


Aberdeen (SD) Central High School Class of 1968

Operating as usual


Happy, Happy, Chappy! Alan and Corene recently celebrated an anniversay. Haven't changed a bit! ❤

Photos from Ach1968's post 06/15/2024

Time for another shoutout to two youngsters celebrating 55 years together! CONGRATS to Steve and Pat Casanova!! ❤

Photos from Ach1968's post 06/02/2024

A couple of our classmates recently celebrated their Golden Anniversary. Congrats to Jim and Carolyn Mund and Sherwin and Nancy Benson!! Of course, Jim and Sherwin both robbed the cradle with much younger women.


Time for another stunning photo from our class "artist in residence", Sandy (Traxinger) Jorgenson. Sandy's description: "This was taken in 2023 on our third trip to Africa - here it was specifically Tanzania. I really miss those sights and sounds and would love to go back but age is becoming an obstacle to an 18-hour plane trip. On this trip we were privileged to see a mother cheetah and 5 two-week old cubs, and that same mother hunting a gazelle. We caught sight of these three brothers several times but never in a place for a good photo. This one was as close as I got."


Check out these babes at the 20th Class reunion. 🥰


Birthday greetings to Alan Chapman! He is just getting over shingles and ready to smile again!!


Our amazing Official Class Photographer, Sandy (Traxinger) Jorgenson, provides this incredible photo entitled: ICELAND AURORA. In her own words: "In 2014, I heard about a photo meet-up in Iceland. I jumped on a plane and joined about 20 photographers from all over - Sweden, Denmark, Australia, Wales, and a number from the US. We got lucky one night and were able to photograph the Aurora. However, the best part was meeting all these "strangers" - some of them have become lifelong friends. I have since met up with those friends in the Great Smokies, Maine, Yellowstone, and the Hills. It has been the best part of photography for me."

Photos from Ach1968's post 02/28/2024

If there ever was a love story, this is one of the best and most touching. It came from an article in the Aberdeen American News published in 2019 about Jim and Kathy Herman. She had begun showing signs of Alzheimer's sometime before our class's 50th reunion in 2018 and was totally dependent on him. Sadly, Jim, preceded Kathy in death last year and she lived without his loving guidance until this past week. They are now "reunited" together again. So, the story does not really have a sad ending. It is only beginning again.

