Finally got settled in from the summer. It was great being home and catching up with all our students.
It was humbling to see how much change we are making in their lives. Seeing them gave me a new hope and made me even more excited about where we are going.
As you may also have known, we were doing some construction work at our campus in Tirinyi with support from the Davis Peace Project Fund. Our new classroom block is underway and expected to be complete by the beginning of the next school year (January). Once complete, it’s expected to accommodate over 120 new students.
We also completed our partnership with Joy to the World Foundation and to help with the completion of the new classroom block, we have set up a fundraising page where you can donate to support this work.
Our partnership means that you can now make a tax-deductible donation to Heritage Prime Academies directly through their platform. Below is a link to our campaign page.
As always, we appreciate all the continued support, and for those who haven’t hopped on yet, please do so to help us extend quality education to more students.
Heritage Prime Academies
People forget how first you did a job- But remember how well you did it
Few things fire up a person's commitment like dedication to excellence.
At Heritage Prime Academies our commitment is extend quality affordable education to the Rural areas and our first area of ex*****on of this great movement is in Tirinyi.
build the future.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tinny matters compared to what lies with in us. If your thinking changes then everything can follow.
Join us as we build the future through providing affordable quality education in rural areas and most importantly raise awareness about girl child education.
We are excited to announce that in addition to our fundraising efforts last summer, we received the Davis grant of $10,000 to add to the construction of a 4-classroom block at the school in Tirinyi.
Wartburg students receive Davis grants for projects in Uganda, Sierra Leone - Wartburg College
Two Wartburg College student-led projects have each received $10,000 Davis Projects for Peace grants. Sophomore Collins Kalyebi will return to Uganda where,
Teaching Ugandan Girls to Code to Keep Them in School
One third of Ugandan school children won’t make it to the end of their primary education, but that could change, thanks to a women’s technology organization and a British NGO whose coding lessons encourage them to stay in school and give them crucial skills for the future.
Make a difference this Monday morning. Grab a few friends and join together to put a roof over a classroom!
Click here to support Build a Classroom, Build the Future by Collins Kalyebi
Help us lay the next brick, hammer the next nail, and raise the roof for four new classrooms in rural Uganda. Each of the four classrooms will seat 40 students - that’s immediate impact for 160 students! Imagine walking an hour to school every morning then squeezing into a classroom of 200 other st...
See our school first-hand in our new video
Heritage Prime Academies
Heritage Prime Academies is a social enterprise that is focusing on making quality education in Rural Uganda affordable and accessible.
"Quality private schools no longer have to be privileges of the rich. Empowering parents and allowing schools to compete has been shown to work for even the most desperately poor. "
Affordable private schools in developing countries are working!
Low-Cost Private Schools a Success for Developing World Families
ThinkstockPhotos-531633414.jpg Last week, the World Bank held a debate as part of the inaugural Africa Knowledge Fest, “Help or Hindrance: Are Low-Cost Private Schools Helping Achieve Quality Education For All in Africa?”. The discussion comes at an interesting time, with President Trump’s controver...
We are dedicated to making quality education affordable for low-income families. At $8 per month, our costs are half of typical private schools.
Education is the best equalizer. Share if you agree!
Education in Africa is 70 years behind the best International Standards | Innov8tiv
According to a report published recently, education in Africa is 70 years behind current standards in Asia and Europe. To catch up, Africa has to expand inf
Primary school under construction: Once completed, it will allow over 700 Children in Tirinyi(Uganda) and the neighboring communities access to affordable quality education.
Its not only in Uganda. Its a struggle in most of the East African countries and Beyond. As HPS, we are here to address this issue through providing low cost yet high quality education accessible to all.
Concern as challenges still face free education policy
The introduction of free education plan was welcomed by jubilation in most poor families which could not afford to take their children to school.
''I would like to see everyone achieve their dreams, and thats what this organisation does'' - Sergey Brin
''Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world'' - Nelson Mandela. -------- And we are on the journey to prove that in the lives of these young masters.