So proud of all three of our graduating seniors! Last night we celebrated with them as they walked the stage into the newest chapter of their lives!
Adrian Alpha Tau Omega
The official page of the Alpha Mu chapter of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity at Adrian College!
To bind men together in a brotherhood based upon eternal and immutable principles, with a bond as strong as right itself and as lasting as humanity; to know no North, no South, no East, no West, but to know man as man, to teach that true men the world over should stand together and contend for supremacy of good over evil; to teach, not politics, but morals; to foster, not partisanship, but
Operating as usual
Senior Spotlight time! Last but not least, we are recognizing brother Josiah Durell! Josiah is graduating with a degree in Film Studies, a minor in Leadership, and a certificate in Graphic Design. Outside of ATΩ, he is involved in SGA, Circle K, Mortar Board, NSLS, President of Lambda Pi Eta, and a Student Director of Adrian College Television. Josiah’s favorite memory as a brother is shaving his head for Tour de Tau, one of our signature philanthropy events. Josiah has left a major impact on all our lives, and will continue to do the same wherever life takes him! Love and Respect!
Senior Spotlight time! Today we recognize Brother Patrick Lefere! Patrick is graduating with a degree in Secondary Education for Mathematics, and a minor in Physics. Outside of ATΩ, he has been involved in Marching and Jazz Band, a Resident Assistant, and Connect. Patrick’s favorite memory as a brother is Thanksgiving with all of the Brothers and Sweethearts. We cannot describe how proud we all are of him, and can’t wait to see the i@pact he will have on the next generation! Love and Respect!
That time of year is upon us once more, and it is time to appreciate our graduating seniors. First up is Brother Jason Eckardt-Taing! Jason is graduating with a degree in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics. Outside of ATΩ, he is involved in NSLS, the Adrian College Esports team, Mortar Board, and the AC Computer and Chess Clubs. Jason’s favorite memories while in the chapter were the times he had with the brothers, like playing volleyball at night during the spring, going to Spotted Cow, game nights, and Friends-Giving and White Elephant. We can’t wait to see where Jason goes in this next chapter of his life! Love and Respect!
Happy Thanksgiving from the Alpha Mu chapter! This past week we had our own celebration dinner and White Elephant party! We’re so thankful for all of our brothers, sweethearts, and friends from all over. Love and Respect!
Yesterday, five of our brothers attended a networking mixer hosted on our campus, taking time out of their evenings to meet and make connections with industry professionals that graduated from Adrian College! Just another way to show how ATΩ leads!
This Sunday, we were blessed with the opportunity to finally initiate our pledges as new members into our fraternity! Each of these great young men represent what it means to be a leader and a Brother, not just in the Alpha Mu chapter, but in there own communities. Congratulations to all our new members!💙💛
Last Pledge spotlight for the semester! We can’t believe it’s almost time for finals, but we have had such a great time getting to know each of these young men, and welcoming them to our family!
After much discussion and hard work, the 2024 Alpha Mu elections come to a close! We are so proud of every single member who ran today, and we are so excited to introduce our new Top 3 and Executive Board! Congratulations to all new position elects. Love and Respect!
This past week, we we got to celebrate with our brother and sweetheart on their passing of the MTTC exam, allowing them to be certified teachers upon graduation! We are so happy and proud for their accomplishment past, present, and future! On to greater things!
Call it early, but with the end of October upon us, we felt we should begin the festive season a bit early! We all had a great time getting our Christmas cheer on tonight, on Halloween…
Time for another and some pledge spotlights! So happy to be able to present these astounding young men to our community!
Time for the first round of where we get to introduce our pledges! We’re so excited to be able to share our new family members with everyone! Stay on the lookout for more in the future!
This week three of our brothers, Tony Rao, Matthew Beutler, and Jason Eckardt-Taing (left to right), traveled to the Michigan AI Symposium 2024: Embodied AI event in Ann Arbor! While there, they had the opportunity to learn how AI has implemented into robotics, focusing on reinforced learning of new tasks. We are so proud of our brothers for taking these new steps to further their education and future careers!
Another year, another homecoming season! This weekend was definitely a busy one for the Alpha Mu chapter. On Friday, we banded together to win a fifth runouts competition in a row, and welcome NINE new pledges into our family! Then on Saturday the festivities had a kickoff with our Board of Trustees Meeting, the homecoming game and parade, and our signature philanthropy event Egg-A-Tau! We are so happy to be working with on this event! It is always a privilege to spend this time with our alumni and those closest to us, we are so sad to see it come to an end. But, we always look forward to next year! Love and Respect to all our brothers!
The Alpha Mu Chapter is hosting their Annual Egg-A-Tau TODAY at Homecoming! Please consider donating to raise money for First Descents.
If you cannot be at homecoming, you can still donate and watch your eggs being thrown on a live stream!
Nothing like spending your Saturday’s under the lights! This weekend we went to cheer on our Bulldogs as the competed against Madonna University! Such a great game with great people!
It is a great day to be a brother of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. We are so happy to be celebrating our 159th anniversary of our fraternity’s founding, and proud to be bound in the closest unity. To know man as man is a privilege not many get to have, and there’s no one we’d rather be than an ATO!
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Our Story
To bind men together in a brotherhood based upon eternal and immutable principles, with a bond as strong as right itself and as lasting as humanity; to know no North, no South, no East, no West, but to know man as man, to teach that true men the world over should stand together and contend for supremacy of good over evil; to teach, not politics, but morals; to foster, not partisanship, but the recognition of true merit wherever found; to have no narrower limits within which to work together for the elevation of man than the outlines of the world: these were the thoughts and hopes uppermost in the minds of the founders of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity.
- Otis Allan Glazebrook, 1880
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210 S Madison Street
Adrian, MI