Legal Aid Clinic Advisory Board conducts monitoring visit in Kabarole.
Led by Justice Eva Luswata, board paid a courtesy visit to Ministry of Justice & Constitutional Affairs, interfaced with the Resident Judge Kabarole High Court & later on had a brief meeting at LAC Kabarole.
🎉 Happy Birthday to our exceptional Senior Systems Administrator, none other than Mukundane Felix! 🎉
Your dedication and innovative spirit keep us moving forward every day. Wishing you a year filled with success, joy and continued achievements. 🥂
Lord it's another great week you have allowed us to see. May anxieties and fears be far from us as we take great strides in our ventures.
May you go ahead of us so that our seeds easily bear abundant fruit without strife. We have prayed and believed. Amen
Meet the new Law Development Centre Management Committee members appointed by The Attorney General
Hon Kiryowa Kiwanuka
: Launch of the Red Volumes 7Th Revised Edition of Principal Laws of Uganda . https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v4tVx1B_LBIMhM6saZYa8F85ANrJXtjY/view?usp=drivesdk
CLE students after an interface with the Resident Judge Lira High Court, Justice Duncan Gaswaga. He took the students through handling of appeals mainly; reading a record of proceedings, formulation of grounds of appeal, prosecution of appeals and Powers of the first and second appellate court, bail pending appeals and Professional conduct and ethics - a perspective from the bench.
In her routine visits to regional campuses, the Head Bar Course, Mrs. Annette Karungi Mutabingwa, interacted with Mbarara Campus students where she taught, mentored and guided them.
The LAC Lira Team and students participating in the Court Open Day taking place at Lira High Court grounds.
The day, being held under the theme, "A people Centered approach to Justice" is presided over by Justice Duncan Gaswaga on behalf of the Principal Judge.
Happy Birthday Ms Imelda Kaija Mugabi, Finance Manager!
Your contributions and positive energy makes our workplace a better place every day.
Wishing you a fantastic year ahead filled with success and joy! 🎉
LAC Lira Team + student practitioners held a legal aid camp with the aim of offering basic legal knowledge and legal aid (interviewing clients, offering legal advice and counselling) to court users at the Lira High Court today.
They were joined by the Community Service Officer to address the court users on basic legal areas especially;
1. Marriages
2. Land ownership and land rights
3. Succession and will writing
4. ADR
5. Juvenile justice with a focus on diversion
6. The court process
Today, we hosted a team from the Uganda Law Council who came for annual inspection as mandated by law. They were received by the Acting Director, Mr. Precious Ngabirano and members of top management.
Special Happy birthday greetings to our own Richard Mwebembezi Head Of Subject Corporate and Commercial Practice.
Strengthening Justice for All:
Led by our incoming Director, Dr Pamela Tibihikirra-Kalyegira, our Legal Aid Clinic team in Kabarole District held a productive meeting with justice stakeholders at the Fort Portal Remand Home. This collaborative session brought together representatives from Community Service and other stakeholders to discuss ways of enhancing access to justice for all, especially the vulnerable people.
We are committed to ensuring that justice is served and we look forward to continued partnerships and progress in promoting human rights and the rule of law in our communities.
: Courts can strike down interest rates that are harsh
and unconscionable. The court has the authority to adjust such interest rates.... https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-KkvC_70bUKIPZo0CgL30Lhrfq4WhQHl
Swahili Version : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10JADVrIqsAp4FLpQQWRtqcSlSW2eHKE_
The Hon. Attorney Hon Kiryowa Kiwanuka appoints new Law Development Centre Management Committee.
Pictorial highlights of the Kampala Campus Sports Gala.
, new beginnings!
Welcome June with open arms and a heart full of possibilities - Lukyamuzi Hamis Ddungu Secretary / Head HR and Administration LDC /
: Judicial review is the High Court's supervisory authority over subordinate courts, tribunals, and other quasi-judicial entities, ensuring that decisions are made…http://drive.google.com/drive/folders/…
Swahili Version: http://drive.google.com/drive/folders/…
We hosted Mr Ivan Katongole Deputy Director, Land use Planning and Development Kampala Capital City Authority - KCCA. He lectured our Bar Course students on the topic: The role of physical planning in development of a city: A perspective of KCCA. Thank you Mr Katongole for equipping our students 👍
Our vision is to be the leading Centre for professional legal training and facilitate access to justice. ?
The LDC part time teaching and Program team from Legal Aid Clinic attended a digital rights training program in Nairobi Kenya.
: vs. Nancy Wison Oryema, Misc. Application
No. 089 of 2021 (Arising from Misc. Application No. 049 of 2021, Misc.
Application No. 048 of 2021, Civil Suit No. 039 of 2010)….https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-KkvC_70bUKIPZo0CgL30Lhrfq4WhQHl
Swahili Version : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10JADVrIqsAp4FLpQQWRtqcSlSW2eHKE_
Students undertook the drafting of bail applications as well as submissions for accused persons who have stayed on remand for over 180 days without being committed to the High Court for trial. It’s part of LAC's mandate to impart practical skills such as drafting legal documents
: The burden of disproving an alibi rests with the prosecution, ensuring that the accused does not have to prove their alibi. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-KkvC_70bUKIPZo0CgL30Lhrfq4WhQHl
Swahili Version: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10JADVrIqsAp4FLpQQWRtqcSlSW2eHKE_
The Law Development Centre Kampala campus Guild leadership present the this Sunday 2nd June 2024.
The 3rd organising committee meeting for the Inter East Africa Schools of Law Sports Gala and Moot is underway. The activity is scheduled to take place in September 2024. Mnakaribishwa Legal Practice Rwanda , and School of Law, Tanzania.
The Law Council through its Committee on Legal Education and Training has published a list of Universities accredited to teach Law in Uganda. Find copy in today’s The New Vision page 15.