, I approached Christ’s table and spoke the words of institution before a table and a church that was truly open to me."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Coming to an Inclusive Table: A Reflection on UMC General Conference 2024
This article shares the reflections of a United Methodist clergyperson who identifies as q***r on the changes made at the denomination's 2024 General Conference to its teaching and policies regarding LGBTQIA+ members and clergy.
"Inviting volunteers into the ministry vision can take place during a leader launch in the fall (if the church follows a school year calendar) or another appropriate time of year. Generally, this can be done as a large group or with the full volunteer team. It involves taking time for casting a vision, sharing goals, and considering how the various volunteers will help accomplish these goals."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Equipping Volunteers for Excellence
Equipping Volunteers for Excellence Imagine you had flour, sugar, baking soda, and water in front of you. What might you make? Even if you don’t bake, things like cake, brownies, bread, muffins, biscuits, cookies, and so much more might come to mind. Add some chocolate chips, and you’ve got choc...
"When churches treat volunteer recruitment as passive or as finished once ministry teams are assembled in the fall, they often end up in several common pitfalls that send counterproductive messages and make it harder for them to fill their teams of volunteers. However, when ministry leaders take an active, year-round approach to recruitment, they are more likely to avoid the hurry-up plan of attack, find that volunteer systems are more manageable, and set their ministries up to thrive in ways unexpected."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Moving from Mistakes to Success in Recruiting Volunteers
Moving from Mistakes to Success in Recruiting Volunteers Recruiting volunteers is an active activity. Let me say that again. Recruitment is an active activity. Actually, let me restate that another way: Successful volunteer recruitment practices in your church and ministry will never be a passive ac...
"What might change if the common story told is that the church has an abundance of volunteers or all the people necessary to achieve what God is calling the church to accomplish? What might your church be able to do if the new story describes what was only possible because a volunteer was involved?"
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Creating a Healthy Climate for Ministry Volunteers
Creating a Healthy Climate for Ministry Volunteers If you have enough volunteers on your team and in your ministry, stop reading this now. Take the next few minutes to grab a drink, grab a snack, call a friend, or take a brief nap. If you’re still reading, then your church might be trying to figur...
"So I encourage you to view curriculum evaluation as an ongoing way to love and care for your parishioners. Then I invite you to put a reminder in your calendar (well before it’s time to order next year’s materials) to officially ask yourself – and selected staff, learners, teachers, and volunteers – the following questions about your current Christian education curriculum."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
5 Questions to Ask When Evaluating Christian Education Curriculum
5 Questions to Ask When Evaluating Christian Education Curriculum “As you evaluate the curriculum materials your congregation is using, I hope that you will view this process as one of the ways that you bless your children, youth, and adults along their journeys in faith.” Taking Stock If ...
"Instead of beginning with the content question, 'What should we teach?,' backward design begins by asking, 'What is our context?'"
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Backward is Better: Create Impactful Congregational Programming with Measurable Results
Backward is Better: Create Impactful Congregational Programming with Measurable Results How many times have you sat down with your leadership team to plan a program and the first question posed is, What’s our theme? This is usually where the program planning conversation begins, with questions of ...
Want ideas for celebrating the Season of Creation? Check out our toolkit of resources:
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Building Faith Season of Creation Toolkit
Have you ever held a retreat to discern and plan formation with your community?
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Host A Planning Retreat for Adult Christian Formation
Host A Planning Retreat for Adult Christian Formation At St. Paul’s our Adult Christian Formation Programs seek to provide a diverse theological, spiritual, and biblical education. We offer programs in different formats to provide opportunities for all to participate. Beginning the Conversation I ...
"Before we recommend curricula for specific age groups, we ask formation leaders to take a step back to look at the church as a whole, its strengths and weaknesses, its character or ethos, its beliefs and faith identity, among other factors. We ask those seeking advice to work with a group of people from their church to wrestle with questions like those found at the bottom of this page."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Choosing a New Curriculum? Read This First!
Choosing a New Curriculum? Read This First! “Take a step back to look at the church as a whole, its strengths and weaknesses, its character or ethos, its beliefs and faith identity, among other factors.” Matching Resources to Church Identity Every year the Department of Lifelong Learning gets ph...
