The Gender and ICT Youth Forums resume today. This morning we are at Kitgum Technical Institute talking about Gender and the role of ICT in Development/ Education. Women of Uganda Network and a Team from Uganda Communications Commission (UCC).
Gender and ICT Youth Forums
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Gender and ICT Youth Forums More Gender ICT and Youth Forums were held at district level in Hoima, Fort Portal, Kasese, Koboko, Arua and Nebbi.
In an effort to raise awareness about the benefits and opportunities offered by ICTs and to increase women /youth use of ICTs and to empower them to improve on their livelihoods and status in society, the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) has partnered with Women of Uganda Network to organize regional Gender and ICT Youth Forums to raise awareness of ICT among the youth in Uganda. The regiona
Operating as usual

WOUGNET Update Newsletter - March 2012
WOUGNET Update Newsletter - March 2012 In recognition of International Women’s Day, WOUGNET has posted a blog on e-agriculture highlighting our experiences with female farmers and the use of ICTs in Agriculture. Read more...

WOUGNET Update Newsletter - February 2012
the other day our colleagues were involved in a debate with one of the Lecturers at a University in Iganga District. This debate followed our forum on ICT and Gender which registered 150 or so students. There were a few teachers participating. After the forum one of the senior lecturers said "its better if you train us the teachers first before you go to the students!"
we are at Bishop Willis Teachers College in Iganga District (Eastern Uganda) the teachers and students are very excited about the Gender and ICT Youth Forums. One of the female teachers said "we are very happy to have Women of Uganda Network today. The biggest population in this school is girls and I am sure they would love to learn more about Gender and ICT issues!"
this morning we are in Iganga District on Institutional and School visits to raise awareness on ICTs among the youth. If you are in Iganga feel free to leave us a comment or question. :)
Some of the concerns that the students raised included the fact that their institute does not have a single computer and yet they believe that computer are very handy tools in education. And indeed computers aid learning in various ways. The Uganda Communications Commission through the Rural Communications Development Fund (RCDF) is implementing a project to improve on access to ICTs.
Can students study with out computers? | Gender and ICT Youth Forums On March 21st we (Women of Uganda Network in partnership with Uganda Communications Network) took the Gender and ICT Youth Forum to the students at Jinja Training Institute which is an engineering vocational institute. The engineering students were excited to learn about ICT and its role is developm
this morning we (WOUGNET & UCC are at Jinja Vocational Training Institute talking to the Engineering students about ICT and Gender. Many of the students do not know what ICT means. Which explains why we are .here!
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