SHU Alert 01/23/24 :: Due to continued hazardous/icy conditions, The Adrian Campus will remain remote for the remainder of the day. See updated email
Siena Heights University Emergency Management & Public Safety
The Siena Heights University Public Safety Department is committed to providing respectful and professional services.
Operating as usual
Adrian Campus SHU Alert :: Adrian Campus will operate remotely on 1/23/24 until noon due to incoming inclement weather. See Siena Email for further info.
Adrian Campus SHU Alert :: Adrian Campus will operate remotely 01/19/24 due to winter weather Offices & Classes will be remote see Siena email for further
SHU Alert Update :: Siena Heights Offices will open at 10 AM, remote learning will continue till noon. At noon in person classes will resume1/18/24
Adrian Campus SHU Alert :: The Adrian Campus of Siena well be remote(classes and offices) till 10 AM due to road conditions. In person will start at 10AM
Adrian Campus SHU Alert :: The Adrian Campus of Siena will be remote (classes and offices) at 1 PM on 01/12/24 due to incoming severe winter weather.
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Contact the school
1247 E Siena Heights Drive
Adrian, MI