Spots are still available for the 2024 OSU Meat Goat Boot Camp but they are limited. Dates for this camp is October 21-23 and it will be in Ada, OK. Cost for the camp is $200/person and includes all educational materials plus lunch all three days and dinner Monday and Tuesday nights. To register, download the registration form at www.meatgoat.okstate.edu and fill it out and mail it back with payment. If you have any questions contact JJ Jones ([email protected]) or 580-372-7011
Registration is now open for the 2024 OSU Meat Goat Boot Camp. Dates for this camp is October 21-23 and it will be in Ada, OK. Cost for the camp is $200/person and includes all educational materials plus lunch all three days and dinner Monday and Tuesday nights. To register, download the registration form at www.meatgoat.okstate.edu and fill it out and mail it back with payment. If you have any questions contact JJ Jones ([email protected]) or 580-372-7011
OSU will be hosting a market outlook webinar on March 26th at 6:00 p.m. CST. To register for webinar use the link below.
OSU's JJ Jones talks about the 2023 goat and sheep inventory numbers as well as a market outlook for the up coming year.
This is the recording of OSU's webinar on April 25th.
Sheep and Goat Outlook April 2023
In this recording of the April 25th OSU webinar titled Market Outlook and Parasite Management After A Drought, OSU's JJ Jones talks about the price and inven...
Dr. Barry Whitworth discusses how to manage parasites after coming out of a drought.
This is the recording of OSU's webinar of April 25th.
Parasite Management After a Drought
In a recording of the April 25 OSU webinar titled Market Outlook and Parasite Management After a Drought, OSU's Dr. Barry Whitworth, DVM discusses management...
On April 25th at 6:00 p.m. (CST) OSU will be hosting a webinar discussing the 2023 sheep and goat market outlook and parasite management after a drought. Speakers will be Dr. Barry Whitworth and JJ Jones.
Click on this link to register for the webinar.
OSU will be hosting a webinar to discuss the 2023 sheep and goat market outlook and parasite management after a drought.
To register click on the link below.
OSU Meat Goats Face Book page has been recreated. Our original Face Book page was hacked and summarily deleted. Therefore we had to create a new one.
On our page we will be posting about educational events such as the OSU Meat Goat Boot Camp and others. So please like our page to see what is coming.