
Our members contribute to the success of more than 2,500 clubs. CMAA has 6,800 members across all classifications.

Founded in 1927, the Club Management Association of America is the largest professional association for managers of membership clubs with 6,800 members throughout the US and internationally. Our manager members operate more than 2,500 country, golf, athletic, city, faculty, military, town and yacht clubs. The objectives of the Association are to promote and advance friendly relations among persons

Operating as usual


The 2025 World Conference is just around the corner and in this episode, we’re chatting with our team members about events and networking, student activities, education, supporting The Club Foundation, and the Club Business Expo. Kyle and Melissa will take you through the important things you need to know for the week, and they pick up some guest hosts along the way. Take a listen:


It’s the World Conference edition of . Check out the digital edition now:
• Heart-Led Leadership with the 2024 Club Executive of the Year Matt Lambert, CCM, CAM, ECM
• Preview the 2025 Club Business Expo with this Special Section Guide
• Enhancing Careers and Cultures with Training and Development Programs
• Performance Management and Appraisal Systems: Boosting Staff Morale and Effectiveness
• Building a Stronger Team: The Value of Staff Retreats
• Get to Know CMAA Members Margarett Moore & Teddy Nam
• Creating a Youth Committee in the Idea Fair
• Get the latest club industry news and CMAA member appointments, honors, and transitions


It was a brisk 31 degrees... but the truck is packed and on its way to hopefully warmer weather in Tampa, FL. Our CMAA HQ team looks forward to seeing you for the very soon!


Congratulations to the Georgia Chapter who won the Chapter Challenge! They exceeded their goal, raising 244.86% of their goal.

In Second place: Florida Chapter with 241.34% of goal.
Third place: Greater Michigan Chapter with 158.64% of goal.
Honorable Mention to the Chapters who each exceeded their fundraising goal with more than 100% raised: Greater Illinois Chapter, New York State Chapter, Wisconsin Badger Chapter, and Alabama Chapter!

Thank you to all who contributed to the - each year our Chapters make a huge difference in raising funds during . Thank you for SERVING our industry through your hard work and generous donations!

Photos from CMAA's post 12/04/2024

So many thanks to our sponsor: , , and .caffeumbria!


Thank you to everyone who participated in and as a result, HELPING others in our industry. Through your SINCERE generosity, we were able to raise more than $32,000 to support scholarships and grants for CMAA members, Chapters, students and faculty, and the industry as a whole! THANK YOU!


Thank you for being a part of The Club Foundation . It's been a great day, thanks to you and there are still a few more hours to make a donation and make a difference!

Photos from CMAA's post 12/03/2024

Thank you so much to everyone who donated during our ! Congratulations to Sandro Arce, Jeff S. Isbell, CCM, and Demietres A. Jacksonwho each won Have Dinner With RAK! It was so fun to spend with you all today - we can't thank you enough for your kind support! It's not too late for your Chapter to win the . Many thanks to our friends at for such a lovely prize - be sure to visit them during the Expo in booth #427 in Tampa!

Photos from CMAA's post 12/03/2024

Our last prize hour is officially over, but there's still time win in the ! Help your Chapter win the Challenge AND, you could win too! Give your gift at: Or text CFCHALLENGE to 71777.

Photos from CMAA's post 12/03/2024

is here! Join us for the last prize hour, a sponsored by 🍷 Donate $25+ during this hour for your chance to win two gorgeous plate settings! Make your generous donation here:

• 2- 5-piece place settings in our new Nawai RAK flatware.
• 2- 10 in Tero Ostia decorated deep plates
• 2- 11 in Tero Prima deep plates
• 2- Arlene soft drink glasses 11.75 oz
• 2- Auburndale craft beer glasses 12.75 oz
• 2-Firnley all-purpose wine glasses 15.75 oz
• 1 Sierra Wood Handle 6 case gift box

Photos from CMAA's post 12/03/2024

Are you ready for the Club Foundation's BUZZ, our final prize hour of the day (from 5:00-6:00pm)! Pour yourself a drink and make a $25+ donation - you could be our next big winner of 'Have Dinner with RAK' place settings valued at more than $1,000! Give between now and 6:00pm to win:


Here's to a great day for all our members who joined our ! Congratulations to Terra Waldron, CCM, CCE, Vaughan Smith, and Kevin Kennebeck, CCM, who each won 3 bottles of wine from Island Grove Wine Company! Thanks to everyone who donated! And thanks to our Sponsor, Island Grove, who you can find during the World Conference Club Business Expo in booth #536.

