Prociz Research Centre

Our aim is to promote open access.

We offer information that is vital to researchers,scholars ,the academic fraternity ( academia) and the public that is looking out for further information detailed in the different research areas.

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Guidelines for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences, Law and the Humanities

The Guidelines for Research Ethics have been compiled to help researchers and the research community be cognizant of their ethical views and attitudes, raise their awareness of conflicting standards, promote good judgement and enhance their ability to make well-founded decisions in the face of conflicting considerations. The Guidelines presented in this booklet cover what are often known as cultural and social studies, i.e. social sciences, the humanities, law and theology read more at

Legal Management - Prociz Research Centre Guidelines for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences, Law and the Humanities The Guidelines for Research Ethics have been compiled to help researchers and the research community be cognisant of their ethical views and attitudes, raise their awareness of conflicting standards, promote good judgement...


Behavioral Sciences :: Code of ethics for research in the social and behavioral sciences involving human participants ( As accepted by the Deans of Social Sciences in the Netherlands)

This Code of Ethics for the Social and Behavioural Sciences is meant/intended as a guideline for research in the social and behavioural sciences involving human participants not covered by the Medical Research Involving Human Participants Act [Wet medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek met mensen, WMO). Research in the social and behavioural sciences is diverse in … read more

Behavioral Sciences - Prociz Research Centre Behavioral and Social Science Research: A National Resource, Part I – 1982 Moving beyond the value criterion , the report addresses the other two criteria by posing a second basic question. What are the contributions of scientific knowledge beyond the normal boundaries of the discipline or discipl...


An Introduction to Philosophy

The goal of this text is to present philosophy to newcomers as a living discipline with historical roots. While a few early chapters are historically organized, my goal in the historical chapters is to trace a developmental progression of thought that introduces basic philosophical methods and frames issues that remain relevant today. Later chapters are topically organized. These include philosophy of science and philosophy of mind, areas where philosophy has shown dramatic recent progress … read more >>>


The Study and Practice of Planning

Those who engaged in the polemic had discussed planning primarily in relation to economic behaviour.
What had been cast in doubt specifically was the wisdom and practicality of a socialist order. In the beginning, the mere possibility of socialist planning had been questioned. Those who engaged in the polemic had discussed planning primarily in relation to economic behaviour. What had been cast in doubt specifically was the wisdom and practicality of a socialist order. In the beginning, the mere possibility of socialist planning had been questioned read more at


the aim is to offer information that is vital to researcher,scholars and the academic fraternity and the public that is looking out on further information detailed in the different areas at the one stop location. Our aim is to promote open access.


Rural Studies
admin Rural Studies
Rural Studies – Enlighten

This paper draws on research with people from African, Caribbean and Asian backgrounds regarding perceptions and use of the English countryside. I explore the complex ways in which the category ‘rural’ was constructed as both essentialised and relational: how the countryside was understood most definitely as ‘not-city’ but also, at the same time , the English countryside was conceived as part of a range of networks: one site in a web of ‘nature places’ across the country, as well as one rural in an international chain of rurals – specifically via embodied and emotional connections with ‘nature’ read more at

Rural Studies - Prociz Research Centre Rural Studies – Enlighten This paper draws on research with people from African, Caribbean and Asian backgrounds regarding perceptions and use of the English countryside. I explore the complex ways in which the category ‘rural’ was constructed as both essentialised and relational: how the coun...


Cognitive Science can be roughly summed up as the scientific interdisciplinary study of the mind. Its primary methodology is the scientific method although as we will see many other methodologies also contribute. A hall mark of cognitive science is its interdisciplinary approach …more at

Cognitive Sciences - Prociz Research Centre An Introduction to the study of the mind – 2006 Cognitive Science can be roughly summed up as the scientific interdisciplinary study of the mind. Its primary methodology is the scientific method although as we will see many other methodologies also contribute. A hall mark of cognitive science is i...

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UCU - Department of Development Studies UCU - Department of Development Studies
Department Of Development Studies, Faculty Of Social Sciences, Uganda Christian Universty
Seeta, P.OBOX4

This page was created for purposes of bringing to you the academic programmes and activities in the Department of Development Studies at UCU