"Earth Ministry (Washington Interfaith Power & Light) has developed a 'Greening Congregations Toolkit' to help congregations of various faiths put into practice their commitments to care for creation. The toolkit includes information about becoming a 'greening congregation' as well as ideas for incorporating creation care into worship, education, buildings and grounds, community engagement, and advocacy."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Season of Creation Formation Resources
This article provides a collection of resources to help Christian communities celebrate the Season of Creation during September and care for creation throughout the year.
The 2025 Forma Conference Planning Team is seeking proposals for workshops! Check out this call to learn more and to submit a proposal:
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Call for Workshop Proposals for Forma Conference 2025
"Disability is a fact of embodiment. For many, it is an identity and, of course, a daily lived reality. Most importantly, our disabled bodyminds are a reflection of God’s image. Naming disability is an imago Dei issue."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Disability Is Not a Dirty Word
Disability Is Not a Dirty Word It inevitably happens a few times a year. A priest gets up to tackle a healing text or a passage full of demons, and now they are faced with a challenge. Is that story really about demons, or is it time to consider a psychiatric disability or a neurological condition l...
"We know that churches are built on relationships. Having great ideas isn’t enough by itself. Creating successful parish programs starts with cultivating a broad sense of buy-in across the parish. And buy-in starts with conversation."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
3 Planning Suggestions for Overwhelmed Formation Ministers
This article shares three ways that overwhelmed Christian formation leaders can shift perspective and move forward in their ministries.
A handy tool to help you plan formation programs and events throughout the liturgical year:
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Annual Planning Calendar Templates: Years A + B + C
Annual Planning Calendar Templates: Years A + B + C After phone calls, emails, text messages, and social media queries here are three Educational Planning Calendars for your formation needs following the three lectionary cycles: Years A, B, and C. I have formatted them in Word so you can download an...
"If you are new to the Season of Creation or are interested in resources to help your community inhabit this season this year, we’ve got you covered. This article provides an array of creation care and climate justice resources for all ages. We’ve included activity and action ideas, books, curricula, and resource hubs."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Season of Creation Formation Resources
This article provides a collection of resources to help Christian communities celebrate the Season of Creation during September and care for creation throughout the year.
"The trail consists of 14 stops where walkers learn about a particular feature. Each stop includes a prayer written by students, which can be listened to on your phone by scanning the QR code. Our hope is that all who walk this Creation Trail will appreciate its beauty. Classes from the school, families, and neighbors can enjoy the trail at any time."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Build a Creation Trail to Connect your Church or School with Nature
Build a Creation Trail to Connect your Church or School with Nature “God’s gifts are all around us, wherever we are, and the Creation Trail can help your community celebrate all things bright and beautiful.” A School-Based Creation Trail The natural beauty of St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes School...
"Being outside with intention and attention causes us to look for ways to receive the gift, care for it, and share it with others. It challenges our exploitation and abuse of creation. We respond to creation by reading, paying attention, drawing, and creating, and these are acts of prayer and expressions of gratitude to the God who made the world."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Celebrate Creation with Wondering Questions
Celebrate Creation with Wondering Questions Looking for a way to explore God’s Good Creation? Here are a set of daily practices and rhythms which can become the beginning of prayer and a chance to grapple with what it means to be a created being. Gratitude for the Gift of Creation The world that G...
"Below are 11 prayers and 5 psalms to help your communities enter into the Season of Creation. They can be useful for occasions like Rogation Days and Earth Day, for gatherings and ministries focused on creation care or climate justice, and throughout the year as well."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Prayers & Psalms for the Season of Creation
A collection of 11 prayers and 5 psalms to use during the Season of Creation, on Earth Day and Rogation Days, and throughout the year in caring for creation.
"Almighty God, you rescued your people from slavery in Egypt, and throughout the ages you have never failed to hear the cries of the captives; We remember before you our sisters and brothers in Galveston, Texas who on this day received the glad tidings of their emancipation; Forgive us for the many grave sins that delayed that liberating word; Anoint us with your Spirit to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim the year of your favor; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen."