Photos from CMAA's post 12/03/2024

The Island Grove is almost over. Thank you to all those who have donated so far! There is still a chance to be entered to win a prize, by donating $25+ in the next 15 minutes at

Photos from CMAA's post 12/03/2024

It's the Island Grove Lunch Hour on ! Nearly 3000 donors contribute to The Club Foundation each year, and small donations make a big difference! Donate $25 or more ( during this hour and be entered for a chance to win some amazing wines, sponsored by our friends at Island Grove Wine Company.

Photos from CMAA's post 12/03/2024

Our is almost here! Pull out your paper bag, pull up a chair, and pull up your social media to join the fun! Donate $25+ during the hour for your chance to win some amazing wines from Island Grove!


Team up with your CMAA Chapter this to make a difference! Designate your Chapter when you make your donation and your contribution can help your Chapter win the and enters you to win a prize! NO GIFT IS TOO SMALL to make a difference. Give at:

Photos from CMAA's post 12/03/2024

Big thanks to everyone who made a DIFFERENCE in our world during our Caffe Umbria .caffeumbria ! (Come visit Caffe Umbria during the Expo in Tampa, booth # 642!) Congratulations to Kathleen Cork, Mark Tunney, Jennifer Mang, CCM, CCE, who each won TWO 12OZ bags of amazing coffee (Gusto Crema Blend, Bizzarri Blend, and a mug! Get ready for our Island Grove at 1:00 p.m. EST

The Club Foundation - Home 12/03/2024

Why give to The Club Foundation? Your dollars send CMAA members education courses and events, pay for college tuition, fund research and outreach, and advance club careers around the nation. Learn more about The Club Foundation at and DONATE TODAY for at:

The Club Foundation - Home The Club Foundation was created in 1988 as the only 501(c)3 organization focused solely on the club industry. The Foundation seeks to fund the life cycle of a club manager’s career. Therefore, The Club Foundation provides dollars for the following five key areas: 1) Students 2) Faculty 3) Club Man...

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About CMAA

Founded in 1927, the Club Management Association of America (CMAA) is the professional association for managers of membership clubs with 6,800 members throughout the US and internationally. Our members contribute to the success of more than 2,500 country, golf, athletic, city, faculty, military, town, and yacht clubs. The objectives of the Association are to promote relationships between club management professionals and other similar professions; to encourage the education and advancement of members; and to provide the resources needed for efficient and successful club operations. Under the covenants of professionalism, education, leadership, and community, CMAA continues to extend its reach as the leader in the club management practice. CMAA is headquartered in Alexandria, VA, with 42 professional chapters and more than 40 student chapters and colonies. Learn more at

Videos (show all)

President & CEO Jeff Morgan, FASAE, CAE, shares insights into the recent Board of Directors meeting including governance...
Listen to that buzz! Wall to wall idea sharing at the #CMAACommunicationsSummit
We  our New Members! We are officially welcoming our October/November New Members, featured in the January/February #Clu...
Congratulations to the 53 newest club management professionals to become Certified Club Managers (CCM)! Established in 1...
We Want to Hear Your Good News!
New Job or Promotion? Share your good news with us & you could be featured in the next Club Management magazine! Email g...
August Weekly Webinars
Previewing the August Webinar Schedule
2022 Club Executive of the Year Nominations
Share your hottest dishes, drinks , ice programs, desserts, & more for  inclusion in the Sept/Oct Club Management magazi...
2022 Club Executive of the Year: Call for NominationsAnnually, Club Management magazine recognizes excellence in club le...
The MMCO can show you the next rung on your ladder. Find your next position on #ClubCareers:



1733 King Street
Alexandria, VA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm