Pontotoc County Fire Fighters

Pontotoc County Fire Fighters


If you are interested in becoming a Pontotoc County Fire Fighter post a message to us. We want the facts made available to the public.

The general purpose of this page is to positively promote and inform about the proposed Pontotoc County Fire dept Sales tax. Don't believe the speculation, until you know the facts! Please read the info section, and click see more to see the full description

Operating as usual


Read that again 🔥💪


Come join the fun.


With warmer temperatures we will see an increase in controlled burns being performed. We ask that you watch the weather, especially what the humidity and winds are predicted to do as the day time temperatures rise. Also make sure that you have a containment plan and have fire breaks in place.We also ask that you notify Pontotoc County Central Dispatch @ 580-332-4168. This prevents the unneeded response by the fire department.


Help us help you when you need us. Sometimes every second counts.


Its that time of the year again. We are once again doing our Indian Taco Sale fundraiser for the fire department.
The Masonic Lodge #106 located in Maud is once again sponsoring us.
We are hoping to get started on the building an additional tanker. So mark your calendars and come have lunch ,tour the station and meet the members that serve their community and you.


Fire conditions are terrible in Pontotoc County. And people ask why we have what we call a rekindle on some of our grass fires. What you have to realize is that just putting water on top of the fuel which most of the time is densely packed dead grass does not pe*****te down to where the seat of the fire is. This is why you see us using a straight stream pattern and spraying directly into the grass even after we've put it out we go back over the fire line to try to make sure there are no hidden fires underneath. Another question I have been asked is why on our brush fire trucks we use soap in the water tanks. The reason for this we are using either some form of soap or a class a surfactant this breaks what is called the surface tension of the fuels and let the water pe*****te better. If you feel you must do outside burning during this time please be extra extra cautious keep some form of extinguishment near and keep your eyes on it at all times, the best plan for right now is to keep all outside burning to a bare minimum. Have a great day.

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