* * * * *

When caregivers need a break or loneliness lingers, adult daycare is an option
By Erin Ballard [email protected]
July 26, 2019
Publication: American News, The (Aberdeen, SD)
When Jim Herman first noticed something was not quite right with his wife Kathy, he didn't think much of it. Forgetting about plans, getting disoriented here and there — these things happen with age, he thought.
But unfortunately, Kathy, like 50 million others worldwide, was suffering from dementia. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of the condition.
As with many who have loved ones experiencing the effects of memory and communication loss, Jim had a hard time accepting Kathy's fate. "We don't put the blame where it belongs. 'Oh, she's just being forgetful, everything's fine,'" Jim said. "You end up kicking the can down the road for a year and a half, and it just gets to a point where you know something is wrong and you have to do something."
For many that realization comes too late, when patients can no longer take care of themselves or the caregiver is too worn out to continue. At that point, there's often no choice but to send the person to be cared for away from home and family. That's where K.O. Lee Adult Day Health Center at Bethesda comes in.
Tucked away in a residential area of town, the facility is easily overlooked and often misunderstood. Unlike independent living and assisted-living facilities, the day center falls under short-term care. Its mission is to provide individualized daily care that allows people to stay at home longer. It's also a resource for caregivers — Jim, for example, does his grocery shopping and runs other errands while Kathy is at the center.
It makes life a little easier for those who want their loved ones to stay at home, but don't have the ability, physically or otherwise, to be on call 24/7. "You have to be the last one up at night, the first one up in the morning," Jim said. "It's mama duty. It's overwhelming." Jim and Kathy, both 69, have been married for 49 years. Jim spent hundreds of hours and traveled thousands of miles searching for a cure to Alzheimer's that he ultimately never found. That's when his doctor recommended the adult day health center, so he could have some relief in caregiving while maintaining a sense of normalcy for his wife and himself.
"Here's an opportunity to still maintain a lifestyle and a home. It's an alternative," said Scott Eisenbeisz, CEO/director of Bethesda Aberdeen. "This is what people want. This is really why we're pushing for this."
The decision isn't an easy one for anyone who has to make it. In the beginning, Jim struggled to leave behind his ninth-grade sweetheart for even a few hours at a time. "You're like a new mom and dropping your kids off at daycare. You cry all the way there and all the way home. I've done it," he said. But after the first day, those worries and anxieties washed away. "It's a different, strange world and we all need education. We are so ignorant of this disease. It scares us to death to start with," Jim said. "Then you meet people like this."
Currently, the facility sees about five to six clients a day. That number is usually higher during the winter months, Eisenbeisz said, but it doesn't come close to the 65-person maximum the facility allows. "We need to get it out there that we have this program. This is here for that gap," said Charity Pionk, director of K.O. Lee Adult Day Health Care. "It's not disease-specific, we take anybody who has any sort of nursing need."
Guilt seems to be the major player in why more people don't take advantage of the resource, according to Eisenbeisz. "If they have a female spouse and for 30, 40 years she ran the household, they think, 'Now I should be taking care of them,'" he said. "They feel like they're just dumping them off." But that couldn't be further from the truth.
The great part about the program is that it's specific to the needs of each client. If a caregiver only needs help for one hour on a Thursday afternoon, that's fine. While there are some regulars at the facility, others stop by only when they need assistance with bathing, or when they're feeling lonely and don't want to be home alone.
Costs are reasonable — $10 an hour and $5 per meal. And there's no minimum or maximum amount of time a person has to be at the center. "You're not committing to a year or a certain timeline," Eisenbeisz said. "Some clients come in two times a week. They can come in for two, six, eight hours at a time."
For however long they're there, clients have the freedom to do pretty much anything they'd like. Some take part in morning and afternoon group activities in the craft room or play cards with the assisted-living residents from next door. Some watch their 2 p.m. TV programs or read the newspaper. Still, others choose to spend their time sleeping in one of several reclining chairs in the nap room.
On-site, there is a salon room, where clients can make appointments to get their hair done; an exam room with medical staff on hand to help administer medication and other services; a gym with an underwater treadmill; an outdoor putting green and more. Kathy loves it, according to Jim. She feels like she's right at home, which is the goal of the facility.
"It's care planned toward what that client is used to at home. It's individualized," Eisenbeisz said. "We're not an adult babysitter. It's hard for us to put on pen and paper what we do. Just come and we'll work with you, and you can see what we're about."
As hard as it is to see his wife struggle, Jim couldn't be more grateful for the care she's received under Pionk and the team at K.O. Lee Adult Day Health Center. It's allowed him to keep the promise he made nearly five decades ago. "When you get married, you say five words. For better or for worse. And it's really hard (sometimes)," he said. "Because of Charity, I am here. These are special people. You don't get these people off the streets."
American News, The (Aberdeen, SD)
Date: July 26, 2019
Copyright 2019 The American News. All Rights Reserved.

Kathleen R. Herman | Aberdeen Insider 02/27/2024

Another of our dear classmates has "relocated." Kathy (Fix) Herman, the wife of another recently departed classmate, Jim Herman, sadly passed away on Sunday, Feb. 25th in Aberdeen. More will be written about Kathy and Jim soon. Please pray for the Herman family.

Kathleen R. Herman | Aberdeen Insider The funeral service for Kathleen Rose Herman, 73, of Aberdeen, SD, will be at 10:30am, Saturday, March 2, 2024, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, with Father


Thanks to you all for your reactions to Sandy (Traxinger) Jorgenson's picture post. Back by popular demand, another photo from the lens of Sandy. Who knows?! We may even get a cameo appearance from the artist herself soon!

This photo is entitled: "Winter in Yellowstone"


It's time to do a little 'show and tell' and braggin' about one of our talented classmates. Sandy (Traxinger) Jorgenson and her husband, Dave, have taken several trips/safaris to various regions of Africa. It is their passion to not only gaze upon the wildlife in their element but for Sandy to capture hundreds of photos of the amazing creatures she and Dave have seen in the wild. Sandy is very humble and can easily diminish her talent; however, we were able to get from her one (of hundreds) of photographs. It's shown here and entitled "Two Bulls in Black and White". Let it be know in the comments section if you'd like to see more of her photos. Getting her to show them off is a challenge, but this author believes she could publish her pictures and generate a huge following.