From the "Suggested Juneteenth Feast Day Order of Service/Liturgy," written by Alberta Brown Buller, Jeanette Dinwiddie-Moore, and Mauricio J. Wilson of the Vivian Traylor Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Juneteenth Liturgy — Episcopal Formation in the Bay Area
At Diocesan Convention in the fall of 2020, the Diocese of California approved a resolution making Juneteenth a Feast Day. Resources on the history of Juneteenth, how to teach about it, and other ways to mark the occasion can be found HERE . The liturgy below was compiled by the Vivian Traylor C
"Devotionals can be beneficial for individuals, families, small groups, or community formation settings. While they may be best known as tools for facilitating personal spiritual discernment and prayer, they can be helpful resources for exploring, deepening, and sharing in faith with other people as well."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Building Faith’s Top Picks for Devotionals
This article provides a list of our favorite devotional resources for all ages. The list features options that center activities, everyday and hard experiences, justice and inclusivity, lectionary readings, and scriptures.
Unbound: The Intersections of Faith and Justice is launching another "Queering the Bible" series with a focus on the book of Acts starting on June 24. If you're looking for a Bible study resource that explores scripture through q***r lenses, check this out:
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Queering the Book of Acts - Unbound
Featuring Eric ThomasRosa RossNaomi Washington-LeapheartCarla Christopher Kathleen T. TalvacchiaTaj SmithJoseph N. GohAlex Clare-YoungGuthrie Graves-FitzsimmonsChris GreenoughHeather Beamish
"This year on Saturday, June 15th at 11:00am, the Diocese of California will celebrate its third Juneteenth Feast Day at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Oakland. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Marc Andrus, Bishop, will be the Celebrant and The Rt. Rev. Austin Rios, Bishop Co-adjutor, will be the Preacher. The service is sponsored by the Afro-Anglican Commission of the Diocese and the Northern California Vivian Traylor Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians. All are welcomed to attend, and a reception will follow."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Episcopal Diocese of California
Juneteenth: A Day of Celebration, Reflection, and Repentance
Juneteenth: A Day of Celebration, Reflection, and Repentance Editor’s Note: This article was written by the Northern California Vivian Traylor Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians and originally published in the Diocese of California newsletter on May 28, 2024. We are republishing it here w...
"Interested in creating your own pilgrimage experience? Here are some tips for success along with the story of how these suggestions actually played out on our journey."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Planning a Youth Creation Care Pilgrimage
Planning a Youth Creation Care Pilgrimage “To go on a pilgrimage is to make the body and its actions express the desires and beliefs of the soul.” Rebecca Solnit, from Wanderlust: A History of Walking Traditionally, if you went on a pilgrimage, it would lead to an important religious destination...
"As a Christian educator, someone who loves nature, and a child of God, my roles in caring for and protecting God’s creation are many. The Green and Growing Club is one way I found to help form others in this process."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
The Green and Growing Club: Engaging Families in Creation Care Practices
The Green and Growing Club: Engaging Families in Creation Care Practices In the summer of 2020, I decided that it would be fun to create a formation club for children and families in the Diocese of North Carolina where I serve as the Children and Family Missioner. I used this club to connect with fa...
"Holy God, your mercy is over all your works, . . .
Give us hearts and minds eager to care for your planet,
humility to recognize all creatures as your beloved ones,
justice to share the resources of the earth with all its inhabitants,
and love not limited by our ignorance. . . ."
(from the Episcopal Church Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music's "Liturgical Materials for Honoring God in Creation")
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Prayers & Psalms for the Season of Creation
A collection of 11 prayers and 5 psalms to use during the Season of Creation, on Earth Day and Rogation Days, and throughout the year in caring for creation.
"Here’s how I organized the calendar:
On Sundays, we prayed for an organization working to protect and care for creation.
On Mondays, we prayed for native trees.
On Tuesdays, we prayed for native plants.
On Wednesdays, we prayed for native reptiles & amphibians. . . ."
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Virginia Theological Seminary
Prayer Calendar & Bingo Sheet for Creation Season
Prayer Calendar & Bingo Sheet for Creation Season Last fall, I created a prayer calendar as part of our church’s celebration of Creation Season. Each day featured a different native species, a local ecosystem, or a creation care organization to pray for. Personally, I found the practice of praying...