Spooky fun at our October Council meeting! Thanks to Ann Post for making these awesome bracelets for those who donate to PAC! Congrats to Bob Ross and Jurassic Park as our costume contest winners!
The Kent County Education Association represents over 4,000 teachers and other school professionals.
Operating as usual
Spooky fun at our October Council meeting! Thanks to Ann Post for making these awesome bracelets for those who donate to PAC! Congrats to Bob Ross and Jurassic Park as our costume contest winners!
Great turnout at the Educators for Harris/Walz event this week!
Thanks for coming to our Olympics in Paris summer conference today for KCEA! It was great to learn and have fun with you all!
Our summer retreat is attached to the MEA Summer Leadership Conference next week Thursday, July 18th from 12-5. Hope to see you then!
KCEA Exec Board attended the gala with lawmakers and friends of education on Saturday night.
Thank you to our Kent County Education Association leaders and members who came out tonight to our Red for Ed Whitecaps game! It was so fun to hang out with leaders in other districts while having dinner and catching a ball game. A special thank you to our lawmakers and friends of public education that joined us tonight to learn about what we can do to help our most precious resources- our kids in the classroom. Jeff Pietrowski, Shelli Tabor, and Jayne Nealssohn VanderKlok did a phenomenal job planning this event. Thank you Renee Szurna for sponsoring this evening and for gifting everyone with MESSA swag- we love our MESSA! Together we are stronger!
Our April “Garden Party” meeting was a hit! The spring florals, greens, and garden gnomes were incredible. Our Panera picnic was delicious- thank you MESSA! Our Spring spritzer was divine- thank you Allie Holden! The flowers were gorgeous thanks to Jayne!
Last day to vote for Region 9 elections!!!
Way to go, Mr. C**n!
Congratulations to Mr. Todd C**n from Kelloggsville Public Schools on being named January's Educator of the Month in House District 83! 🚀
It was my pleasure to join Mr. C**n in his classroom for a surprise presentation of his certificate. His students enthusiastically supported him and were in complete agreement that he was deserving of this award. His nominator described Todd as, “an incredibly selfless and energetic educator with a deep sense of what a kid needs to succeed,” adding, “Todd is the epitome of what it means to be a Rocket.”
Use the form below to nominate them to be considered for next month's award!
Honored to hang out with political leaders in our community tonight representing teachers in Kent County. It's important for our lawmakers to know what it is like in the classroom, and we appreciate all of their support so we can best teach kids. This is Joe Tate, Michigan’s new Speaker of the House.
Due to the potential storm brewing this week, our MABO Standards Meeting on Wed. Jan. 10th will now be held on zoom at 5pm.
Such fun we had at our December KCEA Congress meeting! Look at those ugly sweaters- so festive! The white elephant gifts were a hit too. Happy holidays y’all!