Larry Allen Flagtvedt | Aberdeen Insider 01/11/2024

Sad to share the recent death of classmate, Larry Flagvedt. He passed away on Jan. 4, 2024 in his home in Austin, TX. One gets a clear sense of the significance of Larry's life-long advocation and heart for others by reading the tribute in his obituary. RIP Larry.

Larry Allen Flagtvedt | Aberdeen Insider In loving memory of Larry Allen Flagtvedt-October 24,1950-January 4,2024


TO EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE ACHS CLASS OF '68: May the coming year be filled with health, peace, and prosperity for all!


Here's a recent note received from Brice Hickenbotham following our recent reunion in Aberdeen. I wanted all classmates who read this page to see it...

As I look at these pictures and read of those living and passed away, I feel a deep sense of regret for never attending one of these reunions. And another for not keeping in close contact with most of you; these names and pictures sure bring back memories of Aberdeen Central HS. Life goes by so fast or so it seems from this perspective of today. I hope to attend one of these before it is too late. I prided myself on knowing the names of every one of my classmates but was stunned when I found out that one of our classmates, Tom Lennon, was unknown to me until the following year when he was a roommate of Mark Schneider's at SD School of Mines and Technology. He came to Aberdeen our senior year and I had not shared any classes with him at Central. Best wishes to all of you still here to read this! Sincerely, Brice Hickenbotham


Check out the new edition of Blue & Gold published by the ACHS Public School Foundation. Lots of coverage regarding the Class of '68 (see pp. 2, 5, and 11).



It's time for a 'blast from the past' (1968). Can anyone guess who these two beauties might be?


We received a very nice note from Peter Heidler, our foreign exchange classmate from Germany. I have responded to him with greetings from all his "old" classmates and friends.


I am very impressed by the two videos you had as a topic at the reunion. A lot of memories relating to Aberdeen so many years ago have come flooding back. Melancholy prevails about the number of missing landmarks and the many familiar faces who are no longer with us today. I think and hope that your meeting has helped reduce the melancholy among the participants. The photos on Facebook show very much the happy part of such days of remembrance. Warm greetings to all of you.


Aberdeen Public School District 10/07/2023

Update on collection taken on Saturday evening on behalf of the Aberdeen Public School Foundation: we collected $265 during the evening and rounded that up from funds collected from the reunion to an even $500. Jim Mund (along with co-organizers Nancy Enze and Alan Chapman - thanks, guys!) will be sending a check. It will be designated to the “Class of ‘68” fund. Please be encouraged to send any additional donations to

Aberdeen Public School District Home of the Golden Eagles


Here's a great photo of Joni Cramer and Claudia Kapp taken during the Old Central tour. ❤


On Saturday evening of our recent reunion, we shared an "In Memoriam" video (produced by Bob Couser) of our classmates who have gone before us. We are aware of seventy-six of our beloved friends who have passed. Unfortunately, the video we shared was a version produced for our 50th reunion in 2018. Below is an updated version on YouTube that pays tribute to our beloved classmates...gone but NEVER forgotten.

Photos from Ach1968's post 10/05/2023

Here are some great shots from Vicki (Wylie) Libis. There's one bonus picture that she included from 1967. It's a classic of Vicki and Patti (Grote) Lentz from the 1967 Powder Puff football game! 😄

Photos from Ach1968's post 10/05/2023

One last photo dump. This is from my phone. I'll work on labels soon.

Photos from Ach1968's post 10/05/2023

A gaggle of photos from Bob/Gary Best and his wife, Anita. I had a great conversation with them both and learned some interesting things about Bob. Like: he never had a date in high school; he has three degrees (two engineering degrees - one from the Air Force Academy, another from Iowa State) - not to mention a nursing degree (he still practices!); AND met his wonderful wife, Anita, who was his boss while they were nursing together. I digress.

Photos from Ach1968's post 10/04/2023

Photos received from Jane Johnson (thanks, Jane!). They are from the Saturday tour of Old Central.

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Presentation College Business Department Presentation College Business Department
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Aberdeen, 57401

For enrolled Presentation College Business students, as well as alumni, to find upcoming events, news, and everyday happenings at Presentation College.

Northern State University Voice, Jazz & Strings Camps Northern State University Voice, Jazz & Strings Camps
Northern State University 1200 S. Jay Street
Aberdeen, 57401

This is a group for anyone who has attended or would like to attend the NSU Voice or Jazz Camps. Share memories, post photos, and catch up with friends!