Primary Seven class, the 2024 PLE candidates at Hope Schools Uganda. Their last year primary (elementary) school before joining high school (secondary) next year. Please keep these little ones in your prayers 🙏.
Affordable quality education for Girls & Boys, Kindergarten through Primary 7 (Hope Junior Sch.) Day & Boarding. Kyetume, Masaka-Mbarara Rd.
and Secondary O & A’ levels (Hope Integrated S.S.) & Vocational Training. Tel: 0703145230 or 0779703575
Operating as usual
Primary Seven class, the 2024 PLE candidates at Hope Schools Uganda. Their last year primary (elementary) school before joining high school (secondary) next year. Please keep these little ones in your prayers 🙏.
The lady’s netball team ready for the game at Hope Schools Uganda
Looks like a fun class - I think I should go back for kindergarten (which some of us never had back then in the Middle Ages hehe 😜)
A beautiful message. He is risen indeed, Allelluia!
Happy Easter
The beauty of friendship 🥰 - Sam, Carol, and Cathy just chilling in the Hope gardens.
Happy people
From design concept to reality—the school kitchen and cafeteria taking shape slowly at Hope Schools Uganda. Very grateful for our friends whose generosity makes all these beautiful facilities possible for the children.
These Honorables are serious
"You are strong when you know your weaknesses. You are beautiful when you appreciate your flaws. You are wise when you learn from your mistakes."
~ Author Unknown
Ronald, 10yrs, checked in at the hospital yesterday after traveling more than hours from home to Jinja with his mom. He has been diagnosed with a congenital upper limb limpladema which is to be managed surgically by debulking. Doctors said that it will be done in 3 phases/surgeries. That he will need to maintain compression garments on the limb to ensure good healing as they do physiotherapy and other rehabilitation measures for close to three months in the hospital. Many thanks to friends who have generously contributed toward Ronald’s medical bill. We are now only still $500 short, plus an additional $200 for hospital upkeep (meals etc). Any assistance via www.UgandaRuralFund.org or 0776-455545 or 0703-829401 (Judith) will be appreciated. Please keep Ronald in your prayers as he begins this long journey to recovery. Thank you 🙏.
"We must use our lives to make the world a better place to live, not just to acquire things. That is what we are put on the earth for."
~ Dolores Huerta
Welcome to Hope Schools Uganda - slow but steady progress; will get there soon!
Our 2024 Primary Seven candidates already seriously preparing for success. We wish them well.
Serious learners
The girls’ dormitory shinning after the renovations - the young ladies are enjoying their nice space. More work is under way to make the whole Schools Uganda campus shine like this. We are eternally grateful to friends whose generosity is creating these beautiful spaces for the children.
Someone is chilling alone in the Hope gardens
Grateful to all our great teachers at Hope Schools Uganda who do amazing things for the little ones. God bless them and all teachers around the world for the sacrifices they make for us to learn and prepare for a bright future 🙏.
Taking shape slowly - soon the entrance will be shinning like this at Hope Schools Uganda
Some people got moves - love these cheerful moments
Congratulations to our 2023 candidates both for Primary 7 (PLE) and Senior 4 (UCE) national exams. They all passed with excellent results: 18 in Division 1 (out of 49) for Senior 4 and 10 in Division 1 (out of 22) and the rest in Div 2 for Primary 7. Grateful to our dedicated teachers and staff as well as the friends and sponsors who bless our children with a special gift of this quality education. God bless the students as they continue on to high school and other career paths, parents and guardians, as well as the friends and sponsors who bless our children with a special gift of this quality education. God bless the students as they continue on to high school and other career paths.
Registration in progress for Kindergarten, Primary, O’&A’level at Hope Schools, Day & Boarding, located at Kyetume, Lwengo along Masaka-Mbarara Rd. High academic performance and affordable fees structure and bursaries available. Inbox or call 0779-703575 or 0703-145230. God bless you!
Orientation session for the new students in Form 1 (freshman) at Hope Schools Uganda. Wishing them success and blessings as they begin their high school journey.
All school weekly Mass today - worshipping and praising the Lord for his goodness 🙏.
Little Ethan is 3 year old and has some complications with his liver. He needs help to do an MRCP scan to determine of treatment before his liver gets too damaged. Any assistance toward $300 goal via via www.UgandaRuralFund.Org or 0776-455545 or 0703-829401 (Judith) will be appreciated. Thank you. Unfortunately, Ethan’s two older siblings died from similar complications because they were not lucky to have an early intervention; so, the mom is disperate to save his remaining child.
Hands-on learning for the kindergarten children
Our newly renovated girls dormitory.
Registration in progress for Kindergarten, Primary, O’&A’level at Hope Schools, Day & Boarding, located at Kyetume, Lwengo along Masaka-Mbarara Rd. High academic performance and affordable fees structure and bursaries available. Inbox or call 0779-703575 or 0703-145230. God bless you!
A Charity school for the children of Africa with a Christian Foundation.7
Katovu Highway is one of the most popular schools in Lwengo District. It is located at Katovu Hill i
Established in 2006, Kiwangala Community Primary School provides inclusive free and affordable appro
Noble j s stated in 2019 January with the aim of improving the local standards of education which
The children home serves to accommodate orphans and children with family issues. Having accommodated
his grace nur&pri sch we have a group of parents who feel dat they have to change da behavia ov da community from young generation
Where Quality Education Service Matters!
this page z based on true story. so da creaturez dat are "expendables" are welcm hence, intelligents are highle needed 4 mo